
Idle In “Naruto”

A former soldier now in the world of Naruto with a system that gives him all reason to be lazy. His goal? To live a leisure and shinobi-like lifestyle. -The MC will be OP fairly quickly, so if that’s not for you keep it pushing. -Only OC’s are mine. -Naruto doesn’t belong to me.

Godfather_ · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

•Chapter Ten-Holy Shit

-One Day Later-

At this moment, under the intense white glare of the moon above shrouded in a sea of darkness and stars, Muhon swung a towering club-like metallic weapon with spikes.

- Fuuu~

- Fuuu~

The air picked up when he hammered it down with authority. It was a heavy weapon, reaching almost nine hundred pounds.

Sweat trickled down his naked upper body, his entire focus on making the next swing with all of his weight. He found himself In a world of his own, as if completely separated from the rest of the world.

His breath, the breeze, and his aching muscles. Aware of all of this, he continued to swing until he reached his absolute limit.

Finally, his entire upper body gave out and he dropped the heavy weapon. He waved his hand, clearing the dust from the aftermath.

He walked over to his backpack and grabbed a towel and wiped the front of his face. His scarlet eyes reflected the darkness of the sky, occasionally a ray of light shooting through them.

It was beautiful.

His endurance was superhuman. He continued to stay and train on his own after Yamamoto's training ended. He had no errands to run, nor in a rush to get home. Though at this time his father might get worried.

'If he's not out drinking again, that is.' Muhon mused.

He sat on a log waiting patiently. It was almost time. A whole day passed and soon the moment would arrive.

[System has been upgraded to V.2.0]

He heard that same emotionless voice in his ears. A tinge or excitement began to overtake him. He couldn't wait to find out more about this upgrade and how it could potentially make him stronger.

He found with each day that passed, his thirst for strength would climb. Even during times he had no intention to get out of his bed, training was on his mind. He was afraid it would become an obsession. Strength is nice, but he m wanted to live his life as well.

Information of the update was transferred to his mind-space. It quickly sorted itself into digestible and understandable material. That way, his brain wouldn't fry from all of the new information.

It only took three minutes. For those few minutes he sat still, his eyes closed and then once again opening, enlightened.

'I see…'

A couple of things had changed, Muhon observed. Unlike before how his stat points would automatically be allocated, he would now get the choice to either use them for his stats, or use them as skill points he could use to buy skills.

Where would he buy these skills?

From the skill tree he was provided with. A boundless store of skills that would further add to his arsenal. The only problem was that… they were too expensive!

He scrolled through the lists of skills, his jaw slacking and eyes widening as he continued. His body a frigid cold due to the prices he saw for the cheapest skill.

20,000 stat points!

He almost spat blood. At the moment he wanted to berate the system for trying to rip him off to such an extent. But alas, he didn't say anything. His complaints would fall on deaf ears.

He sighed and moved past it. At least he gained a free skill due to the update. He didn't rush to try out this new skill and instead focused on other details about the updates. Specifically on how these stat points worked.

He found that once he purchased a skill, he could not use stat points to upgrade any skill he bought.

Rather, to gain a better understanding of a skill he had to put it in use. Also, once stat points were converted into skill points, they could no longer be converted back into stat points.

He became curious and decided to check his status to see how many stat points he had.

[Name: Muhon Hannya]

[Age: 12(+24)]

[Overall LVL: Chuunin]

[St. Points: 0]

[Sk. Points: 0]

[Stats: STR(12590), END(12590), AGI(12590), VIT(12590), COM(12620)]

[Skills: (Sword Tracing)]

[Skill Tree(+)]

Zero points… he expected that. The system had informed of that him while it was offline for this duration of time, he could not access any of its benefits. That was why he also hadn't experienced much of a strength gain today compared to previous days.

After taking a little more time to check out other benefits or complications the system update brought, he finally decided to try his new skill.

Inherently, he knew how it worked; he just didn't have experience in its use.

He grabbed his Katana to the side and took a stance. He shut his eyelids and calmed his excited nerves.

When he opened them again he could see a thin red line flowing in the direction he wanted to strike. At this moment, the skill had activated.

He quickly followed after the tail of this red line, essentially tracing it. It was similar to plowing through mud. When he traced this thin line he felt the mightiest resistance.

To Muhon, his body gave him the illusion he was moving incredibly slow when he brought this blade down. But it was the complete opposite. To a normal genin or Chunin, they wouldn't be able to see the speed at which he struck.

