
In Naruto: With Shanks Template

A 21st century Otaku died and reincarnated as Naruto with Shanks template. Influenced by Pirate like traits with a bit cunningness from Shanks

LordRaphael · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Chapter 13: Why Hinata Needs to Start Fighting Back

After a couple more minutes, the break time was over so Naruto used the water he brought with him to wake up Hinata.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Naruto's face looking at her with concern. She realized that she fainted and was now her head was resting on his lap.

Her face turned red again but she tried her best to control herself.

"Hey Hinata, are you alright?" asked Naruto with a concerned voice. This seemed to melt Hinata's heart as the steam started to rise from her head.

But soon, a bell rang and brought her out of her stupor. She stood up and started addressing him.

"N-naruto-kun, I don't know what you have gone through and what this village has been doing to you, but I promise, from now on you are not alone. Whether you see it as a future or not, believe it, I will always stand by your side, no matter what!!" Hinata's voice lowered towards the last part but it was perfectly audible to Naruto. After speaking her part, she turned around and ran away.

'Guess just speaking this much was too much for a timid Hinata. But don't worry, you will soon change and I will give you a perfect reason for that change.' There was a genuine smile on Naruto's face at this time. Just this promise from Hinata was something that touched his heart. For someone who suffered from being alone for two consecutive lives, this was like an oasis in the desert. At this moment he promised himself that he would make Hinata strong enough to fend for herself if he ever were absent but would never let her be bullied like she was in the anime. No, only he is the one allowed to tease her, rest all will pay if they even looked at her with a tinge of maliciousness.

As his thoughts were running in his head, the atmosphere around him became quite heavy. He stood up and walked back to his class. Unbeknown to him, all the birds, insects and squirrels surrounding the tree fell to the ground. Naruto might have wanted to turn Hinata into a yandere and he might have just started the process but he himself started changing. In the future it would be known wide and far that anyone who crossed Hinata even once will be erased from existence without any trace.

This even earned her the title of Shadow Seraph.

This title combines the darkness of shadows with the purity of a seraph, suggesting that Hinata is an angelic figure with a dark side, capable of making those who cross her vanish into the shadows.

As he made his way to the class, he again sat beside Hinata. Meanwhile, throughout the class Hinata was thinking about what she learned about. She was not worried about someone harming Naruto, because according to Naruto he has become strong enough to counter anyone in this Ninja world, even the Hokage and she believed her Naruto. He also told her that she would marry him and he also seemed to care about her and in the future might even go on a date with her. But what made her worry is that if she was worthy of her Naruto now. He has become so strong and also quite charming now. Will he still marry her in the future? She is quite weak and also timid in nature. Naruto will go on to become a Hokage or something great but she will remain the same self. He even has the knowledge of the future now. Will he still marry the timid and weak Hinata?

These worries continued to gnaw at her. Even after the class was over and she said her goodbyes to Naruto, she continued to think about it and even skipped her practice in the clan, which seemed to have ticked the elders of the clan in the wrong way because she remained inside her room and was medically fine. So her skipping the practice was taken the wrong way by them. But her sister and father noticed a change within her. Most of the time when she is asked to do something she simply complies, but today even in the face of an elder shouting at her face for being complacent, she simply ignored him and went ahead to her room. For him and his younger daughter, this was a positive change but they were not farsighted enough to predict the creation of the Shadow Seraph.

The next day, Hinata sat on the same seat in the class but this time, something was different about her. Her eyes were more clear and she was keeping her eyes towards the door as if waiting for someone. Her wait didn't last long as the blond who she was waiting for suddenly arrived with a mischievous smirk on his face but this time it brought a huge smile to Hinata's face. A smile she had not given ever and was only reserved for her Naruto. Naruto when saw this scene was confused at first then realized maybe she might have come to some decision which could help him in his goals towards her. He returned her smile, which was genuine and this smile was also quite charming and not a goofy one which he used to give everyone. Sasuke was also observing all of this but when he remembered the training he went through with Naruto yesterday after the academy, he suddenly shuddered but his determination took over and he held on for his revenge.

