
Infinite Battlefield

condemned to the infinite battlefield, to a universe of wars, betrayals and disorder together with a chaos thirsting for souls tael was a typical otaku nerd from a land not as futuristic as humans expected,having a special body he reached the pinnacle of human physique, he was a sponge to learn anything, try anything, he lived a forbidden love destroyed by greed along with disappointment and depression,his mind was destroyed, his body was destroyed, what a boy who loved to learn was now a grown man destroying his own life, spending his days in online games and novels,but one day everything changes {you want to enter the infinite Battlefield?}-{yes}-{wish power?}-{wish fame?}-{wish glory?}-{wish to sin?}-(yes!!!!) "I wish……everything"

D3S0L4T3 · Guerra
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

chapter 3 - New life & ripple effect

Year 1 of the Darius Dynasty - After Dante Darius seized power from his father Ozar Madut through a bloody war that decided the fate of the Iron Bloods empire, on the 78th day of summer, Dante Darius kills Ozar Madut and enshrines himself Emperor of Iron blood dynasty and remakes a weak and corrupt government and makes the military and economic strength of the iron blood empire rise to frightening levels, along with its seizure of power. Darius is born after a complicated pregnancy and full of obstacles, both internal and external, from pain for the baby to be very agitated to assassination attempts in various ways such as knife wounds or accidents with the aim of killing the mother and child to reach Dante's emotions and create an emotional weakness and exploiting it at will, but it was useless when Dante showed he didn't care if the mother or the baby died or not because according to him: "I can always make another child." The". The baby is born well and healthy and in the first months shows to be an intelligent and hardworking child, besides being strong and very energetic, the boy learned to walk with 2 cycles and learned to speak normally with 4, the child when he was close to someone seemed like a normal smart and energetic kid who just liked to play and be curious

But inside it was totally different, that child just looked like a child because in fact that child was a 27 year old man named Tael, a freaky weird otaku who came from the modern land, he was reborn after clicking on a novel called {infinite Battlefield} and then he passed out and woke up in a woman's womb and spent 9 whole months inside the womb of the woman who is now his mother in this strange and magical world that recalls a dark medieval era that mixes technology, science and magic in 1 alone place, together with humanity destroyed by terrible monsters coming from space and surviving on a gigantic but small continent facing problems with overpopulation and lack of resources to support such a large number of humans, There are currently 3 empires on the continent: empire blood of iron, empire of emptiness and empire of the white saint. These 3 Empires are the last resistance of humanity on this planet, it is unknown what happened to humans on other planets and it is impossible for them to visit humans on that continent or humans on that continent to leave this planet. Year 5 of the Darius Dynasty - Tael is now Lucius Darius, son of Emperor Dante, the days on this planet last 50 perfect hours and the days that the planet goes around the sun last 400 days and every 100 days the seasons they change being: spring, summer, autumn and winter in the same order and on the last day of winter the new year begins and then spring arrives

Tael doesn't remember much from his past life, to be more exact he doesn't remember any relatives or friends in his past life, he knows he had someone special for him who stayed on planet Earth but he doesn't remember the face or the name ,he doesn't remember anything and just remembers the things he studied and the knowledge gained in his 27 years of life and most is about firearms and anything that has to do with military power and novels, MANY novels, he he read billions of words a year just reading novels, he knows he must have made a pact with some god and after knowing how humanity lives today, he knows that his goal must be to save humanity from this prison that gets smaller every day it if anything, he must save humanity from a total extinction on this planet, but as a reader, he knows there must be something more and there must surely be some magic in this world, he wasn't wrong - Battle essence is a type of magical energy present in the DNA of every living thing, plants and metals. Battle essence is energy that can be gained by having a normal healthy life with bodybuilding and a healthy diet, Battle essence can be gained and having a perfect healthy life with an increase in physical exercise a normal person can surpass the best bodybuilder on modern Earth before 50 years old but this was not the best way to collect Battle essence and the best way to win was to live up to the Battle essence Name, only in a real war and in a fight where life and death are the only results for both fighters, this is the best way to get Battle essence, every living being has Battle essence and if that living being is murdered by another living being, the Battle essence of the dead goes to the assassin

