
Infinite journeys of a cosmic-eyed traveler

In a distant land, there exists a unique formation of six villages arranged in the shape of a star. At the center of this star formation lies a mysterious portal that holds the power to traverse through different universes and even time itself. This portal bestows incredible superpowers upon those who dare to venture through it. The story revolves around a chosen hero, destined to embark on a remarkable journey. Initially possessing limited abilities, the hero gradually accumulates extraordinary powers at each stage of their quest. These powers are stored within a metaphorical "bucket," symbolizing the hero's growing strength and potential.

santhosh_katakam · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 2: Amrutaksharam (place of Knowledge )

Amruthaksharam, a village located far to the north of Parvatshila, roughly about 3000 km away.

The tourists would often associate this village with lush valleys, meandering rivers, snow-capped peaks, and serene lakes. It is indeed a breathtaking place of natural beauty.

However, the village's real beauty lies in its traditional architecture, with houses made of wood and stone that blend harmoniously with the natural surroundings. The locals take great pride in maintaining the village's cultural heritage, and their warm hospitality makes visitors feel welcome and cherished.

And one shouldn't forget its deep-rooted connection to Ayurvedic practices, making it a hub for holistic healing and wellness.

The abundance of medicinal herbs, plants, and flowers found in the nearby forests and mountains is utilized in Ayurvedic preparations and therapies.

Amruthaksharam enhances the healing properties of these natural remedies. It wasn't clear why though.

In fact, one shouldn't be surprised if a random citizen of the village knew how to give emergency treatment to someone in need with the help of Ayurveda.

A few years prior to the incident;

Grand Library, university of Amrita;

In the middle of Amruthaksharam stands a tall tower, which serves as a library housing a vast collection of books encompassing subjects such as history, literature, Ayurveda, philosophy, and more.

With a tense expression on his face, Professor Madhava Sharma, a distinguished faculty member at the University, cautiously walks into the tower.

He glances back, ensuring that no one is observing his actions, and proceeds with careful steps toward the restricted section on the top floor.

After a while;

The Professor looked visibly exhausted and disappointed as he was leaving the restricted area.

Unbeknownst to him, Devadatta, a student who was working as a part-time assistant for the librarian on the same floor, notices his departure and rushes toward him.

Deva calls him from behind, although in an unsure tone, "Professor Madhav?"

As the professor slowly turned around, Deva let out a sigh of relief that he found the right person and spoke, "I've been searching for you for the past hour."

Madhav's eyes widened in surprise, not expecting the student to be here, "Deva... You!" Attempting to regain composure, he added, "What brings you here?"

Deva momentarily forgot about his mission of informing the principal's message to the professor and spoke, "Sir, you entered the restricted area. Is everything alright?"

Adjusting his voice, Madhav replied, "Oh, this... uh... I... I came here while chasing my pet cat. It led me up here, and I ended up getting lost." He gave an excuse with whatever that came to his mind.

Deva stared at him for a couple of seconds in silence as if he was trying to say 'Are you kidding me?'

As the professor looked away, Deva asked, "Professor, are you sure everything is fine? You seem different today."

Trying to mask his frustration, Madhav forced himself to speak in a confident tone as he reassured the prized student of the university, "Yes, Deva, everything is fine. Just a bit tired and frustrated from searching for my cat. My wife adores her, you know."

Deva observes the uneasiness in Madhav's voice and demeanor, sensing that something is amiss.

Madhav, eager to leave the conversation, quickly walked away, leaving Deva standing there, perplexed by the strange encounter.

Deva: "Professor Madhav..."

Madhav (pausing momentarily, still walking)

Deva silently stared at his back until Professor disappeared from his sight and then shifted his attention towards the restriction section. His interest was piqued. "Mmm…"

Later, he peeked out of a nearby window and noticed a few books thrown out from the bookshelves in the restricted area.

Remembering Professor Madhav's troubled expression from earlier, Deva began to suspect that there is more to the story.

"What might it be?"

Several theories started popping into Deva's mind until a familiar voice brought him back to the earth. It was his friend, Ranga.

Deva turned around, "Ranga, what's going on?

Ranga replied, "Professor Brahmaputra has called for everyone to assemble at the seminar hall. He wants to address the crowd."

Deva was taken aback, "Everyone? Did he mention anything specific?"

Ranga shrugged his shoulders as he replied, "Who knows? I'm not sure, but it seemed urgent. He didn't provide any details. We should hurry and join the others."

Deva and Ranga make their way to the seminar hall, with curiosity. As they enter, they see a large gathering of professors, staff, and students, all eagerly waiting.

As the crowd settled down, Professor Brahmaputra stepped forward, his voice projecting with authority and determination of the principal/Head professor.

