
In Marvel With A Symbiote

I died and was reborn in a world I really do not know much about. Luckily I got two things, a minor gamer ability and a Symbiote that can't control me. Here's hoping I don't mess it all up! MC will be an SI. Rated M for language and implied illicit actions. I will try to keep the snu snu out of story, but hopefully romance will be involved. [Story will be updated when I feel like it. I'm a night shift worker and a pop pop of 4]

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Why So Cereal?

The next few weeks went by fairly quickly. I made sure to make time for my family. With all this running around, I just have not been able to give then the attention they deserved.

Which means Jaz and Tasha got a shopping spree with their friends included. Apparently they hyped up all the girls by saying I would carry all the bags. .and I mean all. Just. .ugh.

Danny and I had a guy's night out. He's really coming into his own. It makes me proud to see he has no problem being himself anymore. Which means, who gives a shit if he's gay, suck it up or suck it! No idea who shared that line, but it had me in laughter fits for a few days.

Then there were the ladies.

Jenn, being pregnant, hasn't changed funny enough. No extra mood swings or weird food cravings. Heck, she's now more docile than ever. She shared with everyone her stories on her wild sex parties she visited. Now, she is just content being in a large family.

Ororo. Man she is amazing. She's practically glowing. Just a tidbit of info, that means she preggo now. Yep yep, that one night of ensuring she got a bun in the oven actually worked. She has been over the moon and hanging out with Jenn alot lately.

Mystique is still indifferent to me, but at least we can cordial with one another. She went back to visit her old girlfriend, Irene, who was the one who raised Rogue!, to explain what has happened since they last met. Turns out she saw it happening. Like actually saw it. Freaking woman had the ability to see future events! She won't share about what else happened but it's had to get a read on whether she is fine or not. I worry for that woman.

Felicia. Good hearted, bit of a klepto, loves to sleep under the sun, and has taken up the role as the family pet. I have no idea when this happened but it seems she has a fetish to be like a cat. .No furry. .but she likes to be like a cat. I guess I can handle it. It seems the rest of the family had no problems with it. She gets pats and belly rubs, and steals everyone's shinnies. I had to raid her room once. She really, really, I mean really likes shiny objects.

Last but not least, the alpha of the family, the head honcho, the pillar of this family, Abby. Alot has changed since we first becsme acquainted with one another. She's a 4 star chef, a hacker that our dead Brainiac would envy, a hands on tech mechanic, a psychologist? (no idea, but she got her degree), a bio chemist, neuro scientist, and all around genius. .She took the world by surprise when I stopped looking. And apparently ate a few bastards who were smart. Did I care? That she is a recognized bad ass, heck yeah! That she ate undesirable people who were smart, nope.

But what am I doing? I'm just being me. Watching the events go by. S.H.I.E.L.D finally approached Tony when he was at his lowest. Like holy shot man! I didn't realise he was having a binge drinking party because he was dieing! That dang glowy chesticle was killing him while preserving his life? That's some messed up stuff right there.

I kept an eye on Tony, almost went all squee when he discovered that he was his father's greatest creation. I could see that man's cold exterior melt and no one else had to know. A man has to keep appearances up, after all. We manly men! No emotions!. .But I feel for the bastard. Even if he is an egotistical a-hole with a hand that needs ripping off. But Abby told me to take a hands off approach, though I won't tell her that I distracted Agent Coulson so he could do what he needed to do.

So now here we are, the moment of truth. When he creates, or recreates, the new element that should hopefully save his life! And he can't turn the dang wheel! Come on! Get a wrench or something!

Argh! This is so frustrating! I had to pop up and help the guy.

Tony: "What the hell? Where did you come from?!"

I pointedly ignore the guy so I could aim the particle light beam at the shiny triangle. These past few weeks of dealing with Felicia has honed my skills of finding the shiny!

With a quick twist, and a few things cut in half, Tony now has his new heart. Praise unto me! I-

Jarvis: "Congratulations. You assisted Mr. Stark in creating a new element."

Tony: "Seriously, where did you come from? I thought S.H.I.E.L.D had this area secured off. Bunch of slackers."

Me: "I've always been here Tony. By your side the entire time. Guiding you towards the light and to ascension."

Tony: "Okay, you messing with me?"

Me: "Absolutely, but I have been here the whole time. By the way, your welcome for distracting the agents. So you gonna try that new heart out or what?"

Tony: "I have to run tests first. Jarvis. Run diagnostics."

Jarvis: "Tests are showing positive results."

Me: "Well that's good news. So how about you shove that new heart in and let's get going. I want to see that expo!"

Tony: "Have you never run experiments before? You don't just go in head first. How an idiot like you got a woman like that I will never know."

Yeah. .Tony. Whispering in a small space sure don't help much. I pretty much heard that last bit. Of course, before I can retort he gets a phone call.

That mother- just held a finger up at me to shush. Like dude. Just dude. .

Oh it's Mr. Whippit! Hi!

Tony tries to have Jarvis track the call. But no go. What a surprise.

Me: "Soooo?"

Tony: "Shut it. .Jarvis, we are giving this thing a field test. Get the suit ready."

Jarvis: "Sir, I really recommend-"

Of course no one listened to him. Poor Jarvis. But at least he got the suit ready. Allowing me and Tony to take off. I think he was more surprised that I was flying with him.

Me: "Is this the fastest you can go? We won't be there until nightfall at this rate."

Aww. .He's ignoring me. Oh well, I hope Abby and the family are having a fun time at least.




