

What does fate have in hold for him after his parents disappear immediately after sealing his powers? Our MC, born as the reincarnation of the Immortal King finds himself far from the Immortal Realm. He has to cultivate the methods of the martial world in order to fully break the chains sealing his powers. He finds out of his parents identity and also his. He then sets out for the cultivation journey. His goal being to recover his throne and save his parents. He also realizes that he needs allies in the mortal realm to help in conquering the Immortal Realm.

wangarup · Fantasia
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103 Chs

Chater 48. Rey 2

Rey walked out of the weapon room and waved at the lady who gave him that look that asked "really?" But again she could only remain silent for she did not know what weapon he specialized on.

Rey walked to the gates and headed towards Origin Forest. He stood at the edge staring at the millions of trees he was going to dive into. He was carrying the sword unwrapped resting it on his right shoulder.

He took a step in and breathed in the fresh air from the trees. He could feel different scents of the flowers and the unevolved bees that moved from one flower to another. He walked deeper into the woods and he would scare of the beasts without cultivation by releasing his aura.

Alaric had told them how dumb these beasts were and how they had chased after him. He soon got to the early stages of the forest that had beasts with cultivation. He was first attacked by a bee. He could only shake his head.

He did not even have to coat his sword with fire inorder to kill it. Or so he thought. Flying ten meters in the air, the bee was three meters long and its wings were a meter long each. It appeared to have horns on it head and its legs appeared to be like iron rod.

Rey held the sword with both his hands and he leaped and put as much strength on it as he slashed at the bee. The bee's eyes followed him and it knew that it was not supposed to take that strike.

Rey could feel the eyes never leaving him and he regretted his actions. It was a foolish move. He should have coated his sword with fire and used a technique to improve his speed.

He was not a noobie with his weapon like Alaric but he had made a mistake. The bee just flew three meters high and the sword missed it by a mere millimeter. He landed on the ground and he could tell that the bee was looking down on him.

He knew that the bee had the advantage of being able to fly but did that mean that it was unbeatable? Of course not. It was just that the battle was going to take long to end with him as the victor.

He turned to look at the bee but it had disappeared. Rey cursed. It was a wind affiliated beast. He sighed knowing that it was going to be tough because it could just attack stealthily without him sensing it.

And true to his thoughts he felt his hair rise at the back of his neck. His heart palpitated as he swung the sword at the incoming bee. It had just given him the chance to slice it into two halves.

The sword landed and the sound of metal striking the floor resounded. Rey felt all his organs vibrate under the reverberation of the attack. He felt like his arms would break as a sudden pain overwhelmed him.

Even though the bee did not show sign of being hurt, it actually felt some pain as it flew away ten meters from him. The bee screeched and it clearly had been infuriated.

Rey dropped his sword as he shook his hands but when he heard the screech, he hurriedly picked it with his still hurting palms that had turned red. Now that the beast had decided to charge at him head on, he was going to oblige and do the same.

He spread his legs and inclined his back forward. He held the sword with both hands raising it such that the handle was centimeters away from his right ear. He breathed and the shoes he was wearing got torn on the sole as his toes dug into the ground.

"INFERNO FLAMES: FIRST FORM, SCORCHING SLICE," Rey said and his playful demeanor changed to that of seriousness and his eyes appeared like they were burning in the inside.

The sword started getting coated with yellow flames and he moved. The speed was quite fast for a fire elementalist. He sliced in a circular motion and flames lit up in the path the sword was following.

The bee which had been charging stopped for a while and created a wind current to extinguish the fire but it made the wrong move as Rey sliced past it and stopped five meters behind it.

The bee could not process what was happening and neither did it process what had happened before its body fell into two halves in opposite sides. Rey stood there with the sword on his shoulder.

"Pathetic, you couldn't even last one strike." Rey said as he walked away not bothering to look to look at the dead bee. A slimy green liquid probably blood seeped from its sliced body.

