

What does fate have in hold for him after his parents disappear immediately after sealing his powers? Our MC, born as the reincarnation of the Immortal King finds himself far from the Immortal Realm. He has to cultivate the methods of the martial world in order to fully break the chains sealing his powers. He finds out of his parents identity and also his. He then sets out for the cultivation journey. His goal being to recover his throne and save his parents. He also realizes that he needs allies in the mortal realm to help in conquering the Immortal Realm.

wangarup · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
103 Chs

Chapter 36. Break It

A week had passed and Alaric was headed to the personal cultivation room. If he was perceptive, he would never have missed the four figure that always trailed him from a distance. It appeared that even they did not know about each other.

Alaric entered the room and sat in meditation position. He cleared his mind and started to feel the origin energy in the atmosphere. It took around one hour before he could finally tap into it.

He concentrated as he absorbed the energy and let it enter his tenth meridian. He now understood just how difficult it was to fill a single meridian with energy.

The energy in the meridian did not even reach a tenth before he lost control of the energy connection with the universe. He had to restart the process again and as he continued, he realized that he did not have enough control. He had almost no control to be specific.

If he wanted to fill the meridian, he had to ensure a continuous flow. He found it difficult since one had to maintain the connection with the energy and also control it inside the body or it would lead to damage of the meridians.

After he tapped into the energy, he realized that he could use split mind technique to help him control the energy. The problem here was that he had not yet learnt the technique and it was also the first time it hit him that he could use it.

He could not halt the process so he decided to continue until when he lost control of the energy. He also realized that the second time he tried feeling the energy it did not take that long but it was almost fifty five minutes.

He started absorbing the energy and directing it to the meridian he had tried to fill. He let the energy pass through the already filled meridians and let it make a connection with the tenth meridian.

After the connection was established he would then let the energy flow into the already filled meridians and then make it seep to the tenth.

He had realized that this was slightly better than trying to fill it directly. Though, he did not know how much energy he could manage to absorb before he lost the connection.

Unbeknownst to him, it was the second day cultivating. The energy he had absorbed was enough to fill a meridian of a normal person but he had only managed to fill it to the quarter. It was then that he felt the connection with the energy cut off and he opened his eyes frustrated.

Now he could say that he had officially entered the second stage. He had to keep his values and he stood up. He had to learn the split mind technique. That was the only way he could manage to maintain the connection with the universe and also the control of the energy in his body.

What he found even more fun about this technique was that it was very helpful in arrays. He could form an array easily when one part of the mind was working on one part, the other would be working on the other.

This would be helpful too in his inscriptions. With that technique, crossing the last line in the inscription would be a lot easier. He realized that it would also help reduce the toll on his mental energy when maintaining the array or inscription.

Alaric stood up and headed to the library. This was the part Rey always complained about him. Once he decided to do something, he would not stop until it was done. He even forgot about his friends.

Now that he had decided to fill a meridian, he had discovered a cheat and he was not going to attempt filling the meridian until he had learnt the technique. He was also not going to see his friends until he filled it. Maybe he would tell them of his discovery.

He headed to the first floor and went to the part he had seen advanced techniques. He looked around until he found the technique. It was encased with a glass and it was a scroll obout thirty centimeters.

What shocked him and made his heart break was the number of points. This tecnique required 1,000 points to study in the library. To borrow it required 2,000 points.

If he borrowed it, it would leave him only 600 points. But he had made his resolve to study the technique. He pulled the scroll from the top as he swallowed hard. Those who saw him could only sigh.

Everyone knew how the techniques from that section were expensive. They knew exactly how many points the technique he removed required. They could only suck in a cold breath as they watched him head to the attendant's desk.

The lady who was wearing red glasses had to push the glasses on top of her nose bridge to confirm his face.

"You badge please," the lady spoke and Alaric removed his array plate.

"I would like to borrow it," he said as he handed it to her. Those who heard him coughed. That was 2,000 points!

If they decided to study it in the library, they would lose all their points. This was for those who could afford it. Not many had reached a thousand points. The missions that did not involve fighting beasts were very few and the rewards extremely low. Sometimes even 50 points for a mission.

Such missions may include showing the way to visitors, some involved teaching first years. Other involved working as attendants like on the library in a certain floor. These missions were oftenly taken by girls.

When the lady saw his points, she just nodded and deducted his points at an array tablet that was created on the table. Alaric took the array plate and put it back into his pocket.

A wild idea struck him. Were this not 'array' plates? If he could increase his array knowledge, he could probably hack it and he could have unlimited points. Maybe only he had thought of this.

He walked down the stairs and headed to his cultivation room which was 100 meters away from the library in the administration block.

Not many were allowed to enter these areas and the gang following him could only stay outside and wait till the day he came out. Well, this time they were going to have to wait for long.

Alaric sat in the room and opened the scroll. He placed it on the floor as he sat in meditation position. The better the technique, the harder it was to study.

Alaric looked at the complex technique laying infront of him and sighed. It would take a week before he could learn the first step. The good thing was that he was required to return it after two months.

He read the first step and sighed. This involved one concentrating on the mind. The brain concentrating on itself. What a joke! How was that even possible? It stated that the first step was for you to have 100% active brain.

The technique stated that after he found every brain cell and made it fully functional, he would get the 100% brain capacity. From what he learnt, he had 10% useful part brain whereas the rest of it was dormant.

It was the second day and he opened his right eye as of trying to peek inside the brain. He opened his both eyes and lay on his back. Was this technique really true? How was one supposed to have the brain concentrate on itself?

He rolled on the floor as he picked the technique. He stared at it his back still on the floor. He squinted his eyes and reread the instructions. Were these supposed to be called instructions to begin with?

' Concentrate on every brain cell,' how was that an instruction. The question he had was how the brain could concentrate on itself.

"Dammit!" This was like the thousandth time cursing at the creator of the technique.

He sat in meditation position and concentrated on his body. He started to feel every cell. Well he could feel every cell even those on his head and hair. The problem came when he tried to bypass the skull.

He would definitely feel the skull but it seemed like there was a barrier trying to stop him. There actually was a barrier on his brain though. He had learnt from Sarah that he had some of his memories sealed.

He could not help but wonder where that girl had run off to. She was in him yes but he could not even sense her.

"Sarah," he called. It was actually not his first time calling on her in these few days. He was met by silence and he could only sit again and start meditating.

The split mind technique was not supposed to be difficult for Alaric to learn. Even the seal on his memories could not stop him from using it. It was Sarah's doing. That barrier was actually Sarah. Whatever her reason was was unknown.

Alaric started again and this time, he focused on the seal on his origin source. Everytime he looked at it he would feel his heart ache. Why would someone do that to him? He had attempted breaking the seal on his own but he could not even shake it.

He wondered just how his energy made its way to the origin source but had no effect on it. He remembered what Sarah had said that he had to get stronger to fill his origin source and constantly break the seal.

Now that he thought of it, if his origin source had a lot of energy that the seal was having a hard time holding it, this meant that with every meridian he filled, the energy would go to the origin source and exert pressure on it and break the seal.

This was to mean that he had extra energy. If his Origin source already had energy in it and it leaked a 10% after he entered the Cryptic plane, this was to mean that even as a child, he had powers he did not know about.

If it definitely leaked that 10% he had to try to tap into it and use it. Now that he had realized of the barrier, maybe he could just break it...

Sarah shuddered.