
In MHA as Mahito

Reborn in MHA with Mahito´s powers and sadistic tendencies. The mc likes women. Neither the mc´s template, the cover, nor the mha universe belong to me, each belongs to their respective owners.

Vitamin_F · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 2

I have to say, Mahito´s powers are awesome, simply awesome. You can't even begin to understand how much things you can do in bed. If the simple fact that you can control, re-shape and re-size every part of your body isn't enough, you can also gender bend yourself and, while it may sound pretty weird or outright non-sensical, lesbian sex is quite fun. This on itself is quite dangerous, after all I already use that technique when I am out having fun, and I wouldn't want Mei to notice that her roommate/childhood friend/childhood enemy/smooshing partner is one of the most wanted villains out there and the most wanted A-rank female villain.

Still, what is life without a little fun? Unfortunately for her she will die as soon as I leave, can't have someone figuring something out because of her babbling and, while it is very unlikely for her to say anything, it´s not a risk I am willing to take. Truly a shame, Mina will be quite sad, after all they get along nicely enough, not that I care, in fact I can't help but wonder, will Mina cry? Will she feel guilty somehow even though its not her fault at all? How would she react if I told her about me? Ahhh so many beautiful scenarios, I really can't wait to watch someone as cheerful as her suffer.

I have to say, U.A. really is the perfect place for me. The greatest platform out there made so that I can shine, the only thing I need to do is make sure I am the best, I will be the number one hero and the number one villain at the same time, I will make an army of curses for myself and then release them into the world, damn I really must sound like some second-rate villain right now, but I will throw this world into absolute chaos, I will let it descend into madness, and I will stand on top of it, like a king, like a god. Ahhh I can't wait so see the view, the world surrounded by flames, consumed by darkness, devoured by curses.

Well that's the plan, more like the basics really but whatever, step one is getting my domain expansion. Right now I am not confident at all in taking on All Might or All for One, sure I may be almost immune to physical damage since I can just heal myself, but that is considering that I have enough cursed energy, if I were to fight All for One I am sure I would run out of energy before he runs out of quirks to use, as for All Might, well the guy could literally throw me into space or something and I am sure the vacuum of space is out of my league.

Luckily for me All Might should no longer have his quirk, I still won't underestimate him though, even the remains of One for All are strong enough to create a tornado from a punch, yeah I know the quirk is way to OP and it is totally unfair, if you add to that the fact that I am like 93% sure that One for All itself is the perfect counter for my powers and the result you get is me being totally f*cked.

I have already figured out what quirks are, the manifestation of the genetic alterations stored in the soul, it doesn't make much sense but this is an anime world, not many things make sense here.

Anyway I am confident in my theory for various reasons, first the experiments I have done on others have shown that, if I manipulate the soul correctly by enhancing or lowering certain aspect of it I can decrease or amplify the power of the quirk, so the quirk itself is affected by the state of the soul.

The second reason is the way All for One also gets the consciousness of people when he gets their quirks, I am pretty sure he steals more than just the genetic makeup of someone and takes a part of their soul as well, how he manages to take a piece of someone's soul without them dying is still a mystery to me, but I will eventually figure it out, all I need is to see the souls of his victims and I should get an idea.

Lastly there is One for All, it has the consciousness of all the previous users so I guess it stores their souls (or a part of them) along with said consciousness and a piece of their genetic makeup.

If there is more than one soul in a body, this should get messy and the person would die, that's literally what my technique <Soul multiplicity> does, however if it is somehow possible to successfully merge souls, or at least parts of them, then getting the powers of other people would also be possible.

Having multiple souls should give One for All and All for One users immunity to my powers, kind of like Itadori, which is extremely annoying, so I will have to think of other ways to take them out, I mean not even all the plot-armour of the world can save you from having your head separated form your body so I might as well do just that… who am I kidding the plot-armour can probably save people from that as well, truly terrifying when you have to plan taking into account the fact that the universe itself will move against you in ways that don't need to make any sense.

[ Mei pov ]

Damn that annoying bastard, I already knew that he was going to U.A. and would leave me, and its not like a love him or anything, yeah definitely not, in fact I don't even care about him, hmph that's right he can go do whatever he want, I don't care at all.

"Hey Mei get over here"

Huh, what's he doing in an alley? Ugh why does he have to be so weird always. Wait why is he on his female form? He told me not to tell anyone about it but now he is using it outside, talk about a confusing guy.

"What is it? Also what are you doing here, in your female form at that? Just in case I don't wanna do it on an alley, so if you want to have sex lets go back home"

"Aww come on now, I'm not that much of a pervert"

"Hey can you at least turn around when you are talking to me, its really anno-"

I felt my heart accelerate, sweat running down my neck and through my back, my breath fastening.

"Ha-ha, v-ve-very f-funny, why a-are you wearing a m-mask like the one f-from the Necromancer?"

"I must say, I do like the name they gave me quite a bit, makes sense with the abilities I display and is not overly edgy, don't you think?"

What is going on, what is he saying, why is he acting like that, does he think its funny scaring me?´

"H-hey, knock it off already, you are scaring me"

"Ahh I know, but this is not enough, come on now Mei, show me a sadder look, show me your face filled with anger or sorrow, show me what it feels like to be betrayed, to be about to die at the hands of someone close to you, at the hands of someone you trusted"

[ Mc pov ]

Ahh look at that face, so pretty, so much pain is reflected on it, truly nothing better than watching human suffer.

"D-don´t get c-closer!"

"Aww come on Mei, you should know I have to get closer, after all it would be annoying to kill you from afar"

I see her eyes widen even more, the sweat falling from her forehead, I can feel the panic she is experiencing.

Looks like she finally realised huh, that she… is about to die.

<Idle transfiguration>


"Goodbye, my little tsundere childhood friend… hello, my little curse"

Well that was fun, now let´s get out of here before someone comes. Time to celebrate, after all I just came from hanging out with Mina and Kirishima, I am sure I got the first place in the exam, I was told that I would get an apartment near U.A. if I pass with great grades, and I finally got to say goodbye to my cute little Mei.

Ahhh truly what a great day today was, so why? Why do these annoying cops have to come and talk to us about Mei, tsch disgusting bugs, I was just about to go to sleep and they have to come in and give us the news, now I have to pretend to be sad about her ´kidnaping´ at the hands of who they believe to be the ´Necromancer´.

As I am making my way to class 1-A, I can´t help but be thankful that I was actually placed here, it would have been really annoying getting into 1-B, after all they get much less spotlight and not as many opportunities to improve in real combat, well I can only hope cannon didn't change much and things like the USJ event still happen, after all actual combat risking your life is the best way to improve, said by the original Mahito himself.