
Infinite journeys of a cosmic-eyed traveler

In a distant land, there exists a unique formation of six villages arranged in the shape of a star. At the center of this star formation lies a mysterious portal that holds the power to traverse through different universes and even time itself. This portal bestows incredible superpowers upon those who dare to venture through it. The story revolves around a chosen hero, destined to embark on a remarkable journey. Initially possessing limited abilities, the hero gradually accumulates extraordinary powers at each stage of their quest. These powers are stored within a metaphorical "bucket," symbolizing the hero's growing strength and potential.

santhosh_katakam · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Year 1483, 8th month of the calendar;

Parvathashila, Varaha Kanda;

It was getting dark in the sky, the moon is hiding behind the clouds and the sun is shutting for the day.

On the top of the hill, a teenage cow herder was lying against the tree and watching the horizon over the ocean while his cattle were busy grazing the grass.

All of a sudden, a loud noise resembling that of an "Om" was heard deep within the ocean, grabbing his attention.

The boy stared at the sea with a clear look of shock on his face as a strange, "What the…"

75 years later;

Parvathashila is a captivating island with a unique landscape.

Surrounded by the sea on one side, it is encompassed by three majestic mountains on the other side. While its interior is rich with dense forests, the arable land is below 14%.

Atop the highest peak, a magnificent Shiva temple stands, offering a serene setting for worship and the island's isolation has preserved its pristine beauty, making it a perfect retreat for those seeking tranquillity.

Explorers can wander through enchanting forest trails, admire hidden waterfalls, or relax on untouched beaches.

Parvathashila is not just an island; it represents the harmony of nature and the indomitable human spirit, leaving an indelible impression on the hearts of all who are fortunate to visit.

The tribal people who were the majority here were quite welcoming to the tourists and citizens alike.

Ramachari is a priest in that temple and also serves as the head of the village, just like his ancestors. He enjoys great respect among the villages and even the tribal clans.

He has three children named Devadatta(27), Trikuta(23) and Anirudra(23). Anirudra is adopted but he was treated the same as the other two children.

It was afternoon around 3 o'clock;

At the seashore, a tall, handsome, and physically fit but not overly buffed guy is wrestling with some who was double his size.

"Deva" "Deva" "Deva" "Deva" "Deva"

People were cheering for Devadatta as he was completely overpowering his opponent. Despite the size differences, Devadatta, also known as Deva, dominated his buffed opponent without giving him any chance, from the start to the end.


Eventually, the opponent lost his strength and willpower and fell on his knees and apologized with a bow, "I'm sorry for my behaviour. I shouldn't have underestimated you."

However, the defeated opponent only received a cold gaze from Deva, who then replied "Not to me." Devadatta then turned his head and gestured to someone with a nod.

A 16-year-old teenage girl came forward from the crowd and stood beside him. She looked quite happier.

"I'm sorry."

The wrestler then apologized to her, to which Deva responded by scolding him before she reacted, "We are from Parvathashila, one of the sacred pilgrimage sites in the entire Varaha Kanda. This is the land where women are worshipped, not teased around."

The wrestler stayed silent and Deva continued to say "And also, remember this. We priests may be peaceful and dedicate our lives to pursuing the knowledge of Vedas, but when provoked, we can unleash a storm that will leave you trembling in the dust of your defeat. So, don't dare to anger us."

Amidst the respectful gazes from all around, as Deva walked away with the teenager, the red-faced kneeling wrestler gritted his teeth with clear hatred in his eyes, "Just you wait. My time will come, you middling arrogant priest. When that happens, all your powers will become helpless."


A couple of hours later;

Ramachari's Residence;

"Deva," Ramachari called urgently, his voice slightly elevated.

Deva, adjusting his dhoti, hurriedly emerged from his room. Ramachari spoke, "The sunset is approaching. Go quickly and perform the evening offerings to Lord Shiva."

Dev swiftly plucked flowers from the garden and grabbed a conch from the pooja room. Just like every day, he embarked on his climb up the mountain.

On the cliff, a familiar voice echoed, "Help me. Anyone, help me..."

"This voice …" Startled, Deva turned into a blur and leaped two miles in a fraction of a second and saw a known acquaintance hanging on the edge of a tree, desperately seeking help.

Deva reassured him, "Wait, I'm coming. Hold tightly, Sida."

In the next second, Deva disappeared and reappeared below Sida with his feet stuck to the wall of the cliff like a lizard and grabbed him before getting up to the top.

As Sida was taking heavy breaths, Deva asked Sida how the incident occurred.

Sida collapsed on his butt and answered, "My calf was running near the edge, and in my attempt to catch it, I found myself in this predicament." Sida added, "By the way, Rudra isn't seen hanging with you anymore. Everything okay?"

Deva let out a sigh of disappointment as he replied "Nowadays, he shows no interest in Vedic pooja. He wants to fight but I cannot train for he doesn't possess the physique to master my techniques." After a brief pause, he added, "You need to guide your friend."

"I know. Anyway, I heard about afternoon incident," Sida diverted the topic right away, knowing that it is impossible to convince a stubborn guy like Rudra.

As they conversed, a distinct sound resonated from the sea. Deva and Sida paused briefly, then resumed their conversation and descended to the bottom of the hill.


