
In Love With Vengeful Billionaire

Cali is aware that she is falling hard for Niklaus Pierre, the cold, calculated, and immensely sexy billionaire hell-bent on regaining what is rightfully his from his father and her boss, whom he despises to the core. Cali made a vow to Niklaus's father years ago that she now greatly regrets, which would unavoidably put her on Niklaus's opposing side. Which side should she take in this conflict between father and son? The father she vowed loyalty to or the son she is fascinated with? Is she the cure for this broken father-son relationship? Or is she simply collateral damage in the conflict between two men?

PiscesGene · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

I'm Single

Anderson welcomes Cali, who has a massive grin when she exits the home office Mr. DelaRoy provided for his employees.

"Are you still living at home with your parents?" Cali's eyebrows are arched in this picture. Over the past two weeks, she has apparently kept running into him at his father's estate. She has developed a liking for him due to his lighthearted nature. She has become increasingly at ease in his presence. 

Anderson is the least problematic of Mr. DelaRoy's three sons. As was the case with the other two, one of them subjected her to sexual harassment and threatened to beat her up, while the other one caused her emotional distress and made it impossible for her to even breathe. Cali mentally shakes her head and tells herself not to think about him anymore.

"No, I don't think girls will be interested in me once they learn that my parents and I live in the same flat," the respondent said. Anderson lets out a giggle.