Yesterday, after the academy Naruto went to Sasuke's house. He decided that he would teach him Marine Six styles for better conditioning and also try if Sasuke could learn observation haki or not. He began with observation because it is the easiest one and also to check if people in the Ninja world can learn that or not. He wants his Hinata to learn Haki too but he cannot just experiment with the brutal beatdown needed for learning Haki with Hinata now, can he? He will try with Sasuke and if he succeeds then he will teach Hinata and if not then he just has to hit Sasuke with a wooden stick for months. As for himself, he started his chakra control training, he has already decided to learn some elemental jutsus for convenience and also fuinjutsu. Sage mode was also on his list and then if possible Flying thunder God. This was his goal for the next six years. For fuinjutsu, he has a much larger ambition. But that will be for another day.

When the break arrived, Naruto and Hinata again went outside together in a reclusive corner of the academy ground.

"So Hinata, would you like to know more about the future?" This time when he called Hinata, he noticed that Hinata was flushed red but she was holding it quite well and was not a mess.

Hinata just nodded shyly and Naruto took the clue.

"Well, the events after the fourth Ninja war were both good and bad. For starters, you have a branch with byakugan living on the moon. They were a crazy bunch and the last member there wanted to marry you because of your byakugan purity or some childhood crush and I will just destroy him rescuing you. There we will confess our feelings and then we will get married. We have two kids in the future, an elder son named Boruto and a younger daughter named Himawari. I became the seventh Hokage after that, and yeah the sixth was Kakashi.

I was quite stupid at that time, for the village and for this Hokage position I ignored my family, that is you three but you still supported me. Boruto became rebellious because of my negligence in family matters. I just talked bullshit like this whole village is my family and I as the Hokage should think about them. You see I sucked in the future. I didn't train more after the war so in the future when more Otsutsuki attacked, only me and Sasuke were able to stand in front of them and we were also one-sidedly thrashed. Kurama sacrificed himself to kill one Otsutsuki and my power fell more. After that the Otsutsuki marked Boruto and from then on we were powerless and imprisoned not even able to help our son or daughter"

This hit Hinata even more than Naruto's sad childhood.

'What the hell! Naruto ignored the family for the measly villagers who don't know what's better for them. And what about our kids, we were that useless in the future. No, no, no. I need to prevent my Naruto from going down that path. These villagers be damned, family is the most important. Naruto only belongs to me. He doesn't need to work for this village. Yes, I will become strong enough for these Otsutsuki, no one can harm my children, and yes my children with Naruto. We will become so strong and I will only keep him for myself. Yes, I have decided now. Yesterday, I thought a lot about it. Why am I so Kind? What has kindness bought me? I suffered, both in my clan and in the village. Even those civilians dared to bully me. Even Naruto has suffered for his Kindness towards the villagers. Why did Naruto suffer so much? We were just some chess pieces to be played with for higher-ups. Even in the fourth Ninja war, I played no role while Naruto became the hero for everyone and I watched him travel this path alone. I wanted to change that. I wanted to become strong, not to hurt anyone but to stand with Naruto. But now it has all changed. DO I WANT TO SEE MY FAMILY BE DESTROYED BECAUSE I WAS A WEAKLING? NO. THIS TIME THE FUTURE WILL CHANGE. I WILL CHANGE THIS FUTURE AND THIS TIME I WILL NOT SHOW ANY KINDNESS. I WILL CRUSH EVERYONE WHO STANDS IN MY OR NARUTO'S WAY. WE WILL HAVE A HAPPY FAMILY FREE FROM ALL THREATS'

Hinata's thoughts took a dangerous turn after listening to this story and she finally became fully corrupted just as Naruto wanted and now we have a pair of crazy Yanderes.