
In the Naruto world ... with me for his position

take it as a reissue, I have many ideas but I can not implement them all in one story, take it as this is the universe 2 description: dying like a hero, now naoru is in an endless line with thousands more souls, what happened with our favorite prota (created by me) because he died as a hero ?, what will happen with naoru hora? ... at what time will the author bathe? wait for it

Alezero · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

007 - 3 years

The longest time skip ever

It has been 3 years since naoru came to the world of naruto, clearly this in a troubled time, during this time kakashi and naoru had grown up as twins, since they celebrated the same birthday

And where they are, some will say ... well ...

Naoru: papaaa !!!

Kakashi: He was ...

Sakumo: what's up? ...

Naoru: kakashi hit me ...

Kakashi: he was teasing first ...

Naoru: not true

Kakashi: yes ...

Sakumo: enough is enough ... they are already grown up, they must behave well, understood

Naoru / kakashi: yes ...

Sakumo: ok now let's eat, put the dishes on the table ...

It had been a while since both children had learned the basic things of any child, talking, walking, etc, right now they were like children over 5 years old, when they are only 3 in reality

Naoru had tried to refine some chakra with the explanation that sakura had given in the anime, but it seems that it was not the correct method, or there was a special way to do that, but it would be stupid since clanless ninjas should do this type of refinement without guide

So he kept trying to refine it during nights when everyone went to sleep

Their relationship with kakashi was of real brothers, they did not know that they did not have blood ties so they have always treated each other as brothers

A month ago sakumo had been teaching the kata of the hatake clan although they were only the basics of training so there was not much progress, for his part naoru was doing training separately, in case the system never reacted, then he would have to go with its to learn to be a drawer sayan ...

But his resistance was on the ground so that was his first step to overcome, after that he was grabbing a bit of strength putting stones in his pockets and some other areas ... although the improvement was very little but it was an improvement that is what naoru wanted ...

Sakumo: how are you doing with your training?

Kakashi: I learned what you taught me

Naoru: also ...

Sakumo: well, although it is early, we will continue with the training as it should, so we go to the patio ...

The three of them went to the patio of the house, it was wide since it was also used for training, sakumo explained to us that the next step in training should be done at the age of 4, but since they were very intelligent then he would teach them ...

What he taught us was how to gather chakra, which blows my theory that villagers do it automatically overboard, after the basic explanation kakashi and naoru closed their eyes, sakumo was behind them with a hand on their backs

Naoru felt a warm current that was passing through his back towards a cavity that was under the diaphragm, when he got there Sakumo gave the order to make that thread begin to walk as he had taught us ...

Manipulating the chakra was difficult, but once you get used to it, then that's fine, it took the two kids about half an hour to complete the journey and for that thread to come back ... but it was stronger

Sakumo: this is how it is refined

Kakashi: it's difficult

Naoru: you give up, at the flower shop they want an assistant

Kakashi: shut up ...

Sakumo: already ... well they will have to train to get more, only then can they improve ...

Kakashi and Naoru thanked Sakumo and went to their respective rooms, if when they were 2, Sakumo assigned a room to each of them, Naoru entered their room and locked

He had to see if the system would accept that newly refined chakra ...


Tiin ...

[welcome host, congratulations on moving to the naruto world, the current era is the end of the second ninja war]


[Congratulations to the host for turning 3, giving 3 ticket, for the years completed]


[Open inventory system ... open store system ... open help system ... open system ...]

Naoru was attacked by several notifications that had flown to him, apparently the system kept collecting things while he was in wintering ... now naoru was removing one after another until he reached the tickets

When he received them, three papers appeared in front of him and fell directly into his hand, without knowing what to do naoru put them on his bed and investigated more about the system they had given him, but something surprised him in his range of vision, spaces had appeared, some transparent pictures which had a similarity to the game of minecraft

Naoru didn't take that much interest if it wasn't when he opened the inventory, which was indeed the minecraft interface, although he had no place to put the armor or quick crafting, there was only the image of Naoru's body with one corner and several buttons on the other side, there was the store and more things

So seeing this he went to the help tab, when I touched it a bar appeared in front of it, it was like a navigation bar, so I put the name of the ticket

[Birthday ticket, random random given by the system for your birthday, break the ticket when you have it and you will receive an object, technique or power from all over the multiverse]

The explanation more than clear, naoru closed the inventory and grabbed the tickets that were next to him, seeing watos pieces of paper, he tore the first

At that moment a large golden screen appeared in front of him, having many squares with the? Sign, on them next to it was the star button, so when naoru saw it, his player mode was activated and he pressed the button

A box immediately lit up and started flashing all over the panel, but it was not consecutive, but anywhere on the screen it was

As the minutes passed the speed increased until there came a time when it seemed that all the boxes were illuminated, that took about ten minutes before it began to slow down, naoru was expectant while waiting for what was what was I going to get ...

Tiin ...

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining, machi nen experience book ...]

Naoru received in her hand a transparent white book that when she opened it she had nothing, but she knew that it was nen and who was machi

But this is not the time to hesitate, nsoru broke another ticket, the panel appeared again, pressed the button and I hope, every time the panel chooses a gift after giving it, it disappears ...

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining ... zanpakuto haineko ... former owner matsumoto rangiku]

Naoru saw this, maysumoto was the sexy assistant of the boy captain ... but she also remembered his zanpakuto and it was not very powerful ... so she did not know if it was good to have this power ... when trying to draw her a warning appeared ... .

[If you unpack the soul integration will be done with this weapon ... are you sure to do this?]

Naoru didn't even have to read the hill again and put it in the inventory, she didn't want this zanpakuto so it wouldn't be attached to her soul in a stupid way

But instead of putting it in the inventory it fell to the ground, it seems that things have to be in contact so that they can be put into the inventory ...

Tink ... (drawn)

Naoru trying to pick her up I draw her ...

Naoru: heck ...

[Beginning soul integration]

End of chap