
chapter 4 - "fair" judgment (1)

In a Castle on top of a mountain so High that from the top of the Castle it is possible to see the stars and the void where they live, the castle is Black with details and cloths in pure red and at the base of the Castle, it is possible to see that the construction The Castle itself was not destroying the peak of the mountain and the Castle was built on top, but rather that the castle itself was the peak of the mountain and it looked like the castle was made by molding the peak as if the hands of God had softened that stone. dark mountain and molded the entire castle with his hands, as if that resistant black stone was just clay in the hand of a divine being who on a whim made a powerful and imposing castle on top of that mountain that touched the limits that divided the planet and the dark void where the stars lived, inside the Castle, in the central region where the throne room was located and where an imposing throne was not built but shaped like the whole castle. The throne was divided into 3 steps: 1 for the regent, 1 for the regent's spouse, and 1 for the regent's heir. The regent's throne is 10 feet, no more or less, the regent's spouse's throne is 50 centimeters below the regent's throne and the heir's throne is in the same position as the spouse's throne, in front of each throne has a ladder that helped the regents and the heir to descend and she also follows the same material pattern as the Castle and the throne, not being built but molded using the throne.

All over the throne were assorted bladed weapons decorations and their handles and blades are made of rare and precious jewels, the throne is decorated in assorted animal hair and looked comfortable just to look at, along with the limitless wealth that decorated the entire room. it is adorned in pure gold and decorated with diamonds, emerald, rubies and many other materials that show the richness of the blood of iron empire. Inside the throne room, a discussion took place between the empress and the imperial heiress against the emperor, along with the 2nd prince who was with his head bowed and quiet looking angry, hiding a sarcastic and malignant smile that along with eyes with dilated pupils showed a boundless pleasure coming from him, what he just heard made him extremely happy and made him realize that all his plans now had better chances of coming true, but what did he hear?. going back a few minutes ago. Dante looks at Lucius with a slight smile, just a lift at the corners of his lips, the princess and the imperial heiress realize this, Dante would punish Lucius somehow and most certainly he wouldn't mind making Lucius suffer, Anissa and Tetsa realized Dante's expression and they were preparing to defend Lucius, unlike Dante, Anissa and Tetsa have a good relationship with Lucius because since childhood Lucius was always helpful with Tetsa, and always accompanied Tetsa and Anissa when he was not training with his slaves

Lucius' relationship with Tetsa is like that of a mother with a child, in the normal way, but since Lucius' 15th birthday, Lucius himself had been giving Tetsa a certain different treatment, he hugged and kissed her more, the hugs were warmer and the kisses were always with his lips wet and regions close to the lips, along with Lucius always hugging her from behind and touching her black hair and praising her appearance and touching erogenous regions with silly hands on her breasts and ass from Tetsa, since his relationship with Anissa has already progressed a lot, Anissa has mixed feelings towards Lucius, when she was just an "innocent" child, she took showers with Lucius and didn't mind her brother's looks and lusty things, but when Anissa's body became more feminine and erotic, Lucius acted the same way he did with Tetsa, but unlike Tetsa who is still experiencing this special treatment from Lucius, Anissa has already received this since her 15 years old and at the time her body was already like that of a mature adult woman and Lucius's body, which before was shapely and strong for a normal child, was already starting to become like a man, his muscles and beauty His physics were being improved to divine levels, his hair had a much more bloodthirsty crimson touch and his eyes black as the densest night now looked like black holes that not even the light reflected back, at 15 years old his body already shows that when become adult he would look like a god of war, Anissa who once had mixed feelings about her relationship with her brother, now knew what those feelings were, it was a woman's love for a man, she loved Lucius both emotionally and carnal

Now with Lucius being 15 years old and Anissa being 18 years old, Anissa nurtures a love of a woman in love with her body and soul for Lucius who realized this and always responds to the signals Anissa gives him. A forbidden romance was already born between Anissa and Lucius, will Tetsa also feel the same as Anissa and commit the sin of a mother loving her child sexually?; Different and varied thoughts ran through the minds of mother and daughter at that moment, Anissa was mentally preparing to defend Lucius from some ridiculous punishment that her father Would do to defend half mouthed and easily forgotten soldiers on the front lines of the empire and she knew why Lucius Beating the soldiers so violently, she was friends with one of Lucius' slaves: Tina, a dark-skinned human descended from an empire of humans who had the power to use the fire of the sun and were powerful on the planet, but did not survive the onslaught of the Aliens, tina had an ancient relic given to her by Anissa that they could both communicate at a distance and when Lucius finished beating the soldiers, Tina warned and told everything in detail to Anissa and she immediately told everything to Tetsa who prepared counter arguments for defend Lucius from Dante's wrath and injustice, they both had solid arguments and were currently mentally preparing to take it all out on Dante, they seemed m lawyers defending a defendant from a stupid judge, unlike Anissa, Tetsa was calm and just reviewed the arguments and prepared her lips for a lot of gossip, she was used to defending Lucius from Dante and already had the psychological to go against Dante

