
In world of One Piece

A guy who was sent to one piece with special powers. i have been getting a lot of bad reviews about how the mc is nerfed but just read up to 20 chapters story gets way better. I do not own one piece and any of the characters except our mc AN: It's my first time writing so don't kill me. I post when I want. Also, join my patreon https://www.patreon.com/Myfanfiction I am posting this on scribble hub and planning to release it on royalroad.

Rabin_Subedi · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
107 Chs

Sparring Luffy

Garp gave luffy a good beating "How can you hurt me grandpa even though i am made of rubber." Luffy was still rubbing his head. I was laughing while looking at luffy. It felt good to watch garp beat someone other than me. Luffy saw me laugh

At him. He glared at me and said "who are you and why are you laughing at me."

"He is my student and is someone who is in the right path and in future become a good marine and he is also strong unlike you stupid brat" said garp. Luffy looked at me "So you are strong and want to be a marine let me tell you something there's no way you are stronger than me i am made of rubber so you can't hurt me"

Then garp had a mocking expressions on his face and he said "if you are that confident how about a bet, he will face you with a blindfold and will also not use both his hand and he will also not attack you for five minutes if you win than you can be a pirate but if he wins you be a marine." When i heard him i wanted lose just to get back on him for all the beating he gave me. But i decided against that because I had a pride myself and didn't want to lose to someone as weak as luffy.

When luffy heard him he thought that it was a joke at first because not even sabo who was stronger than both him and ace could beat him with such disadvantages. Then he saw garp was being serious and was not joking he was instantly filled with joy. "Ok i accept the bet and you can't change or go back on your word grandpa." I didn't look much older than luffy and looked younger than ace and sabo. So he was completely sure that i couldn't beat him with that much disadvantage and thought that garp was underestimating him. Even everyone in the mountain bandits thought that i stood no chance and they thought i would lose immediately .What they didn't know was that with the all the disadvantage even if i didn't attack once and were only to dodge his attack i could do it literally until his stimina was over and win that way.

"Hey come let's fight" Luffy said while looking at me and smiling. I got up and walked towards luffy. Then luffy asked me "Are you ready?" I closed my eyes and said "Ready when you are."

When i closed my eyes i activated my observation haki. Luffy threw a punch aiming at my head i tilted my head to the left and easily dodged it. Everyone except garp and sital were surprised. But they all thought the same thing, they thought it was just a coincidence. Luffy sent another punch again aming at my head. I dodged it again by tilting my head to the right.

Then everyone started to doubt them self a little but they still thought i was just lucky. This time luffy sent a kick aimed at my chest. I stepped to the right and dodged it easily. This time everyone was sure that i was not just lucky and could somehow see or sense his attack. Luffy aslo reached the same conclusion and decided to increase his speed so that i couldn't dodge his attack. But unfortunately for him I could dodge few punches from garp comparing to garp's punch to luffy's punch was like comparing a bullet and a turtle.

Luffy continued with his onslaught. He also closed the distance between us and attacked me so i had even less time to dodge his attack. He couldn't hit me even once the time was ticking 3 minutes had already passed. The mountain bandits were completely surprised because they knew that luffy was a lot stronger compared to normal kids. But for me to be similar age to luffy and be even more monstrous compared to him that blew their mind completely. As time passed luffy was getting more and more frustrated. He never thought that there could be someone so much stronger than him in his age group. He started attacking me recklessly. It became even easier for me to dodge his attack. Then the five minutes were up. Garp who was keeping track of time yelled.

" Five minutes are up."

Now i could finally attack him. Luffy saw that i had no weapons and was confident that i could not hurt him because he was made of rubber. But mountain bandits were not that sure they knew that garp could hurt him and i was his student so they thought that there was a slightly chance i could also hurt him. Then i raised my hand covered it with arnament haki and chopped his neck instantly knocking him out. I moved so fast that only garp could see my attack. I started walking towards garp where i was sitting before the fight . Everyone except garp was confused as to why i walked away from the fight but before any one could say anything .Luffy slowly dropped to the ground. Then Garp announced the fight was over.

The mountain bandits were completely shocked they didn't know how to react. Dadan was also little scared because she called me brat before and wanted to apologise but decided not to say anything. Sital looked at the surprised faces of the mountain bandits and said "Why are you so surprised if my boss couldn't even beat a kid i wouldn't have followed him." My eyes were twitching when i heard him. I forgot to mention this but he started calling me boss during the 8th day of our travel. I hit him in the head and said "Who would want a useless subordinate like you" Everyone laughed at that. After some time luffy finally woke up. He looked confused. Then he finally remembered his fight against me and looked towards me.

please point out some errors or give me some suggestions for the story. Also in the chapter named spar against garp he used lightning of volt 1million and 5 million instead of 100k and 500k.

Rabin_Subedicreators' thoughts