
Chapter 1

Retsu was someone calm, but in such a situation keeping his calm was too difficult. He had already understood the fact that he was Orochimaru, which was quite obvious if his damn snake face was of any indication!

It took a few minutes to get over the fact that he was in the Naruto world, as one of his favourites character, but that he also had a system. He was familiar with systems, you could find them in many mangas after all. The only problem was the fact that he didn't know what to do. According to the system he appeared a few months before the Kyuubi attack. It was great, but also quite scary.

It meant that Minato was still alive, that Jiraya wasn't really far and that Tsunade wasn't too bitter with the village yet. As such, there was way too many characters that could potential be a danger to him.



"So let me get this straight.....*Sigh* I just randomly took over Orochimaru's body, getting all his memories and experience, but also pretty much every single ounce of talent he possessed ?"

[ It is indeed the case Host. As you seem to be quite confused, i think you should get some sleep. Explanations about the system will be given later, and there shouldn't be anyone coming to see you. You'll get the time to rest]

"Wait, wait...How do you know that no one is coming ?"

[ Orochimaru was sent on a mission in Grass Country. He was sent to observe any suspicious activity in the area since Konoha fears that Iwa would attempt something. The mission is supposed to be a month long and since Orochimaru is working with Iwa he won't have anything to report, he was using this mission as an opportunity to experiment on seals, as such you have an entire month to spend alone in this laboratory. ]

"........Aren't you giving me a little too much information ? No, forget about it, i should just be thankful that someone helps me." After saying that, Retsu searched for a bed or couch in order to sleep but found none. He then decided to just lay on his desk and sleep, it wasn't all that comfortable, but he was Orochimaru now! Who cares about comfort !


Retsu had spent an horrible night. It seemed that Orochimaru's memories weren't actually a good thing to see. Retsu wasn't able to access them before but he now understood why, it was only possible for him to access them while sleeping. As soon as he woke up, he decided that finding a way for him to get access them directly was a priority. They were horrible, terrific, but only by remembering what Orochimaru experienced he already felt stronger.

He had previously thought that he was already as strong as Orochimaru was, but it wasn't the entire true. He lacked Orochimaru's style, he only got the theory but not the practice. But in one month, he had the time to practice all he wanted.

"System......I just wanted to ask you something. Since i am now Orochimaru, does that mean that i'm evil like him ?" Asked Retsu, genuinely confused.

[ Orochimaru's mind has fused with yours. The fact that you didn't get all his memories at the same time just make you less evil, but as the memories come back, you'll be more and more corrupted. However, by scanning your own memories i noticed that you weren't what humans would call.....GOOD, you seem to be a neutral Evil. In the end, everything will be decided by your goal....The dream you decide to accomplish.]

That actually stunned Retsu...He didn't knew what he wanted to do. Retsu the mercenary wanted nothing more than to be rich and live an exciting life.....Orochimaru well.....





Orochimaru wanted many things, but Retsu knew something that Orochimaru had never admitted. And in only one night, a few memories, it was already obsessing him, even though it wasn't as much as Orochimaru.

Orochimaru desired acknowledgment. He wanted to be considered as the very best, a being that stood over everything else. He wanted to be......Better than those that had lived a true life, a life with a family....A life with friends and loved ones. Orochimaru didn't wanted those things, he only wanted to be better than them, to see all those who had everything he desired younger, genuflecting before him.

"Damn, Orochimaru is really different than what i thought he would be.....I knew he was bad, but that's even worse. Then again, it's not like i don't want to feel superior to other people. I think that the only thing that is different between us, is how willing we are to become the best." Retsu suddenly remembered what the system had said the night before.

"Hey system! Didn't you said you would explain how you work to me ?"

[ Indeed host. The Perfect Gamer System is quite simple to understand. It-and by it i mean I-has several function. You can check your status, your inventory, and two other functions. The first one being the Gacha function, i think you already know how a Gacha work, but this one is slightly different. You'll be able to get pretty much everything you desire by consuming Gamer Points and you'll receive a random item, skill, trait and many other things. All those things will each belongs to certains categories like Equipment, Summon, Skills etc..... You'll later see how it works. The second and last function is the Quest function. Do i need to reming how a quest work ?]

"N-No, no need."

[Very well, host you just need to remember something about Quests. I will give you quest at any moments, those quests will either be PRIMARY Quests which can't be refused and will offer random rewards. They can also be SECONDARY Quests, which can be refused and will show you clearly what you'll be given should you accomplish them. This pretty sum up everything you need to know. There's only a last thing that need to be said. You have received a Starter Pack! Select between those three options:

- Snake Sannin Pack

- Legendary Shinobi Pack

- Evil Genius Pack

Each of those packs will give you random rewards that are directly linked to the names of the packs.]

".......F-Fucking awesome. W-Wait! Didn't i already said that ?"

Hope you liked it!!




Sorry for any grammary errors =)

Glasgowcreators' thoughts
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