Abby: "This entire expo is ridiculous. Why must I be the last slotted presentation. This would be much faster if I could rid of the competition. Maybe that Hammer man first"

B.W: "I don't think that would be wise Mrs. Klyntar. ."

Potts: "I figured that we should save the best for last. After all, your invention does fit the new m.o that Stark Industries is trying to represent."

I can feel my husband is nearing. I suppose that means Tony lives to see another day. Shame. I did wish to take Ms. Potts into our fold. As a close friend. Mr. Stark's death would have allowed me to comfort her, ally her, and I would have used Stark Industries as the forefront employer of mutant kind. I suppose this will change a few plans.




Hammer was doing a heck of a presentation. I was genuinely hoping the United States forces would get a major upgrade, but even I know that won't come to pass. Always some shit that happens that makes the masses scream. .Like now for example. All of Hammer's suits and Rhodey are aiming at Tony.

Welp, this gonna be interesting.

Tony took to the skies and those darn suits shot at the glass dome above. Shit. I moved fast. I charged hard. I grabbed every shard of glass as quickly as I could before anyone could get hurt.

Which, let me just say, I may have made it look easy. It was still difficult as all hell! I may have missed some due to me not trying to snap anyone's neck by the wind force that was generated by my passing over them all. But at least I gave it a shot.

While the entire air force suits and Rhodey went after Tony, the rest stayed back. Oh come on! Don't aim at civilians! What kind of black hearted machinery are you?!

That's when Jenn came crashing down in all her sexy green glory. Danny was zooming in with his fire jets feet. Ororo was crackling with lightning all around her. And Felicia nicked a few people's wallets. Dammit girl, I saw you do that! Sigh, whatever.

Those suits of armor were decimated before they could fire at any of the people who attended. That's my family for you. Bunch of super powered crazy people. But at least we save lives.

Jenn: "Well hello there handsome. Come to this expo often?"

Me: "Not usually, but if it involves you all then I just might take the time to drop by more."

Jenn scoffed before rolling her eyes at me. Oh come on. that was a decent line!

Abby gathered us in her shadows before bringing us to the room they were all originally at. Ah, I do love using fast travel in games. So why not real life? Ha. Ha. Ha.

Abby: "I see everyone has had a fun time. So, how is Mr. Stark? Is he usable?"

Me: "About as good as we gonna get. Still wonder if maybe I wasted your time with wanting to recruit this guy though."

Abby: "No matter, my love. I am always changing my plans. Now we will try to use Stark Industries as the central hub of hiring mutants. With that as the start, we can work our way into society and make them accept that mutants exist and they deserve the same rights as everyone."

Abby: "Now, let's go find Ms. Potts and her assistant. It would be a shame if Mr. Stark died now after all this work."

And away we went. And yikes was all I could say. Both Tony and Rhodey were duking it out with all the leftover suits. Good solid teamwork with those two. Hmm? Oh yeah, bye Mr. Hammer. You were a decent side character.

Potts: "Abby! Can you please save Tony! Send him out and I promise I will do all I can to have Stark Industries assist you. Anything, so please. .please."

Abby is a really good actress. She sighed and tutted just to get Potts more anxious. I noticed that B.W was not around. Hmm, I'll see if I can find her after this is done.

Abby: "Dear. .Go help Tony and his friend. End this now."

If I must. Sigh.

Me: "As you wish."

I got there just as they started the fight with Vanko, aka Mr. Whippit. I kind of wanted to watch how this would turn out, to be honest.

The fight was sorely disappointing to be honest. They hit him, he hit back, they retaliated, and then he used even more electrifying whips to attack back.

The end result was that the two buddies fired their repulsor shots at each other and caused a minor explosion between then two. Vanko was between them both, so you can imagine what he must have felt like. By the few smoke trails over his body, I'd say he is hurting right now.

Vanko: "You lose. ."

Huh? Like how? Ooohhh, all suits are rigged to blow. Well that's no good. While those two took off, I just gathered them before they exploded. Turns out my inventory can negate explosions! So while they 'might' have gone boom. They didn't take damage in there. Well if that ain't some mind fuckery, I don't know what is.

Well, I got Abby some gifts! I know she'll love these new toys. Just gotta toss Vanko's body away. Had to kill him to be able to throw the suit in my inventory after all.

I got back to my family to see them all gushing over Tony finally admitting he loves Pepper. And yes Rhodey, they did look like two seals fighting over a grape. It was kind of sad to watch. But good on them!

Abby: "Well. This is a fine roof, wouldn't you say? I will say congratulations to you two. It's about time. We'll be in touch. Ta ta."

Potts and Tony "Wait!"

Nope. Not gonna happen. We vanished like ninjas into the night!




Of course I wasn't done yet. I had to go looking for B.W. To make things quick, I just shadowed Tony. When Fury showed up to show the Avengers file to Tony, I went in search of my prey.

And lookie lookie. There she is. All by her lonesome. I wanted to make my presence known, so I intentionally stepped down hard so the gravel would make that crumbling noise under my feet.

Oh she was a quick little one. But I am so much faster. Just like last time, I had her hands behind her back and held her close so she couldn't kick away. I covered her mouth so no calling for backup. I leaned in ever so close. And licked the tip of her nose before dissolved back into the ground.

I think I touched a nerve because she screamed out at nothing.

B.W: "What the hell is wrong with you?!?!?"

So I echoed my voice back.

Me: "Everything. .thing. .thing. ."

Yep, touched a nerve. She let out a angry yell. Heh, good times.