I was making good time flying after the falling star and as far as I remember no beings in this world could fly on their own so unless I run into pirates with a flying ship, or I am unlucky and the star lands too close to the witches, I should be able to make it there on time.
Interrupting my thoughts I saw the star finally touch down in a forest and a huge crater formed. I touched down at the edge of the crater and watched in fascination as the glowing of the star subsided only to be surprised by what I saw.
'Who the hell is that?!?' I questioned to myself.
I saw a young women with raven black hair and was wearing a similar gown to what Yvaine was wearing in the movie. I made my way down to her still unconscious body. I knelt down and tried to shake her awake.
"Hey, are you okay?" I asked as I shook her body.
"Hey, wake up, do you need any he....blurgh"
As I was trying to check on her, she had awoken and all I recieved was a surprisingly strong kick into my chest knocking the wind out of me as I fell to the ground with a thud.
"Ugh...Lady, you really need to work on your communication." I said struggling to get my breath back.
She stood up and kept a distance from me as she stared at me suspiciously.
"Who are you?" She questioned both fear and frustration heard in her voice.
I wasn't able to reply as I was stunned staring at her dazzlingly blue eyes. It was staring into a pristine blue pool or even seeing sparkling sapphires.
"Well? Answer me!" She continued.
"Oh, right, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, my name is Robert Black, scholar, warrior, and wizard." I said in what I hoped was a non-threatening way as I took a bow while moving my hand in a circle before placing my hand flat yet perpendicular to my chest at the bottom of my bow.
She seemed to be thrown off by my actions and words.
"Wizard? Is that anything like a Warlock?" She questioned.
Seeing I had succeeded in at least calming her down some, I conjured a two chairs and a table as I sat down and then conjured a kettle and two cups of tea to which I poured some for myself and gestured to the other chair.
"You could say we are similar, but for fear of sounding too braggadocious I believe it'd be best to say I am slightly more powerful than a normal Warlock. Please sit, would you like some tea." I explained succinctly while pointing to the chair and tea.
She seemed to pause for a second and then her thirst seemed to have won her over as I saw her swallow quickly as if trying to hide it. She then walked over to the table, grabbed the teacup and the chair and moved away from the me and put the chair in the center of the crater and took a sip of the drink.
"Thank you. It is good." Was all she said as we both quietly drank our tea.
After a few minutes went by and I had finished my tea, I snapped my fingers and the table, and my teacup disappeared and the kettle was floating next to me in the air.
"Would you like some more?" I asked pointing to the kettle.
She didn't say anything but sort of nodded. I complied and sent the kettle over to her and made it pour her some more tea. After that I snapped my fingers again and the kettle disappeared and dragged my chair closer but still not too close and sat across from her, mirroring her demeanor to help put her more at ease.
"You don't have to worry, I won't harm you. What is your name?" I said then asked.
She seemed to be pondering on whether or not to tell me before she seemed to come to some sort of agreement with herself.
"I am Seraphina." She said and went back to drinking her tea
"Seraphina? That's a pretty name...You shouldn't stay here, it could be dangerous for a Star to be here." I said as I stood up and my chair disappeared.
Seraphina instantly became alert and quickly stood up and threw her teacup to the ground and tried to run, but ironically enough, she had twisted her ankle similar to Yvaine in the movie.
"Whoa, calm down, I am not here to hurt you. I want to help." I explained slowly as I took calm slow steps toward her.
"S-stay away from me, I know what magic beings would do to a star. How did you even know I was a star?!?" Seraphina said and then asked.
"When i saw the shooting star, I followed it, I was curious. I didn't expect to see you in place of the star though." I explained as I was truly expecting the Star with Red Hair.
This only made me more confused as I don't know the timeline of when I am. I must be before the 400 years before the witches found Ingrid, which i finally remembered as her name. So this is either an event that took place before Ingrid's fall, or an event that has only occurred do to the butterfly effect of my existence in this universe.
"So you don't want to take my heart and eat it to get everlasting life?!?" Seraphina asked sceptically.
"Of course not, as a wizard I already have a long life, and I don't see a need to look for a way to live forever any time soon." I explained with a hint of a joke in my voice as I found it comical that someone could see me in such a way.
I continued. "That being said, it isn't safe for you here. While I may not be after you to, as you said, eat your heart, there are plenty who are. Now I am sure that you don't really trust me, but as it stands right now, I am the only person who's willing to help you right now." I said while looking at her face and could see the wheels turning.
"So the way I see it you can either decide to trust me, or you can sit here in a crater and wait for the next person who might help you, or might not." I finished as I began to turn around.
"WAIT! Wait." She said loudly at first then quieter as I turned around.
"I will accept your offer of help, just could you help me up, I think my ankle is hurt." She replied.
I nodded with a smile and then extended my hand to her and helped her to stand up. I then paused for a second, snapped my fingers and then conjured another chair.
"Sit down for a moment." I requested gesturing to the chair.
She seemed skeptical, but sat down nonetheless. I then took out my wand and pointed it at her leg.
"Episkey" I said as I cast a basic healing spell.
There was a small popping sound and then I looked at her and knelt down to examine her leg.
"How's your leg? Any improvement?" I asked.
Seraphina was shocked as she nodded.
"Yes, all the pain is gone now. Thank you." She said expressing her gratitude.
"Of course. I said I would help you, now we need to get you somewhere safe. Come with me." I said as I held out my hand.
Seraphina stared at my hand for a moment before tentatively grabbing it and then I guided her out of the crater and planned to bring her back to my cabin before we discussed what to do next.
So i have introduced an OC. What do you guys think about adding Seraphina to the story? Let me know in the comments.
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