
In One Piece as the Monkey King!?

Sun Wukong, a Chinese national, was killed due to his own negligence of his surroundings. Stabbed three times in the chest he bled out not before, "Er..ase..my hist..ry *Cough*" whispering those last noble words to his great friend Zen. Thinking it was the end of his journey, waiting to be reborn into the a new world, one he had no knowledge of, only to find himself in one he knew very well. Let us stalk the amazing adventures of Sun, as he embarks on an adventure to become the true Monkey King! (I own nothing other than my mc, so yeah.)

Daoof30Forced · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

What a Drag........

[3rd P.O.V.]

{Timeskip-3 years}

~Port of Foosha Village~

A small fishing boat was floating off the shore of Foosha Village carrying a man, around the height of 5'10.

He was bareback, showing off his athletic body to the women on the shoreline ogling him.

His golden eyes were piercing four figures while his Observation Haki was sensing another, watching him from a great distance away.

The villagers were all shouting his name with tears in their eyes, but none were feeling as much pain as the green-haired woman who stood at the forefront.

She was even getting somewhat pissed at his blatant provocation, showing off his body to the horny women in the village.

Most of the characters weren't pretty boys until they got older and the villagers only saw them when they were kids growing up.

"Aniki!" Shouting at her brother, who twirled around in the small boat with a grey staff in hand.

He smiled seeing her frustrated and teary-eyed face, sniffling multiple times to regain her bearings.

Looking into his eyes, she shouted with every ounce of energy that she could, "I love you, and don't die else I'll kill you myself!"

The only person in the entire world she would proclaim that sentence to was him, for the time being, that is.

Turning around he flashed her a quick smile, one that held a sincere familial feeling, unlike what he felt when he first knew he had a little sister.

Waving as he looked onwards towards the vast blue, greeting him with a new world and adventure, he heard another collective scream.

Swinging his head around, to see three small boys, all had tears leaking out their eyes as if they were garden hoses.

"One day, when I'm old enough, I'll gather up a crew of Nakama that are better than yours! Then I'll become the Pirate King!"

Luffy shouted with his jaw opening to comically large levels, all the surrounding people were touched by the words the young boy said.

Other than Wood Slap who was already cursing in his head, all the hard work he put into diverting them to a different path went down the drain.

The other two just stayed silent, as they were too choked up in tears to shout, only due to Luffy's big mouth was he able to shout without a problem.

"Don't worry I won't die, I'll be waiting on you brats in the New World! I'll be on my way see yah, also I'm not making a crew you idiot!"

Waving one last time, all the citizens shouted in unison, "Use your mouth less!" With tears leaving their eye sockets.

Through the years his mouth got a bad reputation, as the few words he spoke would be the most disrespectful things they've ever heard.

As he was also known as Dirty Sunny, the only thing that came out of his mouth was profanities or downright disrespect.

Once he even told Dadan she looked like a pregnant elephant that smoked crack for a living, causing the two to 'scuffle'.

If you could even call it that, when she swung her hand towards him, she flew across the house.

None of the four spectators had a clue about what happened. Even Garp who was stalking them was surprised.

He didn't want any more influence of becoming a pirate to rotton their minds, so he kept a good eye on them.

His irritating speech lessened as he got to know the individuals that lived in the village, uplifting his once bottom of the line reputation.

Even if he was a crackhead who said his stick could talk, they still loved him like their own family.

As his boat disappeared into the vast ocean, Makino stood at the port. The tearful departure was over, yet everyone was still in mourning.

They soon left one by one, giving Makino and the kids a hug or some reassuring words that he would be fine.

Sabo, Luffy and Ace stood next to her tugging her dress from time to time as they wanted to go with him, but he rejected them countless times.

They were both happy and sad that they could say in the future their big brother was a pirate who went to the Grandline.

Wiping her nose with a napkin, Makino looked out one last time as she mumbled to herself solemnly, "I'll miss you Sunny."

Walking back to her bar she delivered the crying Ace, Luffy and Sabo to Dadan who wasn't that different from their state.

Even if he had a bad mouth, and tended to use it to destroy her self esteem, living with him and knowing him for the past years made her soft.

Later they all scattered, with Dadan carrying the three crybabies back to her hideout and Makino closing the bar for the day to quell her overflowing sadness.

Though she did have a Den Den Mushi in her hand, tempted to type a certain number, as every second her thumb twitches. Resting it back on the dresser she decided to take a nap.

~East Blue~

[3rd P.O.V.]

