
In My Two Worlds

Kara, a sixteen year old kid, is teleported to a fantastical world for unknown reasons. Since he has no magic, he decided to use his modern knowledge to earn money and live comfortably.

Ibhaniseyo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Last Dance

He was devoured right in front of me and like a fool, all I could do was watch. He is gone and I couldn't do anything. I couldn't save anyone and now an outlander who didn't even deserve to be part of this world died for our sake. The prophecy wouldn't have come true if I had died but he used his own immunity against magic to save me and others.

But in the end it doesn't matter... I've lost my divinity and gone back to how I used to be. I was a mere human and even now I'm a human. Durfort made news public and my reputation had only gotten better over last week. Hundreds of years have passed... yet I couldn't grow up. Even now I ended up relying on someone else. Moving forward might be tough but this nation of mine has to continue.

"But miss Furrina... No. I understand." Durfort bowed in front of me last time as all the nobles and kings filled the room.

"To all of us, you will stay a God. Whether you've lost your divinity or not, you protected us but we understand. All these centuries must've been a nightmare to you. You may take rest and please let us know if you need any help. All of us will do our utmost to help you in any capacity." A noble spoke and others agreed with him.

Now my room will remain empty forever. Out of respect, Durfort who is now the acting ruler of the dominion decided to keep my room from ever being used. Till next grand order takes the role, Durfort is in charge of all of dominion of Pride.

As I walked down the streets of city, I could see more and more beastfolks. Relationship between humans and beastfolks has gotten better, crisis was averted and almost everyone survived. All thanks to the outlander. I wonder if he were to appear in front of me, how would I return my gratitude. I wish we could've been more open to each other. I wonder how different things would've been.


"A statue?" My dad asked as he placed the newspaper he was reading down.

"Kara saved all of us. I think it's the least we can do to immortalize his role in saving this nation. An outlander who selflessly saved everyone. For however long, he will keep inspiring people to be more selfless."

"Celine... you're bad at hiding your own admiration. But I don't think people would oppose such a memorial."

An outlander who came from nowhere and left... Despite not knowing anyone, he saved people. What he did was nothing sort of heroic. A man fitting to be a grand order. I sooooo wish he could become the king of this nation instead of that old hag Durfort....


"So... he was engulfed by a monster that even a grand order couldn't defeat?" Amelia read the letter that had just arrived at her office.

"Wait... wait wait wait! What?!" Elena snatched the letter and read through it. "He..."

"Lord Durfort also gave us some insides." Layla read through legal documents. "Seems like we are in the future of his world and something happened in his world. He was someone with natural tendency to oppose magic. So his body wasn't only opposing injection of magic but destroying magic as a whole? So, him being engulfed by that monster killed it because Kara's body contains something that destroys magic on a very fundamental level. He saved everyone in the dominion of pride."

"Who would've thought that he would... I actually want his dorm room to stay as is." Luke said.

"A memorial of sorts? Me too. I can't stand someone else using his dorm room. I'll ask it to be sealed away." Amelia said. She tried staying calm but deep down even she was hurt. To her who stayed detached from the world, he became a ray of light. People were naturally scared of her but Kara was the first who was honest to her about everything. His carefree nature had rubbed off of her as well. Who would actually talk ill of grand orders in front of them but now it probably has come to an end.


As I stood in front of them, they appeared infinitely smaller to me. Seems like in just a couple months I had outgrown my own parents.

"You're... alive?" My dad asked.

"Wanted me dead?"

"Is that a way to talk to your father?"

"I would much rather die than to talk to you nicely."

He stood up but I kicked him right in his stomach. I'm not scared anymore because I have someone to rely on. If I lose myself I know Amelia and Elena will find me.

"Y-you... just because you have a bit of magic you think you're better than us?"

"Oh? You know? When I received this power I felt as though I have attained all the knowledge and all my past appeared so small." I created a sword using thunder magic. "Right now... For this very moment... I'm the strongest."


Seems like death can send me back and forth. Now that I'm back, I have to look into as many things as I can. Its been a week since I returned and I've noticed more things with myself. I still can't use magic but I can create some sort of sigils that can utilize magic particles in the air to create certain spells. One the day of arrival, I threatened my dad into submission. Daddy issues? Just traumatize your father back. This magic organization seems bigger than what I had imagined. Soon there will be a 'party' where higher ups will exchange some sensitive information. My goal for now is to find a way to use magic just like everyone else. I have to learn how to use magic to protect Aisha when the time comes. I don't want to sacrifice myself again.