

Anita_Jesca · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs






I snuggled deeper into the bed, shifting to find a better position but my foot slammed into something cold and hard bringing me to the cold brutal reality,

my reality.

The Reminder that this was my home now; The dark grey bars of the cells embedded deep into the concrete floor. waking up to the sound of buzzer signals and shouting guards.

The Shrill of the bell never ceased to wake me even on the rare occasions I did drift off. I guess it was its sole design function.

I ripped the standard itchy, cotton, grey blanket from my pale deteriorating body. I was already dressed as I rarely change any more. There wasn't any point. Settling my bare feet onto the cold floor, I wanted to shut myself off. I felt tired, cold and shit fucking scared I felt the claustrophobia taking hold but I concealed behind the mask of indifference. It was the only way I learned would help me survive this penitentiary.

A second buzz sounded.

The electronic lock slides open with a thud, reminding me of the monotonous routine I had been accustomed to overtime. Alleviating my bare feet onto the cold shuddering floor. I put on my boots as I joined the queue.

I sat at the isolated corner of the dinning hall .It was hidden making it a perfect spot for me since I didn't want any company and I didn't want to be in anyone's way either ,It is like an unspoken rule .I swallowed my poridge fast trying to drown out its awful taste before it got cold.The poridge was disgusting but it was at least ingestible when it was hot.

Never had I pictured myself in this awful place full of all kinds of criminals; Rapists , thieves, drug dealers and even murders .Some people in here are possibly innocent and are victims of a corrupt and unreliable judicial systems just like me. I will admit am not a Saint but never would I think of physically hurting another human or worse even kill one, but here I was being convicted for murder. I know for a while I felt like getting back at her for destroying my life, I wanted her to feel the pain I felt , the disgust, the humiliation,  the feeling of being used, manipulated.But I never wanted her dead.Funny how she manages to screw up my life even from beyond her grave.

She's the one memory I want to lock out but every time I try,It all just comes back and flashes,it's like kaleidoscope of memories , where it all comes back, and all I can think about is how I could have been so stupid not to see it coming. It was too good to be true.

I jettisoned the remains of my porridge as I ignored the shadow looming over me.I didn't look up instead I embarked on lacing my boots.It was another a survival mechanism i had learnt. Don't acknowledge the presence of anyone

"Christian Parker"

I paused what I was doing but still didn't look up.I knew it was a guard from his tone.

"Come with me"

I pushed out of my sit, following the guard out of the recreational area.Try my best to dodge the occasional poridge that was being thrown our way by the inmates.

We passed through several locked gates into the interrogation room which only has a table and two seats pinned to both it's sides. A man dressed in an expensive suit occupies one of the seats.He smiled ,I glared at him.

"Allan Baracks .i am here on behalf of Sovey companies under your wife Lisa, as your lawyer.Take a seat."

I sat. " How are you doing Mr Parker.?" He asked .I wasn't in a mood for chit chat, so I glared instead .He seemed to have gotten the message .

"I'll go straight to the point then.Your case has been reopened." 

" Is that a good thing or a bad thing, " I asked still keeping a expressionless face.

"It's a good thing or let's say it's promising. Our appeal went through ,so they are opening investigations .I am going to need your help, " He said pointing at me with the edge of his pen .

"With what exactly?" I questioned skeptically .

"I need you to tell me how it happened.I need all the details in order to go up against the prosecution team. I hope you know this is your only shot Mr Parker ,This is your only shot " He said moving closer to me. Way too close for my liking ,but who was I to complain. This man was my only shot at freedom.

"Where do I start from? "

"From the beginning.When and how you met Malikana, "