
Idle In “Naruto”

A former soldier now in the world of Naruto with a system that gives him all reason to be lazy. His goal? To live a leisure and shinobi-like lifestyle. -The MC will be OP fairly quickly, so if that’s not for you keep it pushing. -Only OC’s are mine. -Naruto doesn’t belong to me.

Godfather_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

•Chapter Eleven-How Shinobi Fight

"I think it's wiser and more realistic to try and knock out the opposing team."

As Sayaka spoke she looked at her teammates directly in the eyes.

They were squatted in a tree encirclement surrounded by long full vines. The ominous growls of animals and buzzing of insects echoed in the atmosphere.

Sayaka didn't need to remind her teammates the skill of a Jonin. Even if the three of them tried their hardest to gain that flag from Kakashi, it would surely end in failure.


Muhon and Shin agreed. It was the logical choice. Muhon had no intentions of chasing the copy nin in what could be a fruitless endeavor. However, facing Sasuke and "his" team would be an interesting experience.

Taking into account his talent, he assumed that Sasuke should have reached a level that was near Chunin. Naruto shouldn't be lagging far behind because of his immense chakra reserves and strong body, and Sakura… she was smart.

That wasn't enough.

Not for the current Muhon. There was no doubt in his mind he could take on all three and come out with little to no injuries. This wasn't arrogance, it was truth.

His system ranked him as a Chunin but he had the physical capabilities to match up to a Jonin. Not to mention his senses were superhuman and his ability to pick out the weaknesses of his opponent unmatched.

He couldn't see how it would be a good fight.

Shin raised his hand and said in a barley audible voice. "Won't team seven have the same idea?"

"Not necessarily."

Muhon replied. He stroked his chin in a bit of thought.

Yamamoto didn't have the same reputation as Kakashi. Taking into account Sasuke's competitive personality, if he got the chance, he would no doubt try to face their team leader.

Convincing the other two might take some effort, but it wasn't impossible. Naturally, in their eyes, taking care of team eleven would probably be the easier choice and the one they would likely go for.

It was unlikely, but the chance was still there.

Sayaka gazed at Muhon as he explained this. The strongest shinobi on both sides were Muhon and Sasuke.

She didn't know the full extent of Sasuke's strength, but she didn't need to. 'There's no way he's stronger than him.'

She felt their victory was all but assured. They had the upper edge in terms of match-ups. Shin would be able to take care of Sakura. Outside of her brains, her strength was negligible.

She wasn't sure if she could defeat the Uzumaki, but there was confidence in stalling him until either Muhon or Shin finished their battle.

That was only if they decided to fight that way.

Muhon glanced at the sky. The clouds were darkening and faint thunder hid itself behind those clouds.

"First, let's compile all the information that we know about the three genin. Their strengths, weaknesses, and personalities."

Muhon said. The other two nodded and listened close.

"We'll use the environment to hide. Shin, you should send your hugs to scout the forest, once you've found team seven let us know and we'll begin a surprise attack."

Shin nodded.

"Remember to remain vigilant."

Coming from the relaxed Muhon, it made the other two tilt their heads. But Muhon just continued on with his plan.


"Slow down you! Do you even know where you're going!?"

Sasuke looked behind him. His dark eyes washed over Naruto and Sakura, then he looked back to the front.


He did not know where he was going. However, only by moving about would they first find the opposing team.

Sasuke had complete confidence in himself. Once he found his prey he would attack and quickly put them down.

"You guys are slow."

Sasuke's words hurt Sakura's heart. She was trying her best to keep up with their speed but her stamina was clearly running out.

In her struggle, she failed to notice a brown hairy hand swipe at her face. The beasts claws were razor sharp.

"Sakura! Watch out!"


Naruto launched a shuriken. It narrowly missed the animal but it was enough for it to scare the hand away.

Suddenly, Sasuke halted and tilted his chin up. Naruto and Sakura did the same. There, they saw about a dozen and a half monkeys with red eyes and silver claws swinging from the branches.

- oo, aa, oo, aa

- oo, aa, oo, aa

Some of them carried sticks, others rocks, and even some ninja weapons. Sasuke's hands blurred. He finished the movements and released a fireball.

