
In Loving Memory (MHA)

Izuku Midoriya has been living what most people would call a hard life. Bullies, being uncharacteristically shy, and being stuck without a power in a world where the norm is to be supernatural. In a hypothetical universe crafted to make you, the reader, yes you, violently sob, (Don't you feel special) Izuku Midoriya fell off a roof and lost his whole world. Upon his premature death in a hospital bed, Izuku finds there is more to this world than meets the eye and that death isn't the end of the story. Katsuki is broken. A boy he's known since birth is gone and it's his fault. Still, he applies to U.A academy, if not for the same reasons as before. Before, he wanted to be the best. To surpass even All Might. Now, he's doing it in his friend's place, to save people in remembrance and recognition. But secrets are abound even in the afterlife, and not everything is as it seems.

Valkyrie_Rain · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

With all due respect sir, your daughter is fine

Sometime later, Tomura Shigaraki and the villains behind him walked through a portal into the USJ only to find… Nothing. The building was surprisingly empty. "They must be late," Shigaraki murmured. After an hour had passed, Shigaraki became increasingly more frustrated and jittery. He shouted in anger at the sky, and the doors of the USJ opened, revealing not students, but a host of heroes and All Might. The villains readied to fight, but the heroes rushed forward, capturing the villains with uncanny efficiency. This hadn't been an emergency team pulled together in a hurry, no, this had been planned. They had found out about the attack. Shigaraki just managed to escape, leaving nothing but the panicked yells of his allies in his wake.

He collapsed through the portal, lying on the floor for a moment or two. "Tomura, are you alright?" Kurogiri asked.

"How did they know?" Tomura hissed.

"It seems they had an informant," Said a voice nearby. Tomura looked up only to see a familiar figure sitting on the bar counter.

"Ugh. It's you again."

"I mean, we have an informant, don't we? Two, in fact. Me and that one other guy."

"You're hardly any help, anyway," Tomura grumbled, sitting up.

The figure's golden eyes flashed in amusement. "I have information."


"In a few weeks, the U.A sports festival. I know all the postings for all the guards and when which event is. All Might is giving awards there. If you get into the audience, you have relatively easy access to the field with the right tools or quirks. I know your Decay would be rather useful. Besides, you can learn about the quirks of the U.A kids there."

"The sports festival?"

"You know, happens every year, some heroes in the audience, the works. Perfect place to kill All Might if you do it right. The thing is, you need to scare the heroes, and live television is the best place to do it. If you scare them, you can work on crumbling hero society from the inside out, even if you don't end up killing All Might. Plus, there's lots of suitable hostages."

"And how do you propose I do that?"

"Well, I mean, it might be hard. You just left behind all your allies, after all. But I think you should make an alliance. I know somebody."

Izuku left the U.A campus soon after school ended, arriving at the quirk assistance facility. He looked around as he passed through the doors and walls, looking for someone with the authority to go to Toga's home and tell her parents about the help she could get. He recognized one, a friend of his mom's who helped a friend of hers for years with the side effects of her fire quirk. He approached him slowly, and nervously stepped into the man's body. The man was much bigger than he was, and it took a moment of dizziness and getting used to being so tall before he was okay. It was easier this time than it had been with Sakura, but he still felt a bit sick.

"Suzuki, hey, how's it going?!" Another man walked into the room, clapping Izuku on the back, or rather clapping Suzuki on the back.

"Doing fine," he smiled, reciprocating the gesture with a pat on the other man's shoulder. "Hey, have you heard of the Toga family?"

"Toga, huh?" The man rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Yeah, I believe I do know them. Pretty well-off family, they have a daughter. I got a recommendation for assistance for them a while back, but haven't been able to file it or go interview the family."

"I was going to go do that, actually. I heard reports that the side effects of the daughter's quirk caused her to try and attack a kid. Anonymous tip, but it must be from the kid who was attacked."

"Is that so? Well, I can file a little bit of paperwork right now and we can go do the interview." Izuku beamed. This was going far easier than he had expected it would. Izuku was impressed. He wondered why the information about these places wasn't so readily accessible by the general public, it was so simple to get something approved.

"That's great! How long will that paperwork take?"

"I suppose since we already have probable cause to intervene, I just need to file a report that we're heading to do the interview. Won't take that long, just a few minutes. Come with me, we'll talk on the way." The man gestured for Izuku to follow him. He walked through the building, trying to hide his mild discomfort and unease. He still wasn't used to this Suzuki guy's body, and even worse, he wasn't at all used to this building. "Are you okay?" The man interrupted Izuku's thoughts.

