
I Will Follow You to the End, Like I Always Have

Third time’s the charm! I apologized for all the confusing uploads from me. I finally got the account and fanfic setting right this time. This is the one where I will continue to upload future chapters. This is my Marvel's Eternals storyline rewrite. And currently is 1 chapter per week every Saturday. Hope you guys enjoy and happy reading!

Astronius · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


With your back turned, you gingerly push open the creaking door to the dimly lit guest room where Peggy had spent the night, carefully balancing a tray laden with a delicious breakfast. The soft glow of morning light barely penetrates the room, casting elongated shadows that dance across the walls. However, as the door inches open, your eyes widen in astonishment.

Before you stands Peggy, wide awake and alarmingly alert. Her silhouette, framed by the faint light seeping in through the curtains, is a stark contrast to the tranquil scene you expected. In the blink of an eye, her well-honed instincts come to the forefront, and she reacts with lightning speed. She deftly trains her pistol on you, the metallic barrel gleaming menacingly as it points directly at your form, all senses honed in on detecting your presence.

What's with all the blaster and pistol aiming?

Despite the initial jolt of annoyance, a subtle undercurrent of amusement weaves its way through your emotions. You can't help but admire Peggy's immediate and unwavering defensive response.

As her sharp eyes lock onto yours, recognition begins to dawn, and the tension slowly dissipates. Her grip on the pistol slackens, allowing it to lower to her side with a faint metallic sigh. She rubs her nose bridge with a weariness that speaks of countless close encounters, perhaps relieved to discover a familiar face instead of an unknown threat lurking in the shadowed corners of the room.

"Still hungover, eh?" You set the tray down on a nearby surface, the clinking of cutlery a gentle reminder of the morning's arrival. The dim light of the room seemed to intensify Peggy's disheveled appearance as she replied, her voice tinged with fatigue and a pulsating headache that weighed on her.

"This hangover is worse than any I've experienced," Peggy admitted, her face etched with exhaustion, the lines of discomfort etched into her features.

As you contemplate her words, a touch of sympathy mixed with intrigue colors your posture. You'd heard tales of the wine from this region, known for its intensity, but never before had you witnessed its effects firsthand. Your curiosity led you to muse aloud.

"It must be good," you mutter, your tone hinting at both curiosity and understanding upon hearing Peggy's mention of the wine.

Peggy, however, raised an eyebrow, her question cutting through the morning haze of discomfort. "Good to have a hangover?" she queried, puzzled by your remark.

You lean back into the inviting embrace of the armchair, settling comfortably. "We can't get drunk," you explain, your words carrying a sense of wistfulness. "But it must be nice to at least have your night unburdened by troublesome thoughts during the daytime."

Peggy nodded slowly, her hand still rubbing her nose bridge, her temples receiving the soothing attention of her other hand. A moment of shared understanding passed between you, acknowledging the solace that sometimes came in the form of temporary oblivion.

With a genuine impulse to help, you rose from your seat, extending your hands towards Peggy's cheek. Your movement was cautious, as if offering both comfort and camaraderie. "Here," you said softly, "Let me help you..."

In the quiet aftermath of your healing touch, a sense of wonderment hung in the air. Peggy's once-exhausted features were now transformed, and her eyes sparkled with astonishment, mirroring the miracle she had just experienced. Your powers, though enigmatic, had proven their worth once again, banishing her throbbing hangover with a simple, gentle gesture.

"Are all your powers the same?" Peggy's voice quivered slightly as she posed the question, her disbelief and fascination still fresh on her lips. Her inquiry hung in the room, a testament to the mysteries surrounding your abilities.

You tilted your head ever so subtly, your gaze never leaving her face. The room seemed to hold its breath, suspended in anticipation of your response.

In the wake of Peggy's hesitant apology, a delicate atmosphere of understanding enveloped the room. Her voice, once filled with trepidation, bore the weight of genuine remorse as she stammered her regret. The air seemed to exhale a collective sigh of relief as you responded with a warm and reassuring smile, graciously acknowledging her curiosity.

"It's okay," you offered gently, your voice a steady anchor amidst the ebb and flow of emotions. "To answer simply, all of our powers are individually different."

A soft sigh, filled with a mixture of amazement and awe, escaped Peggy's lips. The scope of the extraordinary world she had inadvertently stumbled into became increasingly clear with each passing moment. Amidst the ethereal realm of powers and abilities, a gentle reminder beckoned, drawing her attention away from the extraordinary to the everyday.

"You better finish your food," you advised, directing her gaze towards the tempting breakfast tray, laden with the aromas of freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries that lingered in the air, tantalizing her senses. "Ajak is waiting."

With a nod of gratitude, you gracefully exited the room, leaving Peggy to savor the delectable spread before her. As the door closed behind you, a tranquil hush settled in the room, allowing Peggy to relish the flavors and reflect upon the profound encounters that had unfolded

In the intimate confines of the living room, a sense of familiarity and warmth permeated the air as Ajak's gentle greeting welcomed Peggy into the small gathering. Ajak's graceful demeanor was as soothing as her cup of coffee, and her lips played host to a playful smile that added a touch of mirth to the room. Her eyes, however, held a knowing glint, reflecting an understanding of Peggy's discomfort, for she was well-acquainted with the lingering memory of hangovers that felt like an eternity.

"Hope the hangover wasn't too unbearable," Ajak inquired, her words carrying the weight of empathy, as she observed Peggy's reaction with amusement dancing in her eyes.

