
Deus Vult (8)

They stood inside that room in silence, their faces were covered by they now each other thoughts.

-"Alex, start up your brain, we are gonna need it."

-"Show me the map."- The holographic map of the castle appeared before him. Alex walked around it.-"Cyka Blyat Rush B or Sneeki Breeki?"

-"You decide"

Alex looked at Zibi.-"I will go out DOOM style, you will cut their escape routes. Do whatever you want but none can leave this place alive."

-"You got it."

-"Let's go!"

The turned towards the doors but before they left the room they cremated the bodies. The smoke was thick and heavy. It was slowly filling whole catacombs.

They were walking through tight corridors, sometimes they stumbled upon unfortunate guard which was immediately shredded to pieces. After sometime later that found the exit. After kicking the doors out the entered the room. Inside they found someone who looked like a director of the prison, tormentor and that cardinal cosplaying guy. They were sitting around the table and were playing cards. They were playing for the right to take the first time of the girl who was handcuffed to the wall.

-"Who the hell are you"-Director rose from his chair and shouted. He looked like a ball with 4 stick inserted.

Zibi was first to move. Eyes of his mask flashed with the red light. He swung his Nodachi and cut the director in half along with the ceiling and the table. That sword was so sharp that the director did not even felt that he was cut. He only realized it when he fell to the ground and blood started to flow everywhere.

Tormentor tried to fight while cardinal tried to escape. Alex throws his bayonets and nailed the cardinal to the wall. Tormentor, on the other hand, earned an uppercut. His head cracked open when he hit the ceiling.

The duo walked towards the cardinal who shit his pants.-"You dare to do this! You heretics I have a blessing of the goddess. If you kill me you will be punished by her."

-"I counting on that."- Alex responded with an unusually deep voice it was similar to that of a Deathwing. The cardinal became pale like a paper and fainted.-"What are we going to do with her?"

Zibi appraised her.-"Hmmm, it looks like she was summoned here, she is from Japan but not from our Earth."

-"Can you send her back?"

-"Yep."-Zibi touched her forehead, a shining circle appeared around her and she disappeared.-"You know, it feels like a cheat. Normally there should be a sacrifice of thousands of souls to send her back."

-"Well, cheat happens. Besides we can still make up that sacrifice."

-"Yeah, thousands of souls or one flick of a finger from the god of this place."-Zibi unsheeted his sword.-"You know with each passing second I dislike this place more and more."

-"Keep calm, and work."-Alex patted his back.-"I will go first"- He stomped n cardinals head and crushed it, then he just started to run

Look and layout of the rooms in that palace was similar to Château de Versailles. It did not matter though because Alex had his minimap. He was running around to the rhythm of "The Bomb" in the general direction of the throne room.

In the meantime, Zibi broke through the windows and jumped on the roof. There were few guards on it but he just cut them into pieces. When he finally had a moment of the quiet he browsed through all the magic spells of this world. One spell picked his interest.-"Bird Cage"-After invoking it the whole palace became enclosed in an indestructible ball of strings. -" Roasted Chicken one serving."- Zibi did not know why but this sentence made him feel funny.-"Fly."- He flew towards the highest point in cage.-"Alex! You can go all out!"- He shouted he knew that his friend will hear this signal.

Alex heard the shout when he entered the throne room. He just kicked the doors out of its frames. Inside he found a platoon of knights that looked very strong and imposing, The were organized in a phalanx. Behind them were the pope-like figure, king-like figure, prince and princess were there too.

-"You dare to invade this holy place? Who gave you the guts to this?"

Alex did not listen to them, he just started to cut his way through the unfortunate knights.

-"It seems like he has some strength. Let's see what he got."- Prince said with a smirk, he murmured some kind of spell and covered himself in shining armor. He took his blade out. It was shiny spade made out of mithrill.-"en garde"

Alex looked at him in amazement. He was a newbie in an art of war but he knew that if you are going to attack an enemy you shouldn`t inform him about that. Prince charged and stabbed with his needle. Alex dodged to the right, grabbed him by the hand and nape and threw him out threw him. Prince crashed with the wall and lost consciousness. Then he moved straight towards the king, but prince miraculously came back and blocked him with a shield that came out of nowhere. -"Hmm, interesting"

-"You need some help?"- Zibi broke through the ceiling and made a superhero landing.

-"Not really, just a cockroach that doesn't want to die"

-"Of course I can`t die, my fate is to become the great king of this nation. The likes of you can not even hurt me."-Prince said with an even bigger smirk.