"I'm fine. Just thinking."

"About what?"

"Nothing much. Just work." The man furrowed his brow, stopping in his tracks. He held out his fist to Izuku like offering a fistbump. Izuku awkwardly bumped his fist with the other man's.

"Suzuki, what's your first name?"

"Excuse me?"

"What's your first name?"

Izuku panicked. However, he managed to keep a straight face. "Why do you need to know?" He wracked his brain for Suzuki's first name. Aha, he thought as he remembered. "It's Izumi."

The other man looked at Izuku skeptically for a moment and then turned back to the direction he was heading and continued to walk. Izuku followed close behind him. They arrived in the front office, and after a minute or two, the man had filed the needed paperwork. Off they went, leaving to visit the Toga household. "Should we take your car or mine?"

"Your car. I don't feel like driving today." In truth, Izuku couldn't drive.

"Alright." The two of them got into the car. A few minutes of silent driving later, the man spoke up. "Who are you and what have you done with Suzuki?"

"What do you mean?"

"Suzuki usually ignores my fistbumps, he always wants to drive, and he never talks about what he's thinking. He's never told me his first name, either."

"I'm just having an off day, okay?"

"My quirk was what tipped me off about it. I can sense everyone who's around me regardless if I can see or hear them. My quirk tells me that there are two people nearby. So who are you?"

Izuku had been caught. He weighed his options. Abandon the body or tell the man who he was. He pursed his lips. He had no idea if this guy would believe him. After a moment, he decided to tell the truth, and abandon the body if needed. "I'm a ghost. I've been dead for almost a year."

"Why are you in my friend's body?"

"It's the Toga family's daughter. She almost killed a kid because of her quirk. I want her to get some help before she hurts someone."

"And you know her?"

"I've met her. She would have tried to kill me if I wasn't already dead."

"What does she need help with?"

"Her quirk makes her obsess over blood. It's a side effect. She's tortured by it."

"And you can't just appear to her parents or something? Tell them about what's happening?"

"Sir, I can appear only for a short time. Besides, do you know what I look like?"

"No…?" The man said, a bit confused.

"I died when I was fourteen. It'd just be some kid telling an adult about their daughter. Adults are stubborn. They wouldn't listen to me."

The man pulled into a driveway, probably that of the Toga household. When he put the car into park, he stared forward in silence. "You're fourteen?" The man's voice cracked as he turned to face Izuku.

"I'd be in high school right now." Izuku nodded.

"You're just a kid, and you're dead?"

"Yes." Izuku avoided eye contact.

"I'll do my best to help the Toga daughter, then. Now can you, I don't know, leave my friend's body?"

"He'll be fatigued and disoriented once I leave. I'm coming with you. I want to talk to her parents."

"Alright, just let me do most of the talking, okay?"

"Right, you know protocol and all that." Izuku opened the car door and got out of the car."Oh uh, by the way. I didn't catch your name."

"Akihiko Tanaka," the man said shortly.

"Well, alright then. Let's go in."

Tanaka knocked on the door, and it took a few minutes for someone to come to the door. It was a tall man in his early forties with blond and gray speckled hair. Probably Toga's dad. "Um, hello there," the man said slowly. "Can I help you?"

"This is the Toga household, am I correct?" Izuku asked.


"Hi, my name is Tanaka," Tanaka said. "This is my colleague Suzuki. We're here to talk to you about your daughter."

Concern slowly appeared on the man's face. "Is something wrong?"

"No, not at all," Tanaka said quickly. "We just received an anonymous tip that she might be eligible for accommodations for quirk-based disabilities or negative side effects. May we talk to you and your daughter? Or your spouse as well, perhaps?"

"I don't know about accommodations. Himiko is just a normal girl. But I can give you two some tea for your trouble for coming out here."

Izuku pursed his lips and piped up. "We were told that her quirk involves an obsession with blood, and thanks to certain factors that include repressing her obsession to an unhealthy level, she almost juiced a kid."

"I beg your pardon?"

"She almost stuck a straw into a kid and slurped him like a gogurt." The man turned behind him.

"Yua! Can you come over here?" A woman came to the door, a tall and fairly intimidating woman with blue hair. "This man says that Himiko attacked somebody."

"Nobody was hurt," Izuku spluttered quickly. "But we may be able to help. May we come in and talk to you?"

Yua stared at the two of them as if she were planning their funerals. "And you accuse my darling daughter of such a crime?"

