

Isabelle husband walked towards her and pulled her close, she resisted saying that she was tired and needed to sleep but he knew she was lying by the look in her eyes, she looked like she was going to give herself up to him if care was not taken so she left his embrace and layed on the bed pretending to be asleep.


Isabelle's P.O.V

I heard a loud bang that woke me up,i looked around my room but it was still very dark and the only light that were on were the ones my maids had lit, i didn't even remember when I slept last night ,all i remember was me trying to get away from my husband alluring appearance, wait!, my husband where is he. I quickly got out of bed, wore a red robe over my night dress then went out of my room.I quietly closed the door so that the guards won't awaken. I walked gently passed the halls and made my way to the garden. I was greeted by the warm moon and star light and looked around at what behold my eyes. The garden was a great expanse of beautifully trimmed bushes, flowerbeds and trees. At, what seemed as ,the center of the garden, was a beautifully adourned,golden swing set. I was about to sit on the swing when my attention was drawn to the roof of the palace, on the roof laid ten different types and colours of statues,they looked strange and odly terrifying,i was about to leave when suddenly the statues seemed to come alive and fly towards me. Shock over took me and i began to run but the more i ran the more they kept on flying towards me. I tried to scream but only a muffled sound escaped my lips "please...d..d. . don't....hurt me, I beg of you" i pleaded with them but they only seemed to mock me.I hit my back against the fountain and tried to escape but before I could, the creatures landed, they were so huge, more bigger than they were on air. One of them grabbed me and threw me across the garden. I landed roughly on the ground and hit my head on a flower pot, another one of those creatures ripped off my robe and slashed my back.I had never felt this much pain in my life.A cry escaped my lips. I heard some footsteps heading my way, i was scared and couldn't turn my head to see who it was.I heard the creatures begin to scream and shout .l smelt blood and smoke.I was so confused.Then I felt myself being lifted up before I lost conciousness.

The ray of sun light was reflected on my face, thereby waking me up.I tried to sit up, but my back hurt like hell "let me help you" my husband said . "Thanks" i managed to say as he helped me sit up straight.His hair was wet which indicated that he just had his bath, and also there was a maid holding a comb and cream nearby ."Are you alright" "uhm,no, not really, what happened last night" he gave me a fake cough then sent the maid away "last night, what do you mean, you didn't let me hold you or...." "uhm that is not what I meant, I mean, I didn't see you last night and later when I went out some creatures came and attacked me one of them slashed my back then I passed out" He seemed to think for a moment before he said "i think you had a bad dream, come and have your bath, should I call your maids for you ?" . "okay" he clapped his hands then a gaurd came in "get me queen isabelle maids" "yes your majesty" he said then left ."I'll be back", he kissed me on my forehead and left. After a minute or two my maids came and got me out of bed, they bathed me and got me dressed, the dress was very beautiful and heavy, it's orange in colour after that they both made my hair and held it with beautiful orange hair pins. "Your majesty,his majesty has asked me to inform you that he would like you both to have your breakfast in the royal garden" ,a guard came and informed me. "Tell him that I will be there shortly" he bowed then left. My maids put their finishing touches on my makeup and jewelries then led me to the garden. The garden was even more prettier than it was last night,oh, wait!, last night with those creatures and the broken flower pot.I looked towards the direction of the flowers and found out that none of the pots were broken. "This way your majesty" a guard led me to a little dinning set, consisting of only two chairs and a table,near the fountain. My husband was already seated but stood up ,upon my arrival ."Please sit" he held out a chair for me to sit. Once I was seated more maids came with different foods and drinks.They placed them on the table then they all left. My husband and I began to eat,i felt awkward and out of place so I stared at the roof but that was the worst mistake i could have made, because once I stared at it i noticed the creatures of yesterday were actually gargoyles with scary looking faces.I was about to get lost in a trance if not for my husband who snapped me out of it "you okay isabelle" he asked in such a caring way ."Yes, uhm i am fine thank you" "you look lost" no i was just thinking about my family at home" he just nodded and kept on eating .I wanted us to have at least a conversation but I did'nt even know his name so I decided to make out a conversation by asking him. " Uhm so, you uhm, you know my name but I don't know yours" he looked at me with those his golden eyes and said "why do you want to know" "well because I am now your wife and a queen so I must know your name" "I think with you addressing me as husband or your majesty is just fine". "But you know mine, I mean it is only fair that I know yours" .His golden eyes seemed worried then he said "you won't think of me the same way if you knew" i was surprised "what do you mean, how can a name make you different" i asked him but he just kept on eating, i felt annoyed "look it's not fair didn't your mother teach you how to be fair I need to be respected at least that's the least you can do after you draged me away from my peaceful life in Mebeth to become your stupid wife who you don't even respect...." I was about to say something else when he cut me off angrily "stop it isabelle,i am not just your husband now, I am also your king and what i say is final, but if you're so hell bent on knowing my name then I'll tell you, it's LUCIFER,got it LUCIFER with a capital L and the mother who you think must have taught me respect is actually a villan in my life,an enemy to me, and you know why, because she tried to kill me and take my throne that is why she named me LUCIFER, she calls me a devil and my dad, well let's just say he's as bad as her...(throws a glass cup across the garden causing it to break and shatter every where)..... now you know why I don't wanna tell you my name i mean your just a farm girl ,who lived on top of a mountain in a calm village called Mebeth, while I am the king of this shitty kingdom called Pandemoniom, and you know what...". He was about to say something more when two guards came and led him out of the garden. Once they left my eyes began to fill with tears then I began to cry ,"oh my God,why did I say that but.... but,why would his parents treat him like that".All those thoughts and more kept on going through my head "so his name is lucifer,as in the devil" .My two maids came and led me to my room "where's his majesty,i want to see him" ."Your majesty, his majesty is currently busy and in a bad mood" one of my maids told me "you may leave" ,they both left.


Lucifer was pacing up and down in his study, with his two guards (James and Mark ) keeping an eye on him, when suddenly , Uriah came with a letter."Your majesty, queen Elsa sent you a message, she must have heard about your marriage to lady isabelle and she is not happy, she takes it as a betrayal of trust" .lucifer stopped pacing and turned to him "where is she at present?" ."Your majesty according to the birds of flight, she is still at the seelie dome receiving treatment". "The birds cannot be trusted. I want you to send Caleb, to the seelie dome ,to confirm it himself" ."Yes your majesty"