
New beginning

In a coocon made out of different from of mana one could see a crack like egg appearing on the surface the crack become bigger until a hand could be see be see coming out from the crack.

Daniel POV

I was in a sea of darkness nothing but darkness surround me but strangely this darkness comfort me like a child in his mother embrace. I was in there for god know how long until i see a small light i push my hand toward the light and crawl toward it. I was unable to open my eye due to the brightness until my eye slowly adjust to it than i slowly began to open my eye and look around my surrounding. I was shocked by what i see, looking around the majestic chamber surrounded by mountain of gold coins


I suddenly hear a robotic voice which scared me to my core .

After claming down i look around serching for the voice .But could not found anyone only mountain of gold coins were all i could see

[Master, im inside you]

" Who are you " i ask somehow panick

[Master im one of the world SSS+ rank artifact , Deus ex machine. Im more of a nano machine inside your blood]

The same robotic voice was heard inside my head.

"Then who am i, how did i came out of the cacoon,where am i and what are you inside me"I quickly asked trying to know more of my situation.

[Master, you are the first human born from mana.

My previous Mistresses, Allina Whitefield was a powerful SSS+ ice element user who was obsessed with trying to make a perfect human. She search high and low for her purpose. After years of searching she finally found one but that come with a price to pay.She need to give up her life and all her mana for that to succeed.She become the cocoon which continues to supply mana to you.

You're in Mistresses secret chamber.

Since i am Mistresses artificial, After Master stuck Mistresses mana dry i technically transfer to you]