It reminds a lot of an XP system that you have in games, but much more brutal and rewarding, Lucius knew that in the future he would have to kill both humans and aliens that were invading this planet, but as a novel reader, he knew he must come with some trick or a very appealing power that makes him get stronger faster than the rest of normal people, he wasn't wrong, he remembers that he had a body that never got tired or was exhausted and when he got tired, his stamina came back full and bigger as if his "stamina tank" increased capacity every time it was emptied, sometimes just sex helped him to deplete his stamina but it came back bigger and stronger and luckily for him, he had this "unlimited power" and when he learned that bodybuilding helps win Essence Battle, Lucius' happiness and excitement reached an orgasmic level as he had finally achieved everything a novel reader wanted, reincarnating in another m undo, a magical world with ultra powerful beings and a super appealing hack and as a longtime novel reader, he wanted everything a novel reader wants: a HAREM. But not a harem of useless beauties that have to be rescued all the time and look like Ashley from resident evil 4 who just let herself be kidnapped and just screamed at Lucius having to save her every time or an insufferable woman who likes him but prefers to pretend that is not to be an insufferable person with a virgin protagonist and dense as a neutron star

He hated MC's like that and always wanted to massacre the authors of novels of that type and what he hated the most were the endings of good novels with horrible endings along with a horrible FMC development with an ending she only did to get pregnant with the MC and FMC's that they had no personality and just obeyed the MC like slave hookers and just served a crap romance or fanservice to Chapters with a +18 warning and how he hated that they never sought to be strong or asked the protagonist for something to make them stronger or worse kind of FMC for Lucius, the FMC's who depended on the MC for EVERYTHING and trusted the MC and gave their lives for him after a night where the "MC made the woman reach the 9 skies with her majestic dragon". He didn't intend to do that and so he decided to just have strong and powerful women in his harem, nothing more than that and so he decided to create super powerful slaves/maid's to get into his harem, he decided that because his criteria were high and he needed to satisfy somehow and he promised himself that being a prince he would never satisfy his lust with his own hands but all the strongest women in the palace and employed with talent and strength equal to or greater than himself, even those women being his blood relatives, he didn't care about his family in this world, his father was a tyrannical idiot, his mother was a hot milf with huge breasts and ass but with a custom that obeys the king 100% like a slave and no will, something he would strive to change, his mother was too hot and he would strive to change her personality even if he had to bathe her in liters of male milk. He also had his sisters, he is currently not the eldest Prince being 2nd in the line of succession with his 3 year eldest sister and with 2 other twin sisters who are both 13 years old, he was not a l0licon so he would wait patiently for him to mature of her sisters.

While growing up as a prince, Lucius declared himself a genius inside the palace and by the age of 10 he had read every book in the imperial library and had the strength to go head-on with a soldier of the imperial guard, his knowledge was of a very distant future and with the special body that gave him an almost inexhaustible stamina, studying for hours and hours together with training the physique until extreme tiredness and being at the peak of a bodily overload and if he didn't have an abnormal body and were just an ordinary human, he he would die of exhaustion, but with the perfect and evolved body, he reached the height of human intelligence, his modern knowledge together with the science of that time provided him with ways to increase his influence in the palace, he created firearms and secretly created a market war where only he had the monopoly of most firearms, the firearms he created were not the same as the ones he used in his past life, they were special and had Battle ess ence fused inside them along with better materials and special ammo fused with Battle essence and 1 common pistol created by Lucius was more destructive and dangerous than an assault rifle that could take down helicopters with 1 ammo clip, 15 year old Lucius had riches like not the empire where he lived had in its coffers, the entire human continent of Tula bought Lucius weapons, currently humanity survives against the alien hordes thanks to Lucius weapons that do not stop selling or innovating in bigger and more destructive weapons and these hordes are slaughtered in droves and with the deaths many soldiers have had their lives saved

Lucius if he wanted could take his father's empire in 1 night with his armies of mercenaries that form the firearms company {drago}. Lucius gave this name because with each shot made by one of his weapons, a fire dragon came out and burned the skin of the unfortunate one who was shot by it, currently Lucius' fame on the continent of Tula is equal to that of the 3 emperors of the last Empires of the human race that exist in the human race, but it was a fame that didn't help much his influence in the palace of the bloods of iron, his only fame is being the owner of a 5 star brothel and the genius prince, something that won't help much and even if he had the strength to take the throne by force now, it would be useless as an emperor with no allies is even with the Drago armaments company on his side, it wouldn't help much as many influential and stronger humans they would attack together company headquarters in the empire of iron bloods and manage to easily destroy the empire and manage to take the manufacturing method which was simple but also complex as strong and precious metals were used along with runes and magical formations that linked together the runes and formed powerful matrices that measured the destructive force of the weapons and the person who made the runes and matrices has full control over the weapons. of arms today was Lucius and his slaves/wives

