
In My Two Worlds

Kara, a sixteen year old kid, is teleported to a fantastical world for unknown reasons. Since he has no magic, he decided to use his modern knowledge to earn money and live comfortably.

Ibhaniseyo · Fantasy
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30 Chs

A step forward

"A...A what?!" Durfort was shocked at the revelation but it was expected. Finding out that you've been stuck in a time loop where you and everyone you love die over and over again might be a bit too much of an information to process.

"I... can't save anyone! I've exhausted every resource I had. Now I got even YOU involved. Centuries have passed and I've investigated to the best of my abilities. This is... indeed the last loop before everyone dies."

As she was having a mental breakdown alongside Durfort, I wasn't fazed as much because it was a possibility I had already thought of and on top of that, it wouldn't affect an outlander like me whatsoever. I could just leave and be okay. But a part of me feels indebted to Furrina for now. The life I had lived up until now was nothing short of traumatizing. A life where I was unwanted. Whether intentional or not, she did save me... or at least she was one of the people who saved me.

The issue is I have no idea what to do because there is no way we can get rid of the liquid. It is not concentrated in one area but spread over entire dominion and hence, impossible to get rid of. This liquid will turn humans into monsters and the catastrophe that struck Scofinia would strike this dominion too. On top of that, the liquid has also left this dominion in some capacity since it was used during the tournament in kingdom of Deem.

"I'll excuse myself for now." I left the palace and my first plan was to meet up with Celine and discuss everything with her. I only have roughly a week or so before the prophecy comes to pass.


"You mean... No! We've come this far. Now you're telling me that we've already lost countless times?!" She was just as affected as Durfort upon finding out the truth. Celine seemed like one of those nobles who actually cared about the commoner so telling her seemed like a good idea to me.

"No, survival might be possible. I'm a variable who is not affected by this liquid." My world should've come up with a way to deal with it.

As we were trying to brainstorm through different plans, we heard someone shout that a strange looking water was flooding the area.

We ran towards the location and it felt like a tsunami. A wave so tall it dwarfed the entire surrounding. No one moved from their position. Everything came to standstill. No one dared to make a single noise. Even I had no hope of surviving this but as everyone started to give up, a figure flew past us. It was Furrina but hasn't she used up all her powers?

She raised her arm and the tsunami just stopped in it's tracks before evaporating. A calamity was dealt with just like that? I noticed her faint in mid-air but I managed to catch her in my arms. She must've used a lot of her powers to stop that tsunami.

A carriage approached me with the coachman all out of breath.

"L-lord Kar.."

"Chill man." I sighed while holding onto Furrina tightly. I may be stronger than an average person but I'm not used to holding humans in my arms so it was kind of uncomfortable but since she is a god, I can't just put her on ground.

"Duke Durford asked you to come to the palace."

I got in the carriage but asked Celine to accompany me.

With Furrina in my arms, I wondered how much she endured all alone. Living with such knowledge can't be easy. To protect her people, she gave up everything... even her life literally and figuratively. I can't help but feel some sort of respect towards her that I didn't feel when I had met her earlier. I thought she was incompetent and naive but how wrong was I. A god is someone I never believed in. To me, my life was the prime example that god didn't exist but I wonder if back in my world, if I had someone like her... maybe... just maybe things could've worked out.

When she wakes up, I'll apologize for threatening her back when Celine's mansion was destroyed by a bomb. A lot of lives may have been lost but with the burden she carries, I can't put blame on her no matter how much I try.


"Is Lady Furrina okay?" Durford rushed to the carriage as we entered his mansion. I nodded and got out of the carriage still holding her in my arms. I had gotten comfortable by this point or were my arms just numb.

"She fainted." I said and looked at her still sleeping. "We shouldn't count on her anymore. She has already overdone her part and now it's our turn to deal with the prophecy."

"She was quick to make a move... almost as if she knew it would happen. I'm afraid we are incapable to defending ourselves."

"That's for a God to decide and she has decided she wants you all to live. So fight till the end. Losing isn't an option. It was NEVER an option." I growled before walking into the mansion. Two maids guided me to a guest room where I laid Furrina on bed.

What can we do? I need to recap everything. I took our my phone and opened notepad app and started writing everything I knew.

First: Furrina will survive the prophecy

Second: Prophecy has come true in each time loop

Third: People of my world knew of this and bombed the place but failed to complete the mission

Fourth: The liquid gives magic but in pure form turns people into humans

Fifth: It doesn't belong to Earth and came from outside which means it may not behave as usual liquid.

Sixth: I'm immune to effects of the liquid.

Since it's the last loop before she runs out of magic, I have to deal with it. Moving people might not be as feasible and too time consuming. Kuaishwa mentioned that there is someone who can put magic in me... was he lying? He did say he was lying but why would he mention such a thing to me?

No... NO! Am I...? Furrina said she has run out of energy entirely yet she managed to save people. Was she lying? I quickly turned around to look at Furrina but she wasn't there.

I barged out of the room and started running towards Durford's room and flung opened the door.

"Furrina has left the room! I think she plans on killing herself!"

"WHAT?!" Durford who was busy reading through reports jumped out of his chair.

I felt sudden shaking of the ground. "S-Something doesn't feel right." As I looked out of the window, I noticed the sky cracking.

"What in the fuck is that?" I murmured.

From inside the crack came out a shark made of similar looking liquid.

"This is the last loop. I've tried it all and I've come to a conclusion that prophecy can't come true if I die." I heard Furrina's voice.

I'm so stupid. I never wondered how the liquid got to Earth in the first place. Was it a outsider? Is this monster the outsider?!

I rushed out to see Furrina flying in the air looking up at the shark like monster. It was almost as large as a blue whale or... maybe even bigger. I fell onto my knees as I watched in horror the scene unfolding in front of me. Was this truly necessary? Was is the only possible outcome?

Instantly everything turned black and in front of me stood a single familiar woman.


"You must have lots of questions. I apologize I've exhausted my energy. It was a sin that humans had committed. Humans were never meant to get access to magic yet those who played with the forbidden knowledge paid dearly. The prophecy was never about bombs or the liquid. That was not that difficult to deal with. I could've moved population around and dealt with them long ago but it was the alien life form. They were not only hostile towards humans but had cannibalistic tendencies towards their kind too. They'd get stronger with every being they devoured and this one managed to devour too many and surpassed powers of the grand order. I'll use all my powers to detonate myself and kill it... if possible that is." As she smiled at me. Something doesn't feel right.

I feel a sudden feeling of impending doom but before I knew it, I was back in the real world.

"I will defeat this monster! Durford launch me into the air."

"How!?" He asked.

"Do it!"

He created an ice path for me reaching up to the monster. If my body inherently rejects this liquid then I might be a poison to this shark! I ran up the stairs and once I was high enough, I pushed Furrina away and jumped into the mouth of the shark. I had given up on life long ago. I hope it's not painful. Even if it is, pain would be brief so no need to worry.


"KARA?!" He pushed me away and jumped into the alien life form's mouth for some reason but before I could react, the shark closed its mouth and blood gushed out from inside of its mouth. Is he dead...? 

A couple seconds passed and the life form fell onto ground before disintegrating into nothingness but for some reason there was no trace of Kara.

I searched for it life a crazy woman yet there was nothing... No trace of him.

His body rejected the life form... it was a poison. Why...? You had no reason. These people are my problem!! I punched the ground and cried out. Why did he sacrifice himself when it was my job! I had barely managed to gather enough strength to sacrifice myself and then he went ahead and took that away from me!!