
Emotional Mayhems

Surprise raced through Kaizan when he saw Ara in the weaponry room. What was she doing there and how did she even know about this room? Did Paige show her this room? 

"I— I— am sorry!" Paige said in a hoarse voice. Her lips were swollen and her eyes were red with crying. 

"For what?" he asked, confused. The girl was looking so distressed that he felt pity for her. "And where is Paige? How did you find this room?" 

Ara wiped her tears from the cheeks with her sleeves. She was wearing a long black gown that had mud on the hem. "I had gone for a walk through the orchards." That explained the wet mud on her hem. "Your orchards are beautiful…" she trailed off, looking outside the window.

When she became silent, Kaizan probed her, "And?"