
In MHA as elixir

This is a fanfiction that I intend to see to its completion. Please give it a try and if you like this novel and want to read extra chapters, it would be really helpful if you support me on Patreon. Link: https://www.patreon.com/ChaoticSwan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As the chaos settles, people finally pay attention to the hero that saved them. An unbelievably gorgeous human or rather an angel with big golden wings no different from the myths of the ancient gods and goddesses is seen radiating golden light showering the surrounding with its majesty. He is holding a sword to the neck of the dangerous villain that was wreaking havoc just moments ago, like the hero that he is. The sword looks like a solid construct of golden light giving off holiness just like its holder. This moment will forever be etched into the hearts of the people as the rise of THE ARCHANGEL, which will continue to inspire the coming generations for as long as mankind exists.

Chaos_Swan_king · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Something sth...

This is not a chapter but a notice. I am posting this to inform the readers that I will post one chapter every two days from now on until I can have 10 extra chapters on my pat reon page. Some people can't seem to find my page. You can find my page at the following link:

www.pat reon.com/ChaoticSwan

Please remove the space between pat reon. You can also find this link in the synopsis of this novel. I will upload a new chapter daily on my pat reon page. Currently, I have 1 extra chapter but I tend to fix that soon.

Thank you for your time.