Peggy's response came with a hint of resignation, her voice trailing off as she grappled with the aftermath of her morning ordeal. Amidst her musings, her gaze fixated on the unexpected presence in the room, a silent question hanging in the air. The intrusion of this enigmatic figure had caught her off guard, leaving her momentarily speechless. "Ummm..."

Sensitivity radiated from Mar-Vell as she gracefully rose from her seat on the sofa, a tranquil aura enveloping her like a protective shield. Her eyes, deep wells of understanding, locked onto Peggy's, bridging the gap between curiosity and revelation. With a measured stride, she approached Peggy, extending her hand in a gesture of introduction. Her voice, soft but resonant with wisdom, held a quiet strength as she shared her name.

As Wendy Lawson introduced herself, the room seemed to hold its breath, recognizing the profound depth within those simple words, a weight that hinted at a lifetime filled with experiences and knowledge that reached beyond the ordinary.

Mar-Vell's introduction resonated through the room, casting a quiet authority that settled upon them like a gentle cloak. With unwavering confidence, she extended her hand, a silent invitation to connect with the past and the present. Peggy, instinctively mirroring Mar-Vell's gesture, reached out and clasped Mar-Vell's hand, now Wendy's, in a firm shake. Their exchange was a dance of genuine warmth, suffused with Peggy's radiant smile, which illuminated her face and radiated a sense of openness and acceptance.

"Margaret 'Peggy' Carter," Peggy declared, extending an invitation to familiarity. "But please, call me Peggy."

Returning the handshake with a gentle grip, Wendy reciprocated Peggy's warm smile. "Nice to meet you," Peggy responded, her voice carrying a subtle undertone of curiosity, a testament to her mind brimming with questions, her innate curiosity pushing her forward. With caution, she ventured, "Are you also...?"

"No," Wendy replied, her voice soft yet resolute, punctuating the moment with clarity. "I'm not an Eternal."

In the hushed atmosphere of the room, intrigue hung briefly in the air, as Peggy absorbed the weight of Wendy's revelation. Wendy's gentle demeanor exuded a quiet self-assuredness, a quality that only deepened Peggy's curiosity.

"But I believe I possess the knowledge to further assist you in this organization of yours," Wendy offered, her words an invitation to explore uncharted territories.

A wave of realization washed over Peggy's features, her brows knitting together as she grappled with the concept of a scientist from another world, a civilization that had thrived for ages. The magnitude of this encounter and the vast landscape of possibilities unfurling before her weighed heavily on her mind.

In her quest for guidance and reassurance, Peggy instinctively turned her gaze towards you and Ajak, silently imploring your wisdom and counsel. Her eyes told a story of hope, curiosity, and a trace of vulnerability, all woven together within the depths of her unwavering stare.

Recognizing the unspoken plea, you stepped forward, your voice brimming with unwavering confidence.

"Wendy has our full trust," you declared, your words resonating with unwavering conviction. Peggy found solace in your steadfast faith, a newfound sense of purpose and unity settling within her as the pieces of this extraordinary puzzle began to align.

Standing by the doorway, you and Ajak fulfill the role of escorts as Peggy and Wendy gracefully make their way out of the house. With a fluid turn, they face you both, their eyes reflecting a shared sense of connection and purpose. In a gesture of camaraderie and mutual respect, they extend their hands once again, engaging in a reaffirming handshake.

Peggy's voice breaks the silence, her words carrying a blend of nostalgia and hope. "The invitation still stands," she affirms, releasing Ajak's hand. Her gaze then shifts towards you, a glimmer of anticipation in her eyes. "Howard would be happy to learn that you're still around."

Your smile conveys volumes, wordlessly acknowledging Peggy's sentiment. Silence gracefully envelopes your response, as you allow Ajak to articulate your perspective. Unperturbed and composed, Ajak takes the lead, addressing Peggy's statement with patience and wisdom. "My son and I do not age like your race, as you witnessed last night," she explains, her voice devoid of any negative undertones directed towards Peggy.

Peggy, ever resilient, attempts to object, highlighting the subtle nuances of human perception and attentiveness. Ajak's laughter dances through the air, a gentle melody of amusement. "Well, you did find out," she chuckles, her words tinged with a knowing wisdom. "That's where Wendy comes in, as she possesses the abilities we lack."

"You guys have your minds made up," Peggy remark, her voice tinged with a blend of admiration and understanding. The unwavering resolve displayed by you and Ajak doesn't go unnoticed in her eyes. "Guess nothing will be able to change it."

Ajak's voice joins the conversation, radiating assurance and support. "No, but our doors are always open for you two," she affirms, her words resonating with a comforting tone.

Standing steadfast by the doorway, you and Ajak bear witness to Peggy and Wendy emerging from the house. The atmosphere crackles with anticipation as they make their way towards the waiting black SUV van. Each step they take carries a weight of purpose and commitment, highlighting the magnitude of the journey they are about to embark upon.

Drawing closer, you feel compelled to emphasize a point of caution, your voice conveying a genuine concern.

"Peggy, even though Ajak has already mentioned it, we earnestly insist on ensuring that we won't be interrupted by any unwelcome visitors, except for you and Wendy," you express, the words laced with a deep sense of protection and devotion to the cause. Peggy's unwavering determination fuels your conviction, instilling a profound sense of satisfaction within you. With a sense of finality, you release your grip on the van door, allowing it to close slowly. In that fleeting moment, the distinct black eagle emblem adorning the door becomes etched in your collective consciousness, symbolizing the unity, purpose, and unwavering resolve that lies ahead on this extraordinary path you have chosen.

Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division