Next day morning;

"Knock* *knock* *knock*

Trikuta opened the door to find a guard with a tense expression.

"What happened?" She asked.

The guard informed her something and left in a hurry.

As the guard was leaving away, Trikuta mumbled in seriousness, "I need to inform my Father and Eldest Brother about this right away."

Soon, the entire village had gathered at the seashore by the time Ramachari, Deva, Trikuta, and Anirudra arrived; their faces filled with tension and anxiety. The villagers made way for them.

Anirudra went closer to see whose body it is.

Deva gave a quick warning, "Rudra, be careful! Stay back."

Anirudra stayed a bit away from the body. However, his gaze was fixed on it. After spotting something, he then pointed his finger at the back of his head, "Look at this wound. It seems like someone hit her with a powerful object like a hammer."

Deva signalled to the guard to turn the body, causing shock and astonishment among the villagers.

Villager 1 (gasping): "Who could she be? She looks so different."

Villager 2 (whispering): "We haven't seen anyone like her in ages."

Ramachari, as the village head, quickly passed the orders, "We should search the surroundings for any signs of a boat. It's possible that this body washed ashore after a boating accident. Also, check if there are any other bodies."

Villagers went off in search of a boat and any other possible bodies. Meanwhile, Deva approached the body, requesting a knife from Rudra.

After Ramachari gave his permission, Deva examined the body with great care, cutting a small portion of the cloth on her chest, and revealing a locket with a symbol.

An intrigued Deva muttered under his breath in seriousness, "I feel like I've seen this symbol somewhere before."

Villager 3 (returning): "We found nothing, no signs of a boat or other bodies."

As Deva was keenly observing the locket, Ramachari brought him to reality and asked, "Deva, what do you think we should do with her?"

"What else, Village Head Ramachari? She's dead. Let's cremate her," a villager voiced out his opinion.

"No, we should search for her family," commented another villager.

Deva then spoke, "I agree. Father, let's preserve the body in Lola for two to three days. It may provide us with more clues. In the meantime, we can also search for her family."

The villagers followed Deva's instructions, carefully preserving the body in Lola, the largest cave on the island.

After a while, Anirudra, Deva, Trikuta, and Ramachari were seen walking together, with Sida following closely behind.

Anirudra: "What do you think about this, brother?"

Deva remained silent, lost in thought.

Ramachari: "I remember seeing that symbol on her body somewhere."

Deva: "I've seen it too."

Trikuta: "Father, have you ever come across a woman like her? She looked very pale. Her eyes were blue. She looked young but there are brown streaks of hair. Even her dress was also quite different from ours."

Ramachari: "No, this is the first time I've witnessed anything like this in my entire life. It is possible that she is from faraway unknown lands."

Deva: "I feel like I've seen that symbol in the Nakshatra book, written by Agnihotra Sage."

Anirudra's face turned grave, sensing the significance.

Sida (from behind): "Could this incident be connected to the sound we heard last night?"

Deva: "No, I don't think so."

Anirudra, growing curious about the sound, asked Sida about it.

"Last night, we…" As Sida was going to explain, Deva interrupted them by passing down quick instructions, "Father, you take Trikuta and go back home. Sida, go to the hilltop where you have a clear view. Let me know if you find anything. Rudra, come with me."

Soon they parted ways with each other.

As Trikuta and Ramachari are on the way home, the former asked, "Father, who is Agnihotra Sage, and what is the Nakshatra book about?"

Ramachari answered, "Agnihotra is a great sage who traveled all over Varaha Kanda and wrote the Nakshatra book. Unfortunately, we don't have the book with us."

Trikuta became excited, "Where is it?"

Ramachari answered, "It is in Amruthaksharam, a village situated north of Parvathashila. University of Amrita (UOA) is the largest university on the continent, known for its vast knowledge. Several kings studied there when they were princes."

Trikuta fell into thoughts for a bit, touching her chin. After a brief pause, she opened her mouth, "University of Amrita... it is the same place Eldest brother has gone for 4 years back then, right?"

Ramachari nodded, "yes"

Trikuta continued her questions, "What kind of book is NAKSHATRA?"

"Hmm... let's say it contains knowledge beyond our scope of understanding this world," replied Ramachari, deciding to be mysterious, increasing Trikuta's curiosity about the book.

Meanwhile, Deva and Anirudra made their way to Lola. Deva instructed Rudra to pick up a stick, which he then ignited using his four fingers. They entered a sea-facing cave called Lola, with Anirudra following Deva.

The next morning, at dawn, Trikuta opened the door and began cleaning the house.

Saraswathi, Ramachari's wife, was busy cooking for the family while Ramachari was offering prayers to the sun god.

Trikuta was humming as she was cleaning the lawn, wondering about when her soon-to-be husband comes to the house to take her away.


The sound of the gate grabbed her attention. She raised her head and looked in that direction.

All of a sudden, Trikuta dropped the jug she was holding and stared at the gate. The sound from the jug disturbed Ramachari's peaceful prayer and his eyes too fell on the person who entered the compound.

In the falling snow, they saw Anirudra carrying his brother's lifeless body on his shoulders, tears streaming down his face, and his legs trembling.

Heartbroken, everyone fell into grief-stricken cries. The sorrowful situation touched everyone's hearts, as tears flowed like another sea surrounding Parvathashila.