Dante's Strategic Mind just reviewed his plan against Lucius and added more things to punish him and plugged holes in his plan, he just smirked and looked contemptuously at Lucius who remained calm in the face of the agonizing pressure that was in that room and just he stared into Dante's eyes and remained calm, his thoughts were far away and the only thing his mind thought was how beautiful Anissa was now and how he wanted to rip her clothes off and make her his thirsty kitten and feed her milk, he didn't care about what would he do then, in the end he would surpass that and even become stronger or more influential in the palace, currently his influence is that of a genius prince in Battle essence, but only that and currently only Anissa supports him but her political allies Just talk who are supporting the prince but would not make any move in favor of the prince and the same thing is with the empire of emptiness, they give some support to Lucius because Lucius is an ancient genius but they are just words spoken to the wind, all these nobles and politicians still don't support Lucius because even though he is a genius, they don't know if this genius will flourish and yield fruits and benefits for them, Lucius is not strong enough still, he has no respect on the continent and only the nobles know about his genius while the commoners know next to nothing about Lucius and his deeds, but Lucius will not let this continue, with the beating of soldiers in front of his brothel and hundreds of people seeing all that happen, the commoners already know that the 2nd prince is a genius in Battle essence who already has enough strength to destroy well trained soldiers, no one dared to say otherwise because many saw the soldiers' wounds and they knew that even though the soldiers let themselves be beaten, they wouldn't put up with such a brutal performance and if they let themselves be almost crippled by the prince, the tension only grew in the room with the uncomfortable silence of the imperial family

Until Dante decides to make a move, he rises from his throne and shouts in an authoritative voice:


When he finished speaking, Anissa and Tetsa both showed expressions of annoyance, if Dante decided to call the judges of blood, meaning that Lucius' punishment will be a punishment by military court, he will be judged not as a prince but as a soldier of the iron empire , their chances of a good defense went down a lot but they wouldn't give up, they would fight for Lucius and it doesn't matter what they use. Dante didn't have to wait long as a few seconds later, on the right side of the throne room, men in black armor with red hoods appeared, their hoods covering their faces and showing only their mouths which mostly had large, well-groomed white beards. Their armor was full of weapon details but unlike the throne which had many weapons decorating it, some judges had swords, spears, halberds, axes, hammers, bows and many other melee weapons but most had swords in their armor and the armors appeared to be made of the same material as the mountain but that material is brighter and harder, as if it were a special version and stronger than the mountain material but they lost to the imperial throne that seemed much stronger. On the left side a few seconds after the men in black armor appeared, other men appeared, they looked like the opposite versions of the men in black armor, as they had red armor that was decorated with weapons and each one had its own weapons and the hoods were black but unlike the men in black armor, most of the crimson armor had no beard and their facial constitution was younger and their armor gave off a bloodthirsty and violent aura as if the armor was bloodthirsty and hungered for war and destruction, a true armor for war gods, there were no women among these men, which brought a slight indignation from Anissa

Those men are the blood judges, they are the representatives of the ultimate law in the iron empire, those men blindly obeyed only Dante and even if Anissa becomes the empress, they will abdicate their post and follow Dante wherever he goes, those men were the strongest soldiers in the iron empire at the time dante took power from Ozar, they are so strong that alone they could eradicate the entire iron empire and even the strongest man in mankind, the man who caused a treading earthquake with force on the ground, he said that the blood judges of the iron empire are beings that even he does not have the courage to face alone, the strength of these men are frighteningly unknown, as their deeds have always been killing and destroying opponents with few blows, never if tiring or showing everything they had, they are the main reason Lucius doesn't dominate the empire, even if these men were killed by their weapons and their mercenaries, he didn't know how many mercenaries still Since they would be alive until the last of them died, so he hired slaves and trained them to the limit and become as strong as he was, he had this little 50 man army that has the strength of a natural disaster on a continental scale. Dante faces the judges and says with an authoritative tone:

"I summoned you, the representatives of law and order in the Iron Empire today to try my son Lucius Darius for attempting to take the lives of innocent Iron Empire soldiers who were wrongfully accused of trying to r*pe a whore from the brothel who he controls without paying for the woman"

When he finished speaking, Lucius' eyes turned to Dante and a coldness and a small but dangerous murderous intention was directed at Dante, even though it was small and almost imperceptible, it showed a danger that resembles the fear of a poisonous insect sting. Even showing such willingness, the judges did not move and just watched the walk of everything

When Lucius is about to open his lips to speak and curse Dante, Tetsa interrupts and says in a cold voice:

"Dante... I think you better tell the truth at this point, I don't remember hearing the same thing you said just now, are you by any chance lying in court?"

