
Chapter 89:Supermarket Zero Dollar Purchase Incident!

"What's your name?

"Harry. Osborne."

'Who is your father?"

"Norman. Osborne."

"What did he do for a living?"

"He was a scientist in the biological sciences."

"Did you love your father?"

"I think so."

"He loves you too Harry, he loves you very much."

Inside the room, lying on the bed, Harry's consciousness went into a deep sleep.

Dr. Warren, sitting on the edge of the bed, is performing guided hypnosis on his subconscious mind.

Dr. Warren, who was wearing glasses, asked Harry while recording something on a piece of paper, "Do you remember how your mother died?"

Harry, who had his eyes closed, replied back, "Yes, I remember. "

"Do you resent your father for that? "

"I don't. "

Dr. Warren continued to suggest to him, "Your mother loved you too, Harry, both your parents loved you very much, and although your mother is gone, your father will love you even more than he did before, and you will be doubly loved.

"You will forget all your unhappiness and you will become an Osborn who loves to chase success. "

After giving Harry all the guidance he needed, Dr. Warren stood up and with a glance at Harry, who had fallen peacefully asleep, headed out of the room.

In the parlor, Norman was waiting.

"Harry is in excellent condition, Mr. Osborn."

Dr. Warren said respectfully to Norman: "My advice is to continue the treatment, he hasn't had any nightmares for several days in a row.

He is a psychiatrist and is experienced in diagnostic hypnotic treatment."

He has now been brought in to do Harry's psychotherapy for him.

But it was clear that this psychotherapy was more like evil psychic suggestion.

Norman glanced upstairs towards Harry's room and asked Dr. Warren, "Is your keyword psychotherapy working?

"It worked well, but..."

Dr. Warren hesitated and said, "Mr. Osborne, I think we need to talk about this, it's having a long term effect on Harry's psyche, maybe we should stop this ..."

"Dr. Warren."

Norman interrupted gruffly, "Are you really bothered by your behavior?"

Dr. Warren pushed up the frames of his glasses, wrinkles tightening on his aged face.

He said hesitantly to Norman, "Yes, I think Harry might need more specialized counseling."

Norman told him nonchalantly, "Doctor, please make sure you understand one thing, and that is that you are being paid handsomely all because of this particular job."

Warren looked at the other man's serious face and stopped his intention to talk too much.

"All right, sir."

He nodded to Norman and left the room.

Staring at Dr. Warren's departing back, Norman . Osborne narrowed his eyes and a cloudy expression appeared on his face.


"This is amazing!"

Uncle Ben was still shocked by what happened in the evening.

At this moment, Uncle Ben and Peter were located at the supermarket.

While Uncle Ben was picking out the goods, he turned to Peter and said, "I didn't expect you to win the prize, Peter, May and I are very proud of you.

Tonight the fake certificate that Peter had hired to be made was finally completed.

When the staff handed him the letter and check, he and Aunt May were all shocked and incredulous.

After all, they had never heard of Peter going to the science fair.

Although he didn't doubt his nephew's love of science, he didn't expect Peter to win.

Next to Peter, he did not feel guilty about deceiving Uncle Ben.

Originally, he wanted to utilize the school scholarship, but he ended up finding a pheasant science fair.

And then spent some money to get the other side to judge himself first place.

By the way, he paid himself to award himself fifty thousand dollars.

This way even if Aunt May and the two of them went to investigate, they wouldn't be able to find anything fishy.

Uncle Ben and Peter were talking and walked over to the counter and asked the clerk, "Do you have one of those big flashlights and a cover that can block the light from the flashlight."

The clerk, a thin man but with a big head and sharp eyes, smiled and said, "For hunting?"


"You want a deer hunting flashlight? For tonight?"

Uncle Ben smiled and said, "I'd love to, but I don't have a license for hunting, this is just for night fishing."

The clerk blinked and quickly found a flashlight and said to Uncle Ben: "Look .... This big flashlight doesn't have a gauge, but you can use a piece of felt with a small hole dug in the center, which will give off the light of a small pen-style flashlight."

Uncle Ben thanked the clerk: "Sounds good, thanks."

"Sure, what else do you need today?"

"A waterproof camping sheet, eight feet long by eight feet wide, and we're going to celebrate as a family, celebrate my nephew becoming a scientist."

Uncle Ben patted Peter on the shoulder and said happily.

"Congratulations, that's twelve and a half dollars."

Uncle Ben was about to take out the cash when the door of the supermarket was suddenly pushed open.

Two black men, wearing North Carolina hats, barged into the store.

"Freeze! Focker! Stand there and don't move!"

The black men who aggressively barged into the store had pistols in their hands, pointing at the store owner.

As the only two customers in the store - Peter and Uncle Ben were also threatened by the black man pointing a gun at them.

"Hey, calm down! Man!"

The store owner immediately raised his hand, signaling his opponent to calm down.

Next to him, Peter was somewhat speechless.

Was this an encounter with a supermarket zero-dollar purchase for himself?

"I said shut up! Open the cash register!"

The black man yelled toward the clerk and fumbled to rummage up from the cash register.

The other black man aimed his eyes at the wallet in Uncle Ben's hand.

"Hey old man, give me the wallet."

The black man signaled Uncle Ben to hand over his wallet.

Uncle Ben subconsciously used his own body to block for Peter, so that Peter would not be exposed to the other's guns According to his temperament, he would never hand over the money like this.

But once he thought of his nephew behind him, he finally compromised and chose to hand over his wallet to the other party, and Peter, who was being protected by Uncle Ben, was slightly moved inwardly.

In Uncle Ben's heart, he had always been the nephew who made him proud.

At the moment of crisis, he will also not hesitate to block the danger for himself.

Raising his head, standing behind Uncle Ben, his eyes became bitterly cold.


The tiny, almost inaudible black raindrops bounced off the wrists of the gun-wielding black man.

The black man who let out a miserable scream, the pistol in his hand instantly fell to the ground.

Before the other black man could react to what had happened, he suffered the same treatment as his accomplice.

The black man who covered his corroded and raw wrists crouched on the ground in agony.

Immediately after that, Peter raised the metal trash can next to him and slammed it towards the other person in front of the dumbfounded gazes of the clerk and Uncle Ben.


The two black men were heavily smashed on the ground.