
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
140 Chs

New order

As Max and Aokiji sat and watched Garp and Kaido exchanging blows, Aokiji asked, "So what now?"

"I will leave the Hunter Organization in Zephyr's care and roam the world," Max replied.

"What do you mean, leave it in my care?" Zephyr and the others approached Max and Aokiji, curious about the conversation.

"I mean this," Max responded, canceling his White Devil transformation.

Zephyr, Ain, and the others observed in amazement as the renowned White Devil transformed back into their President, Max.

"So it was you all along," Zephyr sighed as he took a seat near them.

"You're not going to ask me why I did that?" Max questioned, and the others, following Zephyr's lead, nodded.

"That's not necessary. Whatever your reasons were, it benefited everyone. The Hunter Organization is now providing a new alternative for common people. They are no longer rushing to the sea to become pirates but are instead coming to us," Zephyr replied. He continued, "Of course, the wicked are still pursuing the path of piracy, but it's still better than before."

"So, what did you mean earlier when you said you are leaving the Hunter Organization in my care?" Zephyr asked, looking at Max, who was calmly watching the battle between Garp and Kaido.

Max smiled slightly and said, "It means I am now promoting you to the President of the Hunter Organization. Congratulations."

"Huh?" Zephyr made a funny sound, and everyone started laughing.

"You're really not going to remain as the president?" a newcomer asked.

Max turned back and saw it was Dragon, to which he replied, "My work is done. I built the foundation and removed the worst disease. Now, it's time for me to rest."

"Rest?, You expect us to believe that?" A voice accompanied by Haki reached them.

None of them even showed a slightest reaction to Shanks's Haki, but their expressions changed when Max released his own Haki; they felt a pressure ten times stronger than Shanks's Haki.

"If you don't believe me, then don't, but who are you intimidating?" Max said and increased the pressure more, forcing Shanks and his crew to kneel.

Max then stood up and vanished, remarking, "Zephyr, wipe out all the pirates and make a new order. Integrate the Navy and make it Hunter's Navy."

Max then reappeared between Kaido's mace and Garp's fist, stopping both of their attacks. He tossed Garp back to Aokiji and others and then looked at Kaido.

"You are the brat who destroyed the World Government, right? How about we join and rule this world now?" Kaido said with a sharp glint in his eyes.

Max sighed and thought helplessly, 'It's like protagonist halo; villain halo also makes villains dumb?'

Max then swiftly grasped Kaido's neck and started absorbing all his lifeforce. Kaido frowned when Max held his neck, but he started struggling when he sensed mortal danger.

Despite all his tries, he wasn't able to free himself, and when Max absorbed all the lifeforce, Kaido's body scattered into ashes.


Max also took the green dragon fruit and then waved at others and vanished.

After one year, on the blue ocean, a massive white ship with a cerulean skull painted is sailing.

A newsbird reached the ship, and the boy lying on the chair opened his eyes. Tossing the beli to the newsbird, Max took the newspaper.

The front page showed a list of various S-rank hunters. This was now a common occurrence, with Max eliminating the World Government. The Navy and Hunter Organization got mixed, and together they hunted all the illegal activities on the sea.

Various nobles, kings, and underground mafias got killed or imprisoned, and now the sea is free of any visible corruption. The only corruption remained is the one that is hiding deep.

While Max, and his crew along with Bucky and Felicia, are sailing the new world.

Turning the page, Max saw the iconic smile, the smile of Luffy, the self-proclaimed pirate. The Hunter Organization has given them a Treasure Hunter license, but Luffy still calls his group a pirate group instead of hunters. Max smiled and put aside the newspaper

"Where to captain?" Shiki asked as he took command of the ship

"Someplace which is interesting" Max replied

As Max sailed through the vast oceans, his ship, the massive white vessel with a cerulean skull painted on it, known as the "Judgment Voyager," continued its journey across the new world. Max visited various islands, each with its own unique culture, challenges, and adventures waiting to unfold. And this included carious unique Islands.

Max stumbled upon an island where the seasons never changed. The "Eternal Spring" island was a paradise with vibrant flora, exotic wildlife, and crystal-clear waters. The islanders lived a tranquil life, appreciating the constant beauty that surrounded them. Max took a moment to unwind and appreciate the serenity.

A mystical island hidden from the eyes of the world, "Youthful Haven," held the secret to eternal youth. The island's inhabitants had discovered a natural source that slowed down the aging process. Max, initially skeptical, experienced the effects firsthand and found himself reinvigorated. The secret laying in the fruit that provide lifeforce upon eating them.

Throughout his travels, Max left a positive impact on each island he visited. He shared knowledge, and inspired change. As news of his journey spread, the legend of the White Tyrant turned global hero continued to grow, and many looked to him as a symbol of hope for a brighter future.