All the judges turned and saw Tetsa staring at the emperor as if he were a petty cockroach and exuding dark Battle essence while above his head a black hole that distorted reality and sucked everything looked imposing and seemed to want to swallow Dante, everyone was surprised with the action of Tetsa who is known to be a quiet woman who only spoke if the emperor asked and answered other people's questions coldly and objectively, never looking to prolong the conversation, she was cold but not dangerous, just being antisocial but now that same woman exuded a powerful and murderous aura to Dante who responded with a cold and angry look, counteracting the dominant and menacing aura of the black hole with a crimson red aura that had a murderous feeling and above her head appeared a giant Saber that dripped blood from its tip and defended itself from the sucking aura, those constructs on top of their heads were their spiritual weapons

The black hole of emptiness that represented the imperial family of the empire of emptiness and the crimson overlord's Saber that represented the imperial family of the empire of the bloods of iron. Spiritual weapons are the foundation of a warrior in this world, these weapons are the last line of defense for a warrior on the brink of death, spiritual weapons are weapons made with the soul of a warrior, every warrior who uses Battle essence has to form a spiritual weapon, because with the spiritual weapon, the warrior's strength increases to frightening levels, but not everyone can form a spiritual weapon, as it is necessary to have a great control of Battle essence and use Battle essence to remove a piece of the soul and then mold your spiritual weapon, spiritual weapons are weapons that you choose which one to use and not only weapons can be used but anything can become a spiritual weapon, from a tree leaf to a star like the sun can become a spiritual weapon, the limit was the warrior's imagination, the imperial family of the empire of emptiness: the Darin, use the stars to shape their spiritual weapons, Tetsa is the 3rd princess of the empire of emptiness and has a spiritual weapo n of a black hole, a star of the void that sucks all creation and not even the fabric of reality escapes the black hole and it has a gigantic force that even Dante respects her because if it weren't for the forced marriage, Tetsa would be one of the strongest women on the continent, but respect not and like, strong as he is, Dante is also proud of his strength, the crimson overlord's Saber feeds on blood and war and during the takeover, Dante slaughtered millions of Emperor Ozar's soldiers and when he went to face Ozar, he weakened Ozar by fighting for hours and even Ozar had to admit that Dante had the talent and strength to overcome many of the continent's warriors in the future.

Now, these 2 geniuses considered gods in their respective territories, were in a fight of who pressed the other the most with the strength of the soul, even though Tetsa hadn't fought much and strengthened herself a lot over the years, she still had enough strength to beat facing Dante, she had many plans to deal with Dante but when she heard Dante's lying statement to accuse Lucius, a deep feeling of hatred rose in her mind and an ancient Tetsa asleep by years of peace woke up hungry for fights and Endless battles, she didn't mind spoiling Lucius' "trial", she just wanted to massacre Dante for daring to harm her son who she fought so hard to have been punished for lies told by his own father, she couldn't contain herself and he unleashed his dormant fury and stored up in Dante. The pressure battle continued and no winner was seen until Anissa interrupted them both saying:

"I think I'd better preside over this trial because my parents aren't thinking straight"

Then a pressure not as great as the pressure of Tetsa and Dante but just as dangerous, erupted from Anissa and above her head, a gigantic sword with a rectangular Black blade appeared above Anissa, that was her spiritual weapon, the Saber of the overlord of void. A Spiritual weapon that blended the crimson overlord's Saber and the black hole of her parents' void, a powerful concoction that yielded Anissa's mighty nickname: Young Goddess of Destruction

Lucius just looked at his spiritual weapons with disdain because even though he didn't have a spiritual weapon, he had in mind what spiritual weapon he was going to make and for sure, it will slaughter all these outdated imposing spiritual weapons, Lucius came from a time where the Human has done wonders with gunpowder and he will use his war knowledge to make the best spiritual weapon on this continent and not even his beloved sister will be able to defeat him. A thought passes through Lucius' mind:

'Just wait... because I'll see you from above and your imposing weapons will be toothpicks next to what I'll show this world, even if I have to bathe this Empire and this world in blood

I was uploading this chapter when I got the notification that someone donated me a power stone thank you so much for donating, you are awesome!

before I wanted to write to pass the time then it was to earn coins and now just because I liked this hobby and it helps with my concentration and writing and this power stone along with the comments helps the writer a lot its like a Nitro in our brain that makes us want to write more thank you very much for reading my story you there on the other side

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