
In the Naruto world ... with me for his position

take it as a reissue, I have many ideas but I can not implement them all in one story, take it as this is the universe 2 description: dying like a hero, now naoru is in an endless line with thousands more souls, what happened with our favorite prota (created by me) because he died as a hero ?, what will happen with naoru hora? ... at what time will the author bathe? wait for it

Alezero · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

006 - arrival in konoha

The scene froze, no one had said anything and the two ninjas were looking at each other, until Sakumo got up ...

Sakumo: hold it for a moment ...

He gave the baby in his arms to one of the ninjas who were accompanying him, while he removed the belongings of the woman in front of him, sealing it in a scroll and burning her body

A dead ninja outside the village had to do this, so that it did not fall into the hands of the enemy, plus she who had blood from one of the konoha clans, the companions began to remove the belongings of all those who were dead, sealing them in the parchment

The belongings of these dead were valuable, some ryo and other tools, the second ninja war had just ended, still the supplies of the merchants were scarce and having more missions, they could hardly supply their ninja backpacks, but now it was a rare opportunity

They went to the land of the crickets (I don't know the names of the towns so they will be ridiculous) the dolphin people then wanted their land to be absorbed by the fire nation so that's why I was sending them a proposal ...

With the speed of sakumo it would take only a few days to do the mission, but this time it was different, it took a week to come and go and when he arrived at the gates of konoha holding a child in his arms, the whole town began to speculate

There was no record of Kakashi's mother, so they didn't know who it had been, but bringing Kakashi, followed by another baby, there were people who said that she was still alive only that Sakumo did not trust Konoha and decided to hide his wife in another side...

Sakumo was quiet in the face of the rumors, while the ninjas who accompanied him were threatened from what they had seen a few days ago ...

Sakumo gave a written report and left the place, a trip like that for a boy was bad, plus he wanted to see his little one too ...

Arriving at his house, he saw the babysitter paying for his services and delivering the baby to his care, he had decided to take care of him as a brother of kakashi, so he would also receive his last name, and as the strongest jónin of konoha he had no need to explain where he appeared another baby in his hands

The two little ones were going to be the mainstay of the hatake clan, he was only a little worried if the little one would awaken his bloodline, there he would have to explain several things ...

.... ....

Naoru had woken up when they arrived in konoha and with a great shine in his eyes, he saw the Villa from the gate to the hokage tower, he had also heard that Sakumo claimed to be his father, so he would have a powerful pillar, well until he was 5 years...

When they got to the house, she left him in charge of a lady, she looked older but not so old, this woman prepared milk and gave him a drink, until she had to pretend to be asleep so that she would leave him alone.

Laughing his eyes and not seeing anyone, he began to move to see where he was, he began to look around him, searching among everything, but all he saw was a baby of the same size next to him, this one had white hair and It was very nice, it was clearly my little brother Kakashi who was asleep ...

With much effort, Naoru sat on the crib trying not to wake baby kakashi, while trying to call the system that had been installed in the

[Warning: the user's power is low, the system will be put in hospital until it begins to generate chakra]

With this Naoru message he felt drowsy, falling into the land of sleep without further hesitation ...

Suddenly after who knows how long, he felt a little hand that was touching his face, opening his eyes he saw big and curious eyes which were those of baby kakashi, and this guy would be the ninja who copies, but now he was only a baby curious of the subject who is close to him ...

Sakumo: kakashi ... you're awake ...

: ew (pointing)

Sakumo: don't hit him, he will be your brother, his name is ... well ... with naoru it's fine ...

: ew?

Sakumo: hehe, come on I'll give you some milk ... do you want too?

: waa ...

With the baby language there is not much to say only with their expressions and vague understanding should suffice, but the communication of kakashi and sakumo is on another level, digi even seem to be talking

The months went by making them grow more, one thing that was curious is how genius Kakashi is, although I should not have done it ... with the toys they gave us I did a simple test without the babysitter catching us

The result is 100/100 ... everything that this monster of the hatake clan had done was correct, with good reason he could make a name for himself, in addition to the physical reinforcement is a beast, only a few months had passed and he was already trying to stand up, clearly he is in another league, I even thought he was also a reincarnated, but it is just the beast that is his aptitude

By the way also sakumo is not much at home paying someone to take care of us, but there were also several anbu around the house to protect us

There was not much to do so I began to work on speaking, although the only thing that was heard was the babbling of a baby but the exercise of the muscles of the mouth was necessary to be able to start speaking ...

The months passed in the blink of an eye, Sakumo was seen more at home, the missions lasted only a few days away from home and he spent time with the two when he returned, he did not distinguish between the two little ones.

The people clamored with the rumors since Sakumo ignored them, simply made the news a drop in the ocean, disappearing forever

But some were very quick to know the origin of the two boys in the hands of sakumo, one of them was a copy and paste of the image of sakumo, while the other was completely different, it was a child that had nothing to do with sakumo or did he look more like his mother

These unknowns did not let a certain mummy sleep deep in its pyramid called the root, while its guards went to investigate everything about the time that Sakumo brought the child, giving was more nervous, seeing that Sakumo had brought another, and if the two of them became hiruzen supporters, then he would have the hatake clan against him should he get rid of the problem

But since, no one dared to face Sakumo, not even him, so he had to prepare something else to kill the Hatake clan Pillar and also get rid of those two annoyances that he had brought.

On the other hand, Hiruzen was a bit thoughtful seeing when Sakumo brought the child, the report had said that they fought with mercenaries, but it did not say where he found that baby, also when I asked Sakumo he did not want to reveal anything about the child's past, so how he danced was in the dark about the birth of this child could only wait and see what would happen in the

End of chap