
Chapter Ninety-eight.

As soon as the time of half an hour given to Agatha was over and the guard moved away from the door after unlocking it, Agatha barged into the room like she was on fire.

Her anxious eyes wandered around the room trying to find Alexis's fallen and hurt form from the previous assault. From outside, she had heard what had happened and had no idea of what the original position of the destruction was.

The vases were broken and shattered against the wall, the couch's leg was broken and the pieces of glasses were shattered around. She had to get the room cleaned before anyone got home.

There she was, her madam. Huddled up in a corner with a dead expression on her face breathing quietly and not bothering with her injuries. She was scared but now, Agatha could understand that she was numb. She was...

"Come in, behind me." Agatha harshly whispered to the nurse who nodded and followed her.