
Mate Bond

/Alice pov/

I just got back from hunting with Emmett and Esme when I froze.

My ability allows me to have visions of the future and in the one I was currently watching I saw Rosalie with a man next to her who held her hand, he had on a suit and a ring with a blue gem in the middle.

As I was watching the vision I saw how the man's eyes became a deep black and his teeth grew sharper.

And then he ran faster than even my eyes could follow to Caius, one of the three leaders of the Volturi, and ripped his head right off of the rest of his body.

Then all of a sudden the vision changed and I could Finally hear the man speak.

"Always and Forever," he said to Rosalie with a small smile before they shared a kiss, and then right after they finished I saw Edward and a girl I can assume to be his mate walk into the frame and smile at the man and Rosalie before the vision ends.

"Alice!" I hear Jasper yell as soon as I open my eyes.

"I had a vision," I say with an excited tone to my voice causing all of my family to run into the living room and look at me with worry and interest.

"Impossible" I heard Edward say from the corner of the room causing me to look at him with a hint of anger for reading my mind before Carilise asked me what I saw.

"I saw Rosalie's and Edward's Mate"

/Rosalie pov/

"Huh" was all I could say before my brain registered what Alice had said.

My mate.

My mate.

My mate.

My mate

My mate.

My mate.

I couldn't believe what I heard finally after all this time I had someone to be with. I was finally gonna have someone just like the rest of my family minus Edward.

Before Alice had the chance to explain anymore I ran towards her and dragged her to my room where I asked when I would meet him.

"Tomorrow at school," she told me in an excited tone, causing me to narrow my eyes at her.

"Why do you sound so excited?" I asked in an accusing tone.

"I'm excited for you," she says, still in the same tone.

"Ah, Right can you describe him for me?, tell me everything you can," I tell her in a questioning tone still filled with suspicion which luckily she doesn't notice.

/Next Day/

"As I got to school in my BMW we all hopped out and went to our classes.

In my 3rd hour which was business management, I got a text from Emmett.

/Just met your mate, he has impeccable taste/

When I saw that text I was happy he was here but jealous that Emmett saw him before me.

'Why Him first?'

'Is he not gonna like me?'

'No he has to, I say to myself if he doesn't I'll just keep him away from everyone until he can only think of being with me.'

"After my class finished I met up with the rest of my family and we make our way to the cafeteria. As we head in I hear everyone whispering, but instead of us, it's about the man in the suit.

When I saw him I knew I was in love. He was just perfect and when he sat next to Edward's mate I found myself wanting to kill her.

Feeling someone looking at me I see Edward looking like he wants to kill me which causes me to remember that she is his mate and that my mate is her brother.

When I get out of my thoughts I see Alice walking over to my mate.

"Hey Elijah, would you like to meet my family."

'Elijah that's his name I think to myself

'It's perfect' I say to myself

As I look at him I can tell he doesn't want to but not wanting to deny Alice he follows her over here.

As Alice introduced him to everyone I found myself hating how he talked to Edythe, And then Alice introduced him to Edward I saw how Edward looked at him which made me want to kill him for looking at Elijah like that.

When It was finally my turn I smiled at him while Alice introduced me to him, I saw how he paused for a second causing me to be even happier.

When our hands touched I felt a small shock which caused me to smile even more, then all of a sudden Elijah grunted and got up without saying something and he began to walk away.

Not knowing what happened I begin to panic when I feel a wave of calm emotions hit me, looking at Jasper with a grateful look I begin to get up to follow Elijah when Jasper says.

"Don't go" Causing me to get even angrier wondering why I can't go look for my mate.

'He's mine I should go follow him' I tell myself before Jasper says

"I could feel his emotions until after he stood up and then I couldn't feel anything," he says in a somewhat frightful tone, which led to Alice having to calm him down."

As Elijah left school early I didn't care about anything anymore and didn't pay attention to anything else at school.

When I arrived home I wanted to go right away and go see my mate but was stopped when Carilise asked what Elijah was like.

"Charming," I say causing Emmett to laugh

"You barely spoke to him," He says in between his laughing, which made Edythe hit his shoulder.

Giving Edythe a grateful look, I head up to my room planning on when to sneak out to go to Elijah's house.

When Edward stopped me at the stairs and looked at me with a look that said no, I ignored him and went to my room.


When it was night time I arrived outside Elijah's house, I jumped to the top of the tree where I sat and looked inside his room, when I couldn't see him I started to get worried before I saw a blur run past me. When I turn back to the window I see Elijah sitting in a chair facing the window looking directly at me.

When I saw that I got nervous thinking he saw me even though I knew he couldn't run back but I panicked and ran back to the house.

As I arrived home I heard Edward yelling calling Elijah a freak.

"He's a monster, his eyes became black!" Edward said

/3rd POV/

"What did you say?" Rosalie yells as she comes from the front door and runs at Edward, throwing him at the wall.

Edward gets up and gets ready to fight Rosalie when Carilise yells.

"Enough" Carlisle Yelled

That's when Rosalie and Edward both feel a wave of calm emotions hit them.

"What happened" Carlisle asked

"Rosalie's mate is a monster," Edward says causing Rosalie to grit her teeth before responding

"Says the guy watching his mate sleep"

That seemed to have made Edward stop talking before Esme says

"Maybe what you saw was just the shadows covering his eyes" Which causes all the Other Cullens to nod.

"I know what I saw," Edward says before going into his room.

After That is over Everyone goes their separate ways, As Rosalie heads into her room she whispers,

"He's Mine, No one else can have him."

First chapter with over 1,000 words

Vampire_Onyxcreators' thoughts