
If Buddha Was Evil

He is different than most. He knows it. His view on life and death is something that no human should have. When granted an opportunity to transmigrate, he took it. In his search for an interesting life, the world weeps as his demonic smile prelude a new era.

NotPedomaru · Anime e quadrinhos
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9 Chs

The Transmigration Of A Demon

I took nothing but a moment to recognize the situation that I was in. An infinite, white space stretches beyond my vision with nothing but me in it. I also notice that I was wearing a black robe that extended till it reached the ground.

With an irritated sigh coming off my lips, I was already prepared for what is to come.

'Fuck, not this retarded shit. I swear that if I go back to Earth, I will flip that shit up.'

"Come out, ROB."

Nothing happens. With raised eyebrows, I decided to lay down. Putting my arms behind my head and with crossed legs, I started talking to no one in particular.

"Whatever. Either you will come out, or I will spend the rest of all eternity in this place. Maybe hell was a thing after all, and this is my version of it. I guess hell wasn't what those religious people were preaching, seeing as there are no tormented souls burning in flames for my own amusement. How boring. Get me to the true hell, please."

With that, I closed my eyes and was halfway to a nap before I heard what I was already expecting.

"Sigh. What a troublesome soul."

Opening my eyes, I glanced at the floating mesh of light that resembled a humanoid that I assume is the ROB. Not what I was expecting for sure. I thought I would see a wise-looking old man with gentleness in his eyes and a knack for sending trucks to kill useless mortals.

Now, before we continue this conversation, I need to assert a little something.

'Hey ROB. hear me?'


"Great, he can also read minds. This is going to be an awesome conversation. I can already feel it."

"Ahem. You said it out loud."

"So? You can read my mind anyway, so any private thought I had or will have is already compromised. That means any scheme I might come up with is useless before you. So it's better to just be upfront and be on your good terms as it might come useful. That's common sense."

"I don't think most mortals would agree on that. Actually, most mortals would be panicking and showering me with questions one after another. You are an odd one for not doing any of those and is instead treating it as if you were in your own home."

"There's no use in panicking. I know I'm dead. There's no doubt in my mind that warrants be panicking about. As for questions, will you answer them?"

"The ones you want to ask? No."

"Figured as much. Well, then go on. Make the introduction speech. The 'Am I God And You're Dead' thing that you should do." with a light smile hung on my lips, I made an exaggerated movement so that the ROB can start his speech. I can see his slight discomfort with my casualness.

"... Ahem. Mortal, be glad that you were chosen to a chance in transmigrating to another world. You will also be given access to a system that will aid you in your journey..."

"Hold on a minute. I know the drill. I'm sure that you know that I know the drill. So let's skip to the important bit. Why. The. Fuck. Me. I killed myself. I hated living. It was boring as shit in that little blue planet. You know, I tried many things to see if I could get at least some pleasure from that life. I haven't found anything in my 35 years of existence, so I killed myself. Why would I go back?"


"But seeing as I'm already here, I assume I have no choice in the matter. Am I correct?"

"That's correct."

"Sigh. Anyway, why me? Did you run out of trucks or something?"

"... Okay, I shouldn't be talking about it with you, but seeing as this will turn things easier for me, I will just tell you some things." the ROB said while going into a sitting posture. A throne silently appears behind him as he did.

"First of all, you were in hell. But the way you acted was peculiar if I may say."

"Ooooh... So that means I came from hell already? I know myself well enough, so let me guess, I just watched the other souls in torment in silence while the torture or whatever hell is supposed to do didn't work on me."

"That's a surprisingly accurate guess."

"Why can't I remember?"

"We erased your memories about hell."

"Not surprised." I stood from my position to a cross-legged one. "Why transmigration, though? Couldn't you guys have erased my soul from existence itself or something like that?"

"That's a terrifying thing to say about one's own soul. It's against cosmic rules to erase a soul without a proper reason."

"Eh. Once you see past death, things get simple like that." I shrugged. "But anyway, no point in keep mulling too much about that. I'm powerless anyway and can't do anything about it. So, which world am I going to? If it's Earth again, you better prepare a lot of space in hell or heaven. Because I'm not going back in that shithole again and expect that everything will be alright." I said with not a once of concern over my casual declaration of genocide.

"Don't worry, there are rules against transmigrating souls to the last universe they were in."

"I'm going to ignore the last universe part as it opens a lot of questions that I know you won't answer. So, how do you choose which universe I am to be transmigrated at?"

"Normally, we check the soul's memory for a description of worlds they would most fit in and choose the closest one to the old universe."

"You mean worlds that are deemed fictional by another.", the ROB nodded. "Well, that's cliché. But I somehow expected it. There are a lot of fictional worlds I know. And the majority of them are about fighting and getting stronger. That may be interesting, actually. ROB, I have a little request of mine, if you don't mind."

"I can't promise anything."

"You mentioned the system before. Can you make some adjustments to it?"

"It depends."

"Remove all the crap and just get me a status window that I can see my progress. No skills, no health points, no notifications. Fucking nothing. Just pure stats. Oh, and titles if available. I like those."

