
I went to a world of apocalypse

Being the strongest magician in the world is no longer fun. Vinci wanted to start anew in a whole new world. However, this world is facing an apocalypse. Him being immortal because he knows all the spells including defying age, what should he do in this world?

This_Awang · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter 12: I have your back

"Look out" a soldier shouts at him and throws a spear at the zombie.

They are in the middle of a fight against the zombies. Normal zombies are the cannon fodder of the evolved zombies that are as huge and strong as the Hulk. Some cars are flying as these evolved zombies are throwing them like toys.

Zombhulk is the name that they come up with as a combination of hulk and zombies. This is the first time they encountered such evolved zombies. 'Shocked' is not enough to describe their situation.

Vinci used mold to efficiently use his mana but he throws other spells when the timing is right. At that time, he felt like something is restraining him to use his other destructive spells so he is limiting himself to using magic at an intermediate to an expert level which makes him equally strong with the zombhulks.

Limiting himself to these levels is enough to fight these zombhulks since he will feel electrocuted when he goes beyond the restriction.

"To do or not to do" is exhilarating for him since he got to decide what to do in that situation. Being restricted for the first time is not bad at all, it makes you do your best to survive; so this is survival of the fittest that he heard from other people at the base camp.

Like a monkey, he swings at the stoplights like Spiderman to cross over to the other side. It is not because he does not want to fight normal zombies but because those zombies are almost obliterated so he makes up his mind to fight the zombhulks first.


Someone is flying from the other side to General Dan's side. A person achingly stands up and stretches his body as if nothing happened and said "I have not exercised for a while."

It was Vinci who was sent flying.

At the time he crossed over, he landed epically in front of a zombhulk; his left hand and right knee are on the ground, his right hand is raised and his head is lowered like bowing as if a superhero is landing. He is about to raise his head when a big punch is thrown at him. Due to his good reflexes, he covered his body with water to lessen the impact but he is still hurt from it.

"Are you okay, teacher?" David is worried about his teacher because he is acting weirdly. For the weeks that he is with him, he did not meddle in other people's lives, and even with the zombies; he will erase them in a second. But what's with this fighting? He is even sent back flying. David is confused and happy at the same time that his teacher is helping the people but in a weird way.

Vinci extends the water and grabs the soldier to dodge the zombie's attack. It is just a scratch but it will turn a person into a zombie which is why he grabbed the soldier.

"thank you." The soldier appreciates the help of Vinci.

"No worries, I got your back." Vinci said proudly that dropped David's jaw. At the back of David's mind, he is wondering if that is his teacher or an imposter.

Some soldiers who have no abilities yet are at the back shooting the normal zombies using their guns.

"This is it. Our last stand." Vinci is so dramatic when the normal zombies are wiped out leaving only the zombhulks. He stretches his hands and legs.

Once again, they started fighting however they are at a disadvantage because of the zombhulks' abilities. When the bullets penetrate their skin, they will regenerate making their guns useless. Even when they cut them using their swords, they will heal themselves. Almost all of the soldiers are sent flying and are injured. They are on the verge of losing.

From a distance, David is fighting one on one a zombhulk however he is losing the fight. This is the first time that Vinci felt helpless as they are about to lose.

While he is in deep thought, someone falls right in front of him. "Hello, teacher!" David is groaning but greets his teacher. They are really a perfect pair of a student and teacher who can still joke around in a difficult situation.

There is only one solution to this and that is to use summon however, summon is an advanced spell; he cannot use it since he is restricted. He is now in a dilemma of whether to risk using the spell or he will escape with David letting the base camp be destroyed by the zombhulk.

"Whatever your is, I will always be there for you teacher." David sees that his teacher is in deep thought. He does not know what his teacher is thinking but he felt the need to support him. He definitely has some ways to deal with the zombhulks.

Some ordinary soldiers are trembling and are unable to stand because of fear. One soldier has uttered something that makes Vinci decide to do something he has not done before. "We believe in you; you are the only one left who can deal with them. Help us."

He aggroed the zombhulks and to their surprise, the zombhulks are provoked and chased Vince. This is his plan to lure them away from the camp. "I guess this is far from the camp. Let's do it here."

"Summon" sudden violent spam occurred as Vinci is experiencing involuntary muscle contractions when he used the summoning spell. Since his power is sealed, there are restrictions that if he will be using some advanced spell, he will feel electrocuted and might harm his life.

Enduring the pain of being electrocuted for the survival of the people, he is successful in summoning the beasts. "What happened to you? You seem weak." The toad is surprised to see his situation. "Dang, I like you now. Look at these things.. a taste of strong enemies." the toad added full of excitement again.

"Let me through, you ugly mountain toad." The beautiful deer made his glamorous entrance. Her white and unblemished skin makes a person dream of touching it. "Ah! I feel so beautiful." the narcissistic doe exclaims. Upon hearing that, the toad burp in disgust.

"Why are you two fighting? Get out of my way, do not mess my precious train." Finally, the peacock got his grand entrance. It was the deer who had the spotlight in the previous summon. Once again, he took out his colorful fan and fanned himself.

Nauseating moments like this, Vinci cannot get used to it. He ordered them to take care of the zombhulks. At the corner, Vinci is groaning due to the excruciating pain of the restrictions. While the summoning spell is not lifted, the pain will go on.

Even though the toad is tall, he still gets punched by the zombhulks. The peacock laughed at him at annoyed him so the toad, out of his anger, smashes the zombhulk that hit him with his tobacco pipe; hitting it until it became a pool of blood. The zombhulk's ability of regeneration was not able to cope with the fast smashes of the toad.

The deer noticed the pain of Vinci so she cast a healing spell at him but it did not help him at all, it became worse. She noticed it and she told the two beasts to finish it right at the moment to help Vinci. The two finished the remaining zombhulks and approached Vinci.

"What is happening to him? the two asked the deer. The Deer replied that something is restraining Vinci's power and due to his summoning the beasts, he got into this state. In the distance, they heard David's voice looking for his teacher. The beasts hurriedly entered the dimensional gate as per Vinci's order.

David saw his pitiful teacher at the corner. He hurriedly runs to him and lifts his head. His teacher is running out of breath and then David panicked; he does not know what to do. He shouted, "Here, help!" and then some men are rushing to them and carried Vinci back to the camp.

"beep" the ECG shows that the heartbeat is dropping.

"Clear" the doctor in charge is doing his best to keep Vinci alive.

"No!" David shouts in anguish.