
I went to a world of apocalypse

Being the strongest magician in the world is no longer fun. Vinci wanted to start anew in a whole new world. However, this world is facing an apocalypse. Him being immortal because he knows all the spells including defying age, what should he do in this world?

This_Awang · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter 13: Death

They say that life is fleeting, so you have to do the things you love because opportunities do not come the second time.

A vegetative state is when someone does not show any signs of awareness. In a quiet room, someone sleeps like a dead person who shows no signs of attention. The beeping sound from the ECG monitor is the only noise that can be heard inside the room.

It has been a week since the fight with the zombhulks and Vinci's sacrifice happened. His signs are stable yet it feels like he is dead, in a coma.

In those days, David keeps on practicing and enhancing his skills and energy control. He can confidently say that he can roam the city without fear. He asked General Dan to let him secure some medicines alone so that he can put into action the practices he had in the past few days. General Dan let him go out.

What happened back there? is a question that runs in his mind for many days, curious about what happened to his fight against those zombhulks. The reason he volunteers to search for medicines is that he might find some interesting things that would help his teacher regain consciousness. However, he has been out for two days and there is nothing that could help him.

"Beep" a loud sound coming from the ECG indicating that the heartbeat drops; someone is dying. The doctor and nurses gathered to resuscitate Vinci however, the heartbeat already dropped.

"Time of death, nine forty-five in the evening..." the doctor pronounced his death.

"No!" David cannot accept the death of his teacher. He keeps on begging the doctor to revive his teacher.

"Death is part of nature. As we are born in this world, we have to be prepared to die too." Frankenstein appears in the scene and spits out a statement that everyone does not want to hear. David grabbed his collar and told him to shut up. After saying it, Frankenstein informed them that when he was still at the hospital and experimenting on other people, he heard from someone that there is a flower that grows at the center of City A where the apocalypse started; a flower that can revive a dead person.

Hearing this information, everyone got startled to hear such a fascinating story. Of course, this is not verified information since he only heard it from someone else and that person also heard it from other people.

City A is already announced as a red zone. The areas are classified into four zones: Green is a safe zone like Cypress town, Yellow is a mild-danger zone which means that people can put up a base in the area; Orange is a dangerous zone, only awakened beings can roam around the area; Red is a No Zone which means that the place is infested with different Zombies and other evolved creatures, no humans are living in the area.

David is eager to find the flower of resurrection in City A even though it is a piece of unverified information. For his teacher, he is willing to go to the innermost part of the city if that is the place where the flower can be found. General Dan wants to stop him however, they have no other options to revive Vinci, even Frankenstein has no other options.

He has two plans. While going to city A, he will also be looking for his family and fighting zombies along the way to make him stronger. Since his teacher died, he asked General Dan to preserve the body of his teacher so that when he comes back with the resurrection flower, he ca revive his teacher. General Dan agrees to it.

Frankenstein was not killed by General Dan however, he was given a chance to do the things he love to help the safe haven improve its strength. He can still conduct experiments on the zombies they captured. He is studying the genes of the zombies and comparing them to the awakened and will try to formulate potions or medicines for enhancements.

Packing his bag and filling it with supplies, David is ready to travel back to his hometown. The people bid him goodbye and General Dan told him to take care and come back to safe haven.

"The death of a star may give rise to the birth of a new star. As there is life, there is death, and vice versa." An echoing voice in the universe speaks. Floating in the universe, Vinci saw the vast space in it. The universe is packed with heavenly bodies yet not full or crowded. He also noticed the colors of the stars vary yet they are still called stars. They may die but that also means a new star is born. This is destiny and everyone must accept it.

Death is just the beginning of something else. Something may cease to exist to make way for another thing to grow. Does this mean that I died? This is what Vinci is thinking while floating in space. "Why is everything about death? I might have died."

He accepted his destiny but he is somehow regretful because he only started living his dream of new life. Is this really the end of it?

"How is my gift to you Vinci?" Someone asked him in a loud voice somewhere in the space. "This is not the end yet; you can still go back and live your life."

Vinci got confused by this message and memories keeps on flashing which makes his mind revving. What does he mean? Who is he? What gift is he talking about? Is he referring to the book that seals my power or the apocalypse itself? How can apocalypse be a gift? These are the questions revolving in his mind.

While he is stuck with those questions, a black hole is formed and sucked him. He felt like he is torn apart by the force of the black hole.

"beep" The ECG monitor becomes noisy as it shows a sign of life; the heart beats again. Everyone present was shocked that Vinci's heart is beating again however, he is still in a come.

"l will keep on monitoring him, General." Jenny assures the general that she will monitor Vinci and will report if he will wake up. She is the doctor assigned to Vinci.

Jenny leans on and whispered to Vinci "Wake up very soon, your student went somewhere dangerous for you. He does not know that you are still alive." After saying it, Jenny left the room and check the other patients.

From that moment, Vinci's finger moved and his eyes opened.

Frankenstein, are you really sure you heard that information or did you make it up? A doubtful question is raised by General Dan to ensure that Frankenstein did not lie to appease David.

"Nurse! Vinci is awake." Someone shouts from the room of David.