It was actually his fast time using that technique with his elements. Since young, they were taught the techniques of the Phoenix Sect without elements. Though their attacks without elements were not very powerful, they were powerful than normal attacks.

As one progressed, they would not bother coating their swords with fire everytime before attacking since physical strength alone could do it. Now that he had gained his elements, he could coat his weapons with fire and have over 10x the effect without any element. It actually could be considered as bullying.

He had chosen this mission for that. He had gained a blood lust that could only be satisfied by killing these beasts. Alaric had helped fuel his bloodlust. It did not take long before he came across his second challenge.

Also in the first stage, standing infront of him ten meters away was a warthog. It was brown and stood at a height of a meter and it lengthed three meters. Its two protruding teeth were 30 centimeters long. It had a red mouth and brown fur. It grunted and charged at him.

Rey just shook his head, in the first stage, he was invincible. He did not even take a stance and just coated his sword with fire as he charged at it. He had realized that it was a waste of technique using it against first stages.

The two collided and he first chopped off the teeth leaving it look like a different creature. The teeth dropped on each other and when the warthog realized what he had done. Its eyes turned red and charged at him the second time.

Rey did not even look at it as it charged behind his back. A foolish beast charging at him without even using any element. He pretended not to sense it coming and made it lower its guard. It was a meter away from him when he turned and swung his sword chopping its head off.

The head flew in the air as it rolled in the air its eyes with showed disbelief. Rey went to the head and pierced it with the tip of the sword and lifted it as its eyes looked at him.

"Use the few seconds you are alive to despair. You died due to your ignorance... I thought that you could actually put up a fight," Rey said as he swung his sword and the head flew away meters from him.

He went to the body and chopped of its hind legs. He knew he was not a glutton like Alaric and that he could barely finish one leg.

He lit a fire on his hand next to it and started roasting it but he just regretted it. He had no cooking talent. The first leg, he burnt to ash in an instant and so was for the second one.

He chopped the front legs but it was the same. He could only smile bitterly. He thought that he was going to have some meat like Alaric but it seemed that he was not destined to. Reality was really cruel. He did not give up though as he cut another piece of meat and started roasting but he ended up with ash, again.

After almost 30 minutes he was holding a piece of uncooked meat and infront of him was a pile of ash. What more could he do than eat it while raw? He stared at the meat as he closed his eyes and bit the raw meat.

The moment he felt the blood on his tongue, he spat the meat and felt like he would throw up at any moment. He tried his luck the last time. He exercised utmost control as he burnt the meat to ash, again. He could not be angry at anyone though. Was it not his inability that caused him despair?

It was not that he could not go for weeks without food. He consoled himself. He needed a more challenging opponent as he headed towards the the beasts of the second stage but he regretted instantly.

On his way he had killed several beasts and he had successfully managed to turn them to ash. He was about to meet his first second stage beast. It was the the second day already. It actually did not show any change when it saw him. But its actions showed disdain.

It was a deer. Standing two meters tall and four meters long. It had horns that were almost half a meter long. It was reddish brown and its eyes appeared to have shades of red. It was obvious that it was a fire affiliated beast.

He smiled when he saw a new test subject to cook or maybe turn to ash. He had forgotten that it was in the second stage as he charged with the sword coated with fire. He thought that it was the same like those foolish first stage beasts. He charged at it but it did not charge at him.

He saw it breath out and white steam appeared. The deer did not even bother to defend. It was looking down on him. It thought that he was weak. He slashed at its head on the horns but he could not even cause it to stumble or close its eyes.

The sword stuck on the horns and the deer swung its head and sent him flying twenty meters away. He rolled several times but he had not let go of the sword. It was actually the first time he was sent flying since he entered the forest.

He stood and removed a pill from his bag and swallowed it. He was not as naive as Alaric was during his first mission not carrying a pill. Maybe even he could not have carried some had he gone before Alaric.

He felt refreshed as his injuries healed. He actually wasted a pill on the few scratches he had received from his previous battles. He put the bag aside and picked his sword and held it with both hands. Ready to face one of his first toughest opponents in his life.