It's hot flames engulfed the creatures and turned half of them to ash. Sasuke smirked. They were weak pitiful creatures.

These monkeys focused their blood thirsty expression onto Sasuke. Their anger was clearly relayed and the Uchiha cared not for it.

He simply did the Jutsu again. But this time the monkeys were ready.

With their incredible agility they leaped out of the way as Sasuke's flames burned the branches they landed on previously.

Naruto saw Sasuke attacked by these creatures and summoned a few shadow clones.

"Come on guys!"


"Let's go!"

The two sides became entangled into a battle. Naruto's clones were scratched from head to toe and left in miserable states.

They were played with like food by these crafty Monkeys. On the other hand, Sasuke held his own pretty well. His Kunai slashed through their limbs and throats.

It was a bloody mess that Sakura was forced to look away from.

In no less than two minutes the battle was over. Some of Naruto's jumpsuit was torn and he wiped his forehead, a grin on his face.

His condescending gaze landed on Sasuke as he pointed to himself.

"Hehe, I killed more! This is my win this time."

"Are you kidding?" Sasuke mocked. "I took out half of them in the beginning dweeb."


Naruto scratched his head, pondering. He then pointed at Sasuke.

"I wasn't ready yet so it didn't count!"


Sakura dusted off her bottom and they were on the move again. Light sprinkles of rain prompted her to look at the darkening sky and frown. "Guys, it's going to storm soon."

"Yeah," Naruto nodded. "We should take shel-"

- Fwip!

A Kunai dodged by Sasuke lodged Naruto to the ground. Sasuke clearly saw the Kunai, but he was unable to see what happened next.

One moment the dense forest was in front of him, and in the next, there was a large fist. The swift attack caught him off guard.

He was only able to put up his guard to defend himself. His guard was broken through and a flying Sasuke hit his back on a trunk.


His lungs emptied instantly and his vision blurried.

'What the hell hit me?'

His mind was in disarray. Sasuke staggered to his feet and there he saw Muhon swaggering towards him, an apple in hand.



Muhon raised an eyebrow. He looked around and took in the sight of Naruto out cold while Sakura didn't fare any better.

After Naruto was lodged by the Kunai, one of shins bugs bit him in the neck and it's 'poison' prevented him from getting up. He would find it hard to move his hand and his consciousnesses faded soon after.

Sakura fainted once she saw all of the insects that flew out of Shins coat so she was no help.

Now, Sasuke was all that was left of his team. His head was still ringing and he hadn't recovered his breath. The blow had clearly did damage!

"Dammit!" He grit his teeth.

"Earth Release: Ground thorns!" Sayaka, hidden by the forestry, finally revealed her self. Simultaneously, the ground beneath Sasuke turned sharp and he was forced to jump out of the way.

"Uh-uh, not so fast."

Muhon appeared right behind him. Sasuke furrowed his brow and took the initiative, throwing an elbow towards Muhons face.

Muhon caught the elbow, striking Sasuke's neck. Sasuke was unable to see what it was that him, it hardly looked like Muhons hand moved.

His eyes rolled back and his limp body fell to the ground. In mere moments, team seven was dealt with. All in a days work.

Kakashi drew in a cold breath and gazed at Yamamoto. The two of them came out from their hiding place. One with a tear threatening to come from his eye, and the other with a Joyous smile plastered across his face.

'I shouldn't have agreed.'

"Well done my students!"


"Looks like it's my win Iruka! Hahaha…"

Iruka shook his head with a wry smile. He hadn't expected the battle to be over so fast.

Ignoring their individual strengths, team elevens teamwork and coordination visibly outshined team sevens.

"W-what… Naruto-Nii… he lost…"

Konohamaru failed to control his emotions. He fell back into Hiruzens chest and kept muttering the same words.

Not only did he lose, he was the first one to be knocked out! To Konohamaru, this was a major blow as someone who declared Naruto as his rival.


The brown haired child bolted out of the room. Ebisu hurriedly excused himself and chased after him.


(A/N: I know the fight was short, but this is how long future battles will probably be for Muhon. As a shinobi, he's going to grown into the type of person who quickly finishes off his enemies in the least amount of moves possible. It would make no sense to prolong a battle for the sake of it. There will always be exceptions, of course.)