A tall, tanned, broad-chested, muscular old man was standing at the helm of a Navy ship. He has a beard and a scar over his left eye, his eye colour is blue, and his hair is grey,

He wore a dog mask that not only covered his head but it covered the top part of his face.

At this very moment, he was cringing, as he tightened his hand in frustration and lack of control.

'That brat!' his thoughts were in shambles, as he felt the presence of his disciple leave his sensing range.

Behind him was a tense crew, as his body was radiating a somewhat green hue of light that even crew members without Haki were able to see.

*Step, Step!*

Walking up behind the navy Vice Admiral was someone of almost equal standing as himself.

He wears a marine coat, which is draped over his shoulders. He wears a matching beige suit and hat, with the hat covering his eyes in a shadow.

He has his katana on his left hip, attached to his belt with a brown strap. The sword has a grey-wrapped hilt, a golden rounded-cross shaped tsuba and a deep green sheath.

His height was one head taller than the grey-haired man he now stood next to on the helm of the Navy ship.

He had papers in his hand, which he passed on to the grey-haired man, who read it and a scowl was shown on his face.

"Bogard, get the ship ready to sail!" Walking away before who we now know as Bogard could reply.

He stood there quietly for a couple of seconds, as he turned around informing the other marines to get ready to sail.

They were needed back at Marineford headquarters for briefing, looking back to get a glance at what his superior was looking at.

Not seeing anything he walked back into the ship's cabin, without saying a single word.

[3rd P.O.V.]

~East Blue~

The boat that once left the shore of Foosha Village, was floating aimlessly as the passenger didn't care too much about his location.

Laying next to him were two items of extreme importance. A bag of food and common necessities any living being needed.

And the single most important artefact of the Monkey King, Ruyi Jingu Bang, was the mystical staff that was located on the moon.

It was silver, as its appearance was similar to a Bo Staff, which reflected the sun every time it was spun around in Sun's hand.

Sitting on the bag of necessities like a pillow, he twirled Ruyi Jingu Bang, who he calls Yeoui.

*Shake, Shake!*

Violently shaking, the staff was corresponding to the words and thoughts of Sun, as if it was conscious.

"I have no clue where we're heading but it doesn't matter, the reason I trained was to be careless and free. Why waste all my hard work by trying."

Shaking once again it half disagreed as it was a tradition for its wielder to train in the mastery of the staff whenever they could.

Being strong wasn't a sin, and getting stronger was better than staying weak and thinking you were strong due to you beating someone of equal standings.

An unspoken religion and way of life that's been used by all of the previous Monkey King candidates and Monkey Kings as well.

Pointing at the sky, Sun looked up with mild boredom, even if he was the laziest person in the world he still felt bored just sitting around with nothing to do with his life.

"You think you can go past the Ozone Layer this time, Yeoui?" another shake was made.

"It seems we're getting past our previous record today, what was it again, the stratosphere?"Doing one more twirl, he pointed the flat part up to their sky.

"Expand Yeoui!" In an instant the pole was the side of the small boat he was riding in, they both had the same width.

Holding his staff like a bowl of noodles he threw it overboard, as he shouted with excitement, unlike his usual self.

"Extend!" Moving as fast as light, the staff that once stood side by side with Sun, pierced the sky out of his field of range.

This greatly surprised him as his range was insane, he even covered half of East Blue when he got used to the Colour of Observation on his first try.

"Oy, how far are you, Yeoui?" Tapping the huge pillar, that would without a doubt bring him some troubles in the future.

*Ruble, Ruble!*

Shaking a couple of times it caused humongous waves to form, happy about its new achievement and seeing its former home.

"Your home? Wait a minute you're on the moon! Get down from there!" Knocking the staff a couple of times due to its childish personality.

Returning to its normal size, it floated over the surface of the water, as the end of the planet would have been near if it didn't.

He knew very well that the world was going to go into chaos, as a pillar as thick as the Eiffel tower, since its size increased when he threw it out of the boat.

Went directly to the moon and back. Even the sky was parted and the clouds that once roamed the skies dispersed, which was cleared from the speed it moved at.

Spinning the staff one last time, he decreased its size to that of a hairpin, sticking it behind his ears.

"Imma take a nap, tell me when we reach an island or something interesting happens."

Yawning, he informed Yeoui, who replied in one word answers due to its lack of intelligence, but common sense was there at the very least.

'Only five more treasures to go, what a drag….." Sighing he closed his eyes trying to get a good sleep for once.

Propping the bag of food as a pillow, he laid down unbothered by the raging sun, instead he bathed in it...