He increased the movements from his shoulders, hips, and legs. His brain and body seemed to have a discord. He felt in control, yet his body told him otherwise.

Finally, he finished tracing the movement.

- Peng~!!!

There was no wind. No huge explosions. But that Ominous high pitched sound made even Muhon shiver. It sounded like the cry of a dying ghost.

Before he could even witness the results of his attacks, his entire body began to feel sharp pains. His arm muscles cramped intensively, extending to even his fingers. Like before, he was forced to drop the sword.

He sweat profusely. Beads rolled down the side of his face, down his nose, and onto the lip. His pale neck and face turned a deep shade of red.

"Arghh! Damn! Arghh!"

He hurled curses to the ground. This pain lasted for a minute more and then it gradually calmed down.

Muhon breathed a sigh of relief. He could not take it a moment more and nearly passed out. For all the pain he experienced it better have been worth it!

He gazed up, his eyes widened, and his mouth dropped. Around Ten-some trees were cut cleanly in half, as if slicing bread. To add oil to the fire, his 'expirement' had left an approximately ten feet slash into the ground.

"Holy shit!" He exclaimed.

Now he finally understood why even the basic of skills costs so much. This much damage… it was incredible. Painful. But incredible nonetheless.

Now, how would he explain this?

He frantically looked around. There was no one in sight, and as his attack hadn't been too loud, there probably wouldn't be anyone for a while.

He stealthily picked up his belongings, looked back to the mess he created, and left the premises.

-Next Day-

- Hokage Office

Hiruzen peered into his crystal ball with Iruka by his side. Two teams were currently gathered before training ground forty three. A forest similar to the forest of death in that it was dangerous, but not so dangerous as to a couple of genin couldn't survive.

The two teams were led by Kakashi and Yamamoto, a pair of his most trusted shinobi in this village. He was informed of the bet they made from Kakashi and couldn't help to chuckle.

"What do you think Iruka-sensei?"

He saw no harm in divulging about this little bet to Iruka and did so mere moments ago. Giving Iruka the basic gist of the inner workings.

Iruka gazed at the crystal ball. He smiled, "Of course I have faith in all of my students. But I'm leaning towards Kakashi-Sensei's team."

Hiruzen could understand why. Kakashi's fame was there for all to see, but, Yamamoto was unknown to Iruka.

Sasuke was the top talent in the academy, Naruto had top of the notch physical ability, and Sakura was a smart and clever girl.

In comparison, the only one Iruka could see putting up even somewhat of a fight on the other team was Muhon.

"Why don't we make a little bet of our own?" Hiruzen leaned back and smoked. "Of course, it's just a fun bet. I'll place my bets on Yamamoto-sensei's team."

Iruka nodded. He had completely forgotten what he came for initially. "In that case I'll bet on Kakashi-sensei."

- Slam!

A round-faced child with brown hair and green goggles barged into the room. He posed and pointed at Hiruzen, letting his blue scarf fall to the floor.

"Hiruzen-San! Let's play ninja!"

Hiruzen shook his head, feeling a migraine approaching. Iruka smiled wryly.

'Is that anyway to address the Hokage?'

In front of the Hokage's grandson, it seemed rules didn't apply. Iruka could only watch helplessly as Konohamaru caused a ruckus.

"Lord This, this I-"

Ebisu rushed in out of breath. Before he finished Hiruzen raised his hand. With a solemn nod he replied, "I understand."

Konohamaru strolled up to Hiruzen desk in wonder as the old man lifted and set him on his thigh. The former observed the crystal ball.

"Hey, that's Naruto!"

Hiruzen nodded again, stroking his hair. "It is indeed. Would you like to watch?"

Konohamaru wrestled with the decision, ultimately deciding to sit and watch what would unfold. His grandpa wouldn't play with him anyway and Ebisu was boring.



"-Does everyone understand?"

Kakashi finished his explanation of the rules.

One way to win this capture the flag they would have to take it from the opposing teacher. The two Jonin would of course be limited to what they could do in order give the students a fair chance, though that did not mean they would go east either.

The other way to win was to completely knock the opposing teams students out cold.

Everyone nodded and dispersed. Kakashi took his team one way, and Yamamoto other way.

The battle between the two teams would soon commence under the watchful eyes of hidden spectators.