
The Feast

The wedding hall was filled with many important dignitaries, ranging from king to dukes,all over the continent came to witness the wedding ceremony of the most feared king in the whole continent who was getting married to the lovely and beautiful woman named isabelle.

His majesty held his wife's hand firmly through out the wedding rituals it was like he knew how she felt about the whole setup.

Isabelle's heart was pounding hard and fast as the priest rushed through the wedding rights and pronounced them king and wife.


Isabelle's P.O.V

After the pronouncement my misterious groom whose face was covered with a ceremonial mask held my waist in preparation for our first kiss.

His touch made my legs feel like pudding and my heart beat like hell.

He slowly removed his mask and reached for my vail,i closed my eyes tightly as he removed my vail,as soon as the vail left my face the congregation all gasped at once.

I was taken by surprise. "What,why the gasp" i asked myself

"It's because of your beauty we weren't expecting you to be this beautiful"

My groom whispered in my ear as he prepared to kiss me.

I don't know if I should be angry or flattered by what he said but i didn't have time to think as his lips were almost touching mine.

"Open your eyes" he said to my ear "no I won't" i told him i was surprised by what he did next,he used his long, thick, raven, black hair to prevent the congregation from seeing us, after some seconds passed he raised his head up again and every one began to clapp thinking that we actually kissed. I refused to raise my head i just kept on thinking about what he did "may i have this dance" my groom asked with his hand stretched towards me,i took his hand and moved closer towards him without looking into his eyes but it wasn't easy as he held my waist and began to dance with me.


The king held her waist and began to dance to the soft and melodious music but funny enough, she wasn't looking at him but rather she kept on starring at the ground "what's wrong" he asked her,she gently raised her head and then their eyes locked "oh my gosh such beautiful golden eyes,they must be too good to be true" isabelle thought to herself as she stared into her husband golden eyes "such nice blue eyes,it reminds me of the sea" the king thought as he starred into her eyes. After the dance, the guests began to disperse to their various kingdoms, while this was going on the king's spokes man, uriah, was seeing the guests off, the king and his wife retired for the night.


Isabelle P.O.V

Two maids accompanied me to what will serve as my room from now on, the room is so huge and spacious with so many different art works and a huge queen size bed, the room and everything in it was either blue or white the huge brocade curtains were blue with silky white lace curtains that hung in between the blue ones "my queen please will you like a hot or a cold bath" one of my maids asked me. I didn't know how to respond because I wasn't a royal from birth, just a simple farm girl, so I didn't know how to respond "uhm, okay I'll have a hot bath if you don't mind" "of course your majesty"they both curtised and left. After my bath they both dressed me,which was really wired, and made my hair into a more comfortable way other than the way it was during the wedding "uhm, you may leave" I told them and they left, some minutes after they left my husband came to my room looking so alluring and sexy but I just curtised and turned around "what's wrong isabelle" I was surprised "you know my name" i asked him although I knew it was foolish because kings or princes always knew about their wives before the wives even know they are getting married "of course I do but don't you know mine" i shook my head in negation "I don't" i could sense that he wanted to say something but unfortunately he stopped and looked at me "nevermind" he said,he was wearing a royal robe that made him look so handsome, doubled with his young and sexy appearance i had to turn away from him to avoid doing something stupid.

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