I can somehow see the ROB being taken aback by my request. He should be shocked as he is probably used to those useless virgins asking for A.I. or god-like powers.

"That's... new. I never saw anyone asking for a downgrade before. May I question why?"

"If I'm going to live again, I want it to be interesting. What point is it in getting a system with everything and get god-like powers from doing things such as helping others doing tasks and then buying a fucked-up skill in the system's shop, having instant mastery of that said skill? It would be boring. You would reach the top in a few years and then what? Gather a harem? Do I look like I think with my dick?" I said with a disgusted look.

"That doesn't seem to suit your character."

"Yeah, you've guessed. I don't want to go to another world and have a goal of being the strongest for the sake of power. I want the journey necessary to get to that point. And when I become the strongest? Then I would go to another place and do it again if I found that it was interesting. That's my goal, having an interesting and fulfilling life. I failed last time. Maybe in this new life, I can do it? Haha, who knows? The worst it can happen is that I would meet death again."

Chuckling, I stood up. Wiping the non-existent dust off my clothes, I stood before the ROB seated at the throne. ROB was really quiet after hearing my little speech, though I can understand. I'm different after all. He is not used to dealing with something like me. So I waited. After a few seconds, the ROB started talking again.

"You're... a terrifying mortal, you know that?" that put a smile on my face, "Those conditions you requested. It can be granted." he waved his hand, and a portal appeared to my right, "Enter the portal, and your transmigration will begin."

Looking at the portal, I stepped forth. If it was another person, they would have tried to get information from ROB on what world I was going to. But I don't care. And ROB knew it. Whichever world he picked, it was bound to be interesting, considering it came from my own mind. So I just went through the portal without another word. The world was spiraling on me as everything turned black.


'Ugh. That wasn't a pleasant experience. My entire body hurts.'

"K... d."

'I can hear something. Someone...'

"K... id."

It took a few seconds to clear my head. When I was finally able to open my eyes, what I saw was a middle-aged man in his mid-40s. He has short, brown hair and wearing clothes you would see in a farmer.

"Kid. You finally woke up. What happened to you? Your boat got attacked by pirates?"

As I stood up, I briefly looked around. I was on a beach. So that's how ROB decided to bring me to this world? Looking at the man, I can see that he doesn't recognize me. That's good. Besides, I noticed I was way shorter, so this is probably the body of a kid.

"I... I don't know. I don't remember. U...Uncle, where is this place?"

"This is Numa Island boy. Home to the Numa village."

'Doesn't ring a bell. Need more information.'

"Numa Island? I'm sorry, uncle. I don't remember much..."

"Haha, I knew you wouldn't know about our small island in the corners of the South Blue..."

'South Blue? Where did I... South Blue! One Piece! Good, now that I know which world is this, then creating a plan for the subsequent years will be easy.'

"... Anyway, Are you hurt anywhere, boy? You got lucky to arrive here before a sea king swallow you whole."

"I'm fine, just a little tired..." my stomach rumbled at that moment, "... and hungry."

"Hahahaha, good. C'mon, let's go to the village. I bet the folk will be happy to see ya." he starts walking in one direction, and I follow him. Not like I have any other choices, "Oh, and my name is Kishida. Do you at least remember your name, lad?"


"Haha. Good name. I like it." He sends me a thumbs up, "Ya know lad, you look to be at the same age as my daughter, she ..." I split my attention to my thoughts as the man keep talking about his family. Only listening enough to be able to answer any question he might throw at me.

'One Piece. ROB really has chosen well. Between superhuman strength and speed, to things like Haki and devil fruits. I don't think I will become bored anytime soon.'

As we walked, I occasionally nod my head to acknowledge what Kishida is saying. In a few minutes, a small village was beginning to form right in front of us.

'Oh, there's one more thing I need to verify.'

Mentally calling 'Status', a semi-transparent window appeared in my view.

Name: Nero

Age: 9

Titles: Transmigrator

STR: 9

DEX: 11

VIT: 8

INT: 506147

WIS: ?


Mentally ordering the system, a short description appeared beneath each attribute.

Name: Nero

Age: 9

Titles: Transmigrator

STR: 9

Determines the amount of force the user's muscles are capable of producing.

DEX: 11

Determines the reflexes and coordination of the user.

VIT: 8

Determines the cell activity and endurance of the user's body.

INT: 506147

Incorporates the user's knowledge of 'Nature'.

WIS: ?

Incorporates the user's knowledge of 'Self'.

'...Ha...Ha Ha... Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Wonderful! Nature? Self? I understand now. This will be my biggest advantage in this world. Because I asked that my system be stripped bare, ROB had to adapt it. There is no mana, so obviously, any attribute that affected mana would need to be changed. But still, a question mark? You really think highly of me.'

As we reached the village, the people we met in the road were calling out to Kishida, and right after they started throwing curious glances at me. I smiled at them and started introducing myself to these villagers. I might be here for some time, so it's better that they have a good impression of me for my plans.

'This will be interesting. One Piece World, don't disappoint me.'