"We have two witness reports, ma'am," Tanaka said. "Nobody is pressing charges, of course, but your daughter might need accommodations, and we are just here to talk to your family and confirm that."

"Fine," the man sighed. "Come in. I need a laugh anyway." Yua grumbled and walked inside, calling Himiko's name. Izuku and Tanaka walked inside. It was a fairly pretty house, with high ceilings and the walls painted a light pink and the trim painted white. A kitchen sat nearby, with chairs sitting at a kitchen island and a dining table and more chairs in a nearby dining room. The man invited the two of them to sit on a couch across from the couch he and Yua were sitting at. Himiko descended the stairs, and Izuku ignored the uneasiness in the back of his head.

"Himiko, darling, these men are here to speak with us," Yua chirped.

Himiko stared at Izuku and Tanaka for a moment and sat on the couch. She was different from the last time Izuku had seen her. Her posture was perfect, and her disposition was stiff, yet intimidating, somewhat like her mother. Her chin was held high, and she walked like she was trying to perfect each step. She was even less casual than she had been with Yuki. It was like she was on camera, or her every movement was watched. She sat on the couch and stared at Izuku and Tanaka like she could see the depths of their souls. "Who are you?" She asked smoothly.

"My name is Tanaka, this is Suzuki. We're from a local quirk assistance facility. We got an anonymous tip that you might be eligible for accommodations for quirk side effects."

"Yeah, people that might be eligible are people like those with fire quirks that burn themselves, or people whose quirks could hurt others, like this one guy who came in. He had the ability to release poison gas, but he had to get rid of some of the buildup regularly or he could die." Izuku added. Himiko's eyes glinted with recognition. "Alternatively, people who suffer thanks to parts of their quirks that help their quirks function."

"So why am I eligible?" Himiko asked smoothly.

"We're told you have a fascination with blood, and thanks to a variety of factors such as unhealthy suppression, you attempted to attack a fellow student," Tanaka said.

Himiko froze up for a moment. She cleared her throat. "Right."

"Honey, is this true?" Himiko's dad asked.

Himiko bowed her head. "Yes," she said quietly. Himiko's dad dropped his jaw, and for a moment he looked like he was going to yell, but Izuku interrupted him.

"Now hold on, her quirk seems to allow her to transform into those she drinks the blood of, am I correct?" Izuku said.

The man wrinkled his brow. "How did you know that?"

"Part of the anonymous tip. The fascination with blood must come with the quirk, and I'm guessing her body allows her to be at least resistant to iron poisoning. I pose a better alternative to telling her to shut up and ignore her quirk, we provide a blood bag or two maybe two or three times a month. It should be enough to sate her taste for blood, at least a little bit, and she can safely adapt to regular society."

Yua opened her mouth, but Himiko's dad spoke first, concern on his face. "How much would this cost?"

Tanaka straightened his posture. "Given the amount of donations given to the facility, not much actually. I could come up with the exact figures when we draw up the exact plan, but I estimate around six thousand yen per three month period."

"That's rather cheap," Yua said begrudgingly.

"I just want my daughter to be normal," Himiko's dad said. Himiko winced.

"With all due respect, sir," izuku said stiffly. "Your daughter is normal. Her quirk might be a little unsettling, but she's still a normal kid.

Himiko's dad stared at him for a moment. Yua spoke up. "You're not really considering this, are you, Hiroto? Do you know what people will say if they see her drinking blood?"

"They'll not say anything because they won't see anything. We'll just let her have it at home." Hiroto patted his wife on the shoulder. "We'll get her some blood, then."

"Alright. I'll give you the address and I'll set a time for you to come sign the papers." Tanaka smiled to punctuate his sentence. He pulled a notepad out of his pocket and scrawled an address on the paper, tearing the paper off the pad and handing it to Yua. "Can we get a phone number we can contact you at?"

The rest of the exchange went smoothly, and soon Izuku and Tanaka left the house. They got into the car, Tanaka started to drive, and Izuku leaned his head back against the headrest. After a moment or two, he pulled out of Suzuki's body and he was weightless again. Unfortunately, he was also exhausted. Suzuki went limp and would have slammed into the dashboard had the seatbelt not been there.

"Are you alright?" Tanaka asked, panicked.

"Where am I?" Suzuki grumbled.

"In the car. We were going on an interview to the Toga household. You fell asleep in the car so I did it myself. Good news, the daughter of the family is going to get some help!"

"That… I'm not sure I remember that."

"Of course, you were asleep."

"I feel like something's missing from my life."

"We all have those days, man. Now get some rest, we have a little while before we get back."