
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
140 Chs

Spider Man- final

They turned around after a while, as Gwen grew accustomed to her abilities.

"Do you have any other powers?" Max inquired, expecting that She possessed abilities beyond being invisible.

"I'm not sure," Gwen answered.

Max heard Gwen say, "sigh, system show me their Profile," and he mentally said it.

[It will cost, 20 UP]

"take it" Max

[Name : Gwen Stacy

 Race : Human(Spider gene enhanced)

 Ability : Superhuman Strength(10 Tons), Perfect balance and Equilibrium, Superhuman Endurance and Agility, Superhuman regeneration and senses, wall crawling. 

Unique Ability : Spider Sense, Dimensional Gap, Bio-web(Steel and sticky)

- Dimensional Gap : Create a "dimensional gap" that enables the user to live physically in an other dimension, making them impervious to physical harm. As a result, the user also becomes invisible since light doesn't reach them. ]

Max thought as he saw Gwen's ability, "Her unique ability is similar to Ghost Sovereign Armour, and it's not invisibility."

[Name : Peter Parker

 Race : Human(Spider gene enhanced)

Ability : Superhuman Strength(100 Tons), Perfect balance and Equilibrium, Superhuman Endurance and Agility, Superhuman regeneration and senses, wall crawling. 

Unique Ability : Spider Sense,Light speed Flight , Bio-web(Steel and Sticky) 

-Light speed flight : user can fly at the speed of light ]

As Max observed Peter's ability, he remarked, "Wowah, 100 tons huh, peter sure buffed up a lot, but he will definitely loose to Gwen if they were to fight."

Max commanded everyone's attention by saying, "Okay, listen to me," as they searched for Peter and Gwen's powers.

Max handed them a note that listed their individual abilities and said, "Here, I have written down your abilities."

Others flocked to see it as Peter and Gwen took their notes.

Gwen gasped, "So it wasn't invisibility but something better then that" upon viewing the Dimensional Gap.

When Peter saw his newfound strength and speed, he laughed aloud and said, "100 freaking tons, I can now fly and I am super strong."

"no wonder i called myself Ghost Spider, i am literally a Ghost with this ability" stated Gwen.

'No, you simply think it's cool.' Hearing Gwen's words, Max rolled his eyes in his head.

Max addressed Peter and Gwen, saying, "Let's talk about the concerning issue here now that you guys know your abilities."

"Gwen, from the observation just now, i Think your abilities are linked to your emotional state, that is when ever you will feel danger, you become invisible." Max stated.

"As for you, Peter, your immense strength might become a problem for you and your surroundings, so both of you will stay here until we make sure you two can fully control your abilities," Max went on to say.

"What about our parents?" Gwen inquired, knowing that her parents would be concerned if she did not return home.

"Yes, my uncle and aunt will be concerned about me," Peter added.

"Don't worry about them; I will just say, I had an interview with you two; case solved," Max said with a smirk.


At S.H.I.E.L.D

"Sir, we got the same readings that we got in Prague," Coulson remarked as he walked into Fury's office.

"From where?" Fury inquired.

"Near Oscorp building at two different times and locations, and at Potts building," Coulson said with a smile.

"hmm, Increase the surveilence near these areas and find me those three" stated the one eyed baldy.

"Yes Sir" Coulson exited the room with a nod.

"You three better be , Allies" fury muttered as he looked at picture of Sam, Drake and Dom from Prague.


At Hydra hidden base

"Sir, we believe these energy readings can lead us to those three before Fury gets them." A hydra man entered the office of Baron Strucker.

"So, why squander time?" "Go find them, let them join us, and if they refuse, capture them and their families," Striker sipped his whiskey.

"Yes, sir, hail Hydra." The Hydra men nodded and walked out of the room.

"Hail Hydra," murmured Baron Strucker, smiling.


Max had left Peter and Gwen in the custody of Sam and Felicia. He returned to his New York hotel room.

"Alisa call Peter and Gwen's parents and informed them that they would be staying at my house for the next week." "Make an excuse," Max told Alisa as he jumped on his bed.

"Yes, sir, and also, sir, I found something interesting; would you like to see it?" Alisa responded.

"Show me through my focus," Max asked.

"Cute," Max said coldly as he noticed Fury and Baron Striker on his screen.

"Fury is fine, but this Baron guy...hehehe, you're going to kidnap my family." "It appears I'll have to pay you a visit sooner than I thought," Max stated coldly.

"System show me the Quest rewards" Max said to system 

[Here are the reward

Name : Supreme

Rank : Epic(Growth type)

Race : Klyntar(Symbiote)

Ability: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Stamina, Wall-Crawling, Webbing, Fangs & Claws, Constituent-Matter Manipulation,Constituent-Matter Generation, Shapeshifting, 360-Degree Senses, Vampirism, Sonic immunity, Body Storage.

Unique Ability : Assimilation(Max.), Technomancy, Black Ace, pseudo-immortality 

Description : Supreme was created by Knull to be the supreme of all Symbiote but he was borned as weak and frail Symbiote, Knull become enraged and banished Supreme from hive and Dark Dimension. But what knull didn't know was that Supreme can assimilate perfectly anything. 

Weak and Alone Supreme begin his journey to truly become a supreme, He fought countless battles and Assimilated thousands of creatures, Supreme also assimilated a broken hand of a Celestial and shaped it into a Sword which he called Black Ace.

After supreme become strongest of all symbiote, knull tried to take him back to hive but Supreme resisted and sacrificed more than 90 % of his abilities and powers to get free of knull control. he gained his freedom but soon again was enslaved by a entity named the greatest System. 

- Black Ace :- A sword made from the broken hand of a Celestial,

Allow user to user to use and control Gravity Force

- Gravity Force :- one of the fundamental force of nature. have the power to bend Space and Time.

- Technomancy :- Allow user to gain control of all technology with his thoughts alone.

- Pseudo-immortality :- Supreme has refined his healing factor to utmost limit, now he can heal himself and his Host as long as sufficient Energy is available.

- Shapeshifting :- Supreme can shapeshift his limbs into any assimilated technology and weapon. ]

"System are you a good guy or bad guy, what's with the description" Max asked weirdly to System.

[... it's for Host safety]

"yeah, i know, I was just joking with you" Max said embarrassingly, how can he scold such a caring system.

[Host I can read your Mind]

"...sorry" Max said while rubbing his head


"Any way, a growth type Symbiote, what a great reward" Max smiled happily.

"Next reward when, I will prevent Uncle Ben tragedy" Max thought as he only got one Quest reward.

"Let's talk to Supreme first" Max muttered and took out the Supreme from System inventory.


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