-"Challange accept."-The duo said. Both had evil smiles under their masks.

-"Then I shall show something amazing. Come forth and listen to my orders as I summon you the Archangel Michael."

At this point, both Zibi and Alex thought that they seriously fucked up. If this world was really under the protection of GOD then they would probably end in hell. So they both palled and started to tremble.

-"I see, you are scared of this holy light, but is too late you will perish! Hw, ha, ha"- Prince was laughing, while the whole room was bathing in the light so bright that it could be mistaken as a flashbang. It last for 2 seconds, 3, 4 then 10. The duo started to suspect something, it wasn`t in Mike style to appear so long. He was always quick, like a guerilla fighter, not a model on a stage.

Finally, the light diminished and they saw it. The magnificence of Archangel Michael. Golden hair fluttered in the air, sward was burning in the heavenly fire, and the bikini was barely covering her body.

Archangel Micheal in this world had the look of empty-headed bimbo that mistake sword with a dance pole. The duo started to laugh so hard that they were rolling on the floor.

-"What is so funny to you? The thought that you will die?"-Prince looked so confident that Alex couldn't stop but cry. Bimbo angel was confused.

-"What let me try it."- Zibi raised from the floor-"You said that this is a summoning magic, right? Then I will try to summon my version of Mike."- He chanted the same incantation. But now it was different. It quick flash and blonde Rambo with machete appeared.-"Hi Mike. Please meet with Archangel Michael."-Zibi pointed at the bimbo.

Mike looked around, he was very angry.-"First, if you are calling me because you can`t beat that thing in your current state then you will train for the next 100 years without break. Second, do not hijack the system of your own base. Third no, it is not my alter self. I do not have one. You can check it if you compare energies that we emit. You can call it energy waves, they are like fingerprints."- He sheeted his machete.-"Anything else?"

-"No?"-Zibi answered to his Sergeant.

-"By the way. We wanted to give you a completely different mission to teach you how to kill but I assume that you already lost your virginity."- The duo nodded.-"Those kids went to heaven, and you are now pardoned from anything you will do in this world. So good luck& have fun."- He disappeared in a flash.

-"So, I can go all out? For real?"

-"Yes my dear Alex, you can go all out."

-"The Sir Zibi you will take care of that Bimbo, and I will deal with the rest. Kay?"-Alex stood up.

-"No problem."

In one minute they killed all the remaining knights, only four enemies were left. Blood corpses were splattered everywhere. Prince was so shocked by this sight that he forgot to fight. Pope saw this and decided to make a move.

-"You vile creatures, your malicious intentions are boundless. I pray to the goddess mary. Please grant us with your presence and banish these vile heretics into the deepest pit of the underworld."-Light shined upon the throne room once again, but the duo did not pay attention to this.

-"If you are going to make a move, make it quick."- Alex jumped towards the pope and pinned him to the ground with his saber. With a knife, he cut off his head."-Though this did not stop the process of the sumoning scared face of the prince and king were priceless.

-"You vile heretic, for this sin you will burn in hell."- Summoned goddess Mary finally appeared. Her look did not differ too much from the look of Miki-chan except that on her left cheek were two scars. They were on the wrong cheek but they were very familiar.

-"Alex! Do not look at her."- Zibi warned his friend but it was too late.

-"Now you did it."- Alex was slowly walking towards that goddes.-"You dare to carry that name with that look of yours?"

-"DIE!!!"- Prince charged at Alex, but this time he met with a more violent response. Alex grabbed him by face and sliced his throat. With one more cut, he cut off Prince's head.-"Anyone else?"

Zibi sighed and looked at Miki-chan. She was quite a beauty but not his type, he could bet that her boobs were fake. When she did not look at him with the swift swing he cut her in half from top to bottom. -"Never avert your sight from your enemy." -He said while Mike turned into a perfect study help. You could see her insides, how the spine is made, how the brain is connected, and how half the heart stops beating.

In the meantime, Alex was busy with killing that fake goddess. He was shouting all the time as she is so indecent, she has no shame and that she should cover herself. All the while madly slashing around. When he neared the wall it was just sliced into small cubes. He did not stop until he mixed her into meat paste. -"Never try to imposter her."

-"Have you calmed down?"

-"Yep. All good. I could say that I have never been better in my life."-Alex said with a happy voice.

-"Nice. We gotta wrap thing up. Help me finish them off."- Zibi once again picks up his sword.

That day everyone in that palace died. Be it from the hand of Alex or Zibi or simply crushed by the birdcage.

Delete this thing.

saszetacreators' thoughts