Professor Brahmaputra: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? I have some important news to share with all of you. Prince Varunendra Simha, the rightful heir to the Vajranagar throne, will be arriving at Amruthaksharam in less than 10 days, accompanied by his 3000 soldiers and ministers. This momentous occasion marks the beginning of a new era for our beloved kingdom.

The crowd buzzed with excitement and anticipation, their murmurs growing louder.

Professor Brahmaputra: I urge each and every one of you to take the initiative and make the necessary arrangements for this coronation ceremony to ensure that everything goes smoothly during his visit. We must show our utmost respect and hospitality to Prince Varunendra Simha and his entourage. I expect this occasion will be a memorable one, free from any mishaps. Our universities pride is at stake here.

Everyone nodded in understanding, knowing the importance of the upcoming event.

After a while, the crowd dispersed.

Devadatta, along with his dedicated team, decided to pour their heart and soul into organizing the event, leaving no stone unturned to ensure its success.

The day finally arrived, and amidst the anticipation, Prof Brahmaputra, Devadatta, and other professors gathered at the top of the tower to witness the grandeur unfold.

From their vantage point, they could see the King's army making their way toward the Amruthaksharam, a mere 10km away.

Everyone on the tower, witnesses the arrival of a large procession of elephants, causing the ground to tremble with their powerful footsteps.

The sound of galloping horses reverberates through the air, synchronizing with the racing heartbeats of the people of Amruthaksharam.

A mix of excitement and concern fills Ranga's voice as he expressed his apprehension about whether the arrangements made will be sufficient to accommodate such a vast gathering.

Devadatta felt a little tense, like everyone else. He was after all the leader of the team that organized the event. If something goes wrong, he was worried that he might face the consequences.

Within moments, the royal Marathon led by King Varunendra arrived at Amruthaksharam, the place of a grand event.

King received a royal welcome.

The performances showcased the diversity of the kingdom's heritage, featuring traditional dances from various regions.

From the lively and energetic beats of the folk dances to the graceful and elegant movements of classical dances, each performance was a celebration of the kingdom's culture.

Next day;

All the arrangements were made for the big day.

"Your Highness," said Prof Brahmaputra, bowing respectfully. Prince Varunendra greeted Prof Brahmaputra in return.

"Your father was a great king," commented Prof Brahmaputra and further added, "and it is because of his interest in Ayurveda that Amruthaksharam has been developed. He used to say that knowledge sharing can make people happy."

Prince Varunendra replied, expressing his commitment to continuing his father's thought process. "Everything possible, I will do to develop the lives of the people in Amruthaksharam."

After a brief pause, the prince then expressed his desire to learn martial arts and acquire superpowers from Prof Brahmaputra, expecting a yes from the other party.

Fortunately, everything went according to his wishes. The principal didn't disappoint him.

"That's your right to learn," Prof Brahmaputra assured him. "I will definitely help you with that."

He then introduced Devadatta, one of his best students, who would assist the prince in his martial arts training.

Prof Brahmaputra also didn't forget to mention that Devadatta had taken care of all the arrangements for today's ceremony to give his bright student his credit.

"Your Highness"

Devadatta greeted Prince Varunendra with a respectful bow, and the prince reciprocated by touching his shoulders in a gesture of gratitude.

"Can you take me on a city tour of Amruthaksharam, Deva?" the prince asked.

"It is my pleasure, your highness," Devadatta replied with a smile. "I'll do my best to not disappoint you."

It was then the sound of conch reverberated all over the university. As Deva and the prince turned toward the source, Prof Brahma reminded them, "It's time to attend the ceremony."

Prince Varunendra Simha led the procession, followed by his ministers, Prof Brahmaputra, Devadatta, and others, as they made their way towards the stage.

The stage was set up in front of the tower building, creating a grand backdrop for the ceremony.

As Prince Varunendra Simha emerged from the tower, he waved at the crowd that had gathered to witness the momentous event.

The atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation as the musicians played joyful music, and a royal welcome was performed.

Prince Varunendra Simha waved once again to the crowd, acknowledging their presence and support.

Prof Brahmaputra then stepped forward and crowned the prince, proclaiming him the "King of Vajranagara, Varunendra Simha," with a voice filled with joy.

"All hail King Varunendra Simha" "Long live King Varunendra Simha" "All hail King Varunendra Simha" "Long live King Varunendra Simha"

The crowd erupted in cheers, hailing Varunendra Simha with enthusiasm and joy.

The atmosphere was electric, as everyone celebrated the ascension of their new king.

However, amidst the jubilation, taking everyone by shock, suddenly, an arrow was shot from the top of the tower, tearing through Varunendra Simha's spinal cord and striking his chest.


Letting out a groan of pain, the prince collapsed on the ground, losing consciousness.

The joyous occasion turned into a scene of horror once the crowd realized what had happened.