Weapons make an army a lot easier in a war but unfortunately here they were just warming tools because humans in this world had super strength capable of destroying Mountains using only brute force and the strongest human currently has such a force that it has already caused an earthquake just stepping on the ground with an unnatural amount of force and he didn't even use everything he had according to him, Lucius didn't know if he was lying or not, but he didn't want to check, yet, Lucius can currently destroy a trained soldier in a fight direct and a punch using his full force can destroy a 10-story house using the winds that the punch creates along with the pressure force and that he destroyed the building being on the top floor, if he punched the first floor, the base of the building, to destroy all that you didn't even have to use 20% of his strength. But he's still weak, Lucius gained all that strength after training his body like crazy for 15 whole years and even then, he was not that strong, he was strong among 15 year olds and captains of the imperial guard, but not to fulfill his plans to dominate the iron bloods empire and have a harem of strong women, he is not as strong as his sister older and her mother is currently as strong as her father, if she had a mind of her own, surely Dante wouldn't cheat on her with luxury whores from other Empires

The only realized plan that Lucius currently has is to have an independent economy and not need to use the money from the imperial coffers to buy material to manufacture his weapons and he got a massive amount of money and strength by manufacturing his weapons himself and not to be suspicious about With the money Lucius has, he opened the brothel and so far he has managed to throw off the old treasurers of the imperial bank. of potent fire a day, even with Lucius crafting alone, he can meet the demand for weapons and even get stronger as he just needs to use Battle essence along with metals and create simple but destructive formations and runes to create a powerful assault rifle and this fabrication only takes a few seconds, Lucius doesn't have gigantic strength but his control over the Battle essence is perfect to say the least,po r reading many novels, he knew that many magicians/cultivators use internal energy to make a powerful weapon, rather than using external energy to create and use internal energy to guide external energy, Lucius calls this method {brushstroke} because it uses the Battle essence inside his body like a brush and Battle essence in rocks, minerals and plants like ink and the metals that form weapons like an untouched white board, this method makes him an ancient genius in using Battle essence, but no was enough for his plans, Lucius finally had to make a crucial decision for the future he wanted

As these thoughts raced through his mind, Emperor Dante along with his eldest daughter and wife clenched his fists in anger as he realized that during his sermon about him being the current emperor and all lives in the empire being his and that Lucius owned not even the clothes he was wearing, he realizes that the boy didn't even hear his words and was lost in deep thoughts along with a sly smile that formed at the corner of his lips and mischievous and greedy eyes towards his eldest daughter and herself only blushing and sending passionate looks in response, Dante knew about his son's fame as a womanizer to strong women who used the battle essence and about his harem slaves who had frightening strength and could easily decimate city blocks around the mountain in just a few minutes, he knew that because he wasn't very close to Lucius, he didn't have any paternal feelings or respect for his father, nor did he have any feelings of caring. love for his son, even with him growing up being a genius superior to him when compared, Dante never liked Lucius because he did not remember the night of conception of Lucius, Lucius must have been made 1 year before the fall of Emperor Ozar. But at that time Dante was too busy gathering reinforcements to go to war against Ozar and whenever he made a successful deal he drank until he passed out and did not remember the drunken nights, but he never woke up in bed with his wife Tetsa as she was always watching over of her eldest daughter Anissa

When Tetsa said she was pregnant with Lucius, he wanted to kill the woman right then and there because he didn't remember going to bed with her and for sure that child wasn't his, but he couldn't because the agreement between Dante and the empire of emptiness would be broken and Ozar would be notified that one of his sons with a random concubine of his had plans to kill him and usurp the throne, even with help and some deals made at the time, Ozar could easily massacre Dante and Tetsa would still be saved and would be forgiven and sent back to the empire of emptiness, so Dante just stayed calm and celebrated the arrival of a son, when Ozar died, Dante immediately went to kill Tetsa and Lucius who will just be born, but when he saw the red hair The child's body, all his doubts were destroyed when he saw little Lucius and he thought he was just being paranoid, little did he know that his paranoia would return with even more force, because even though he looked like Dante, Lucius s was completely different from him, he reminded the old emperor Ozar and that paranoia grew in Dante over the years and his anger for Lucius grew more and more, to the point that he planned to kill the boy while he was weak as he every day remembered the Emperor Ozar, no matter how much he looked, only Ozar was seen, he suspected a possible betrayal by Tetsa and he wanted to kill them both, but he squandered that chance the day Lucius was born, for when the empire of emptiness knew about Lucius' genius, they ordered Dante to protect Lucius. Dante even being emperor was still a weak emperor near the empire of emptiness and he couldn't touch them both, but he was sure Lucius wasn't his son and with the mess he made beating up the guards, Lucius sparked an evil idea in the Dante's mind against Lucius, but little did he know that this would be the worst decision he could ever make.

for Whoever read the auxiliary chapter of my novel that I left on hiatus, the "Novel of romance" that I was making was a front to do this one (if you're lost here,read my other novel that I forcibly had to leave on hiatus)

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