

I used all my strength and break free but i was already too late, she already inject me with god know what.My body instantly scream with pain ready to give up, even using slight movement was difficult. But no i cant give up, even if i go to hell i will take this bitch with me. And with that i pick up an iron rod which was lying on the dirty floor and without hesitation hit her head who was busy running away from me after seeing me break free. 'Never show your back to your enemy' She instantly fall down with a pool of blood on the floor after looking at her lifeless body,I again hit her head so hard that i could even hear the breaking of her skull. My body instantly give up and fall near her dead body, i couldn't even lift a fingure ' it hurt, it hurt so much, all my body were screaming with pain' my eye slowly lost it light .I know that my end is nearing, i could no longer felt any pain like i was lost of all my senses 'Im scared is this what it felt to die,what will wait for me on the otherside is it heaven, hell or will i just disappear."