
Damsel in Distress

Olivia rubbed her belly feeling impatient to meet her little pups. However, as soon as she did that, she felt like going to the bathroom. Her urinary problem over the months had increased and she had heard that it was going to become worse. She didn't know how worse, because right now this was a lot already. "I need to go to the bathroom, Kaizan," she said. It was as if it was a mandatory job that had come with pregnancy. 

"Oh, okay." He removed his arms from around her and she darted to the bathroom. Once she had closed the door, he asked, "Do you want to eat something?" He was afraid that even passing urine might make her hungry. 

"I wouldn't mind waffles that our cook is making for me these days!" she replied. She had never known that waffles could taste so good.