
I want to be the villain in this story

Hello ~ This is my 25th draft story/novel that I have wrote few months ago. I am debating whether I will upload this here or not but I will try my luck, maybe you will like my story. Kampaii!

Chaasenpaii_ · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 3: Left behind

"Princess! Princess!" It was my dad. He had returned from his business trip last week and was now pestering me to go out.

"Dad, I don't want to come. Why don't you go alone?" I uttered while scrolling through my phone. I heard him sigh.

"Princess, let's do it like the old times. Let's bond with our friends and have fun." But we're not friends anymore. They left me. I want to say that, but I know my dad won't like it. They cherished their friendship to the point of pushing us, their children, to be like that.

I sighed and got up from my bed. I opened my door to see my grinning dad. Let's just do this and get it over with.


Silently, a table was prepared for us. The three of us sat comfortably, not speaking or anything. Me and Luwen were busy with our phones to avoid talking, while the other one was staring at me. He has been doing that for a while now. Feeling guilty, Gavin? You better be.

The food was served shortly after. It was a feast that the three of us couldn't possibly finish. On the other table, our parents were being noisy, catching up on the missed time they hadn't seen each other. Good for them, but not for us.

Since I was hungry, I started eating and ignored the two idiots. They're not worth my time.

Gavin was eating too, and Luwen followed. We ate in silence. Thankfully, the elders didn't comment on our silence.

I am enjoying the food, especially the pasta. It's delicious as always. I sipped my mango delight shake while looking around. The dining hall here at the Golden Place isn't that crowded. This restaurant is owned by Gavin's family and it's the favorite restaurant of the elders.

My eyes went to the boy in front of me who has been staring at me for a while. Gavin is getting on my nerves now. I snapped at him, which startled him a bit. I raised my eyebrows at his reaction.

"What is it?" I asked, maintaining a blank expression.

"I just wanted to say sorry," he replied with a sad tone.

"The damage has been done, Gavin. You can't do anything about it." Luwen was listening to us while holding his phone. Does he know what happened between us? Maybe. I don't care.

"That's why I'm really sorry, Ches." Sorry my ass. Tough luck. I stood up, excusing myself to go to the restroom. Let's leave and make him feel even more guilty. He deserves it!

I heard a chair move. I knew it was him. He was going to follow me. I could feel his presence behind me. I ignored him and walked straight to the restroom.

When I'm done, I saw him leaning against the wall outside. I rolled my eyes and tried to walk past him, but before I could do that, I felt a hand stopping me from going to the exit of the restroom.

"Let's talk," he said, holding my arm gently. My eyes were fixed on his hand holding my arm. He noticed but didn't let go.

"There's nothing to talk about. Are you going to lecture me again about how bad my personality is?" I sarcastically remarked. I tried to pull my arm from his hold, but damn, this boy is strong!

"Stay still. I just want to talk," he pleaded. I shook my head. Talking with him is not worth my time.

"Oh, please! You're just going to push me to accept your apology. Damn your apology! I don't need it." He was about to say something when someone entered. A woman. She looked at us with confusion. That was my cue to free my hand and walk away, but Gavin came along. This guy won't leave me alone. He walked beside me.

We reached our table. The elders were still noisy. Luwen eyed us with a questioning look but didn't dare say anything. You better not!

I focused my eyes on the remaining food. There's still a lot left. I should focus on that and ignore the idiot Gavin.

It was 4:30 in the afternoon when the elders decided to call it a day. Everyone said their goodbyes. I hugged everyone except their child. My dad and I left first. I actually pulled him to leave so we could go. He was talkative the whole ride, and I let him be. He's happy, and I shouldn't ruin it with my own misery.

Monday came, which I hated the most. I was walking in the quiet hallway. I arrived too early intentionally, seeking some peace of mind in the morning. There were a few students around, but not many.

I went to my classroom and sat at my chair. I was the only one in the room. I took a muffin from my bag. It was wrapped in a cute box. Tita Elaine gave it to me yesterday, and now I finally decided to eat it. She baked it herself, and she's quite good at it.

I munched on my muffin while staring at the whiteboard. Then I heard the door open. My gaze shifted towards it, and I saw Sonny.

Sonny Tarren Alfredo. The youngest son of the Alfredos, the owners of the most expensive hospital in the country. His parents are renowned surgeons, a well-known couple inside and outside the country due to their research and accomplishments.

He sat down on his chair without bothering to look at me. I shrugged and returned my attention to the whiteboard.

Thirty minutes passed, and it was just the two of us. I finished my muffin and saw him quietly sleeping, his face covered by his arms.

Our classmates started arriving. We began our day with Philippine History. I thought it would be a lecture, but the teacher grouped us into teams of four.

Now we were discussing the topic we would provide insight on and present to the class after 30 minutes. Althea, the self-proclaimed leader of our group, sat beside Sonny, while I sat beside Franco Mendez.

"What do you think of Althea's insight, Chesry?" Franco asked me. He is an incredibly friendly person. He befriends everyone, even the school guards, albeit not for the best reasons.

"Not bad," I replied shortly. Althea is smart, but sometimes she can be annoying when she acts like she knows all the answers to every question.

Althea smiled at me, while Sonny looked at me with a questioning look. This guy...

We decided to stick with Althea's insights, so she would be the one to present them in front. It was a win-win situation. Althea likes the spotlight, while the three of us didn't want to speak in front of our classmates.

Our group was the last to present. Thankfully, the teacher gave us a high grade, impressed by Althea's insights. The class ended with everyone happy with their grades.

Althea was now the center of attention. Good for her. She worked hard.

The next subject came and went, and then the lunch break arrived. I was busy cleaning my table when I saw someone standing beside it. It was Franco Mendez. The boy had a wide smile on his face.

"Lunch?" he offered. This boy was not a stranger in my life. We grew up together too. Although he wasn't part of our group, he was always my sidekick, offering me food as if my family couldn't afford to feed me. Just kidding. He was the friendliest person and the only one who never changed his attitude towards me, unlike the other two.

I looked at him and nodded.

We decided to order food from outside since we both wanted pizza and milk tea. He treated me.

Our food arrived, and we started eating while looking at the vast field of our school. The silence was soothing to my mind.

I was about to bite into my pizza when Franco spoke up.

"Ches, I want to tell you that... I like someone..." He paused and looked at the field with a genuine smile on his face.

I frozed.

I did not talk. I didn't know what to say, and I think he wanted it that way so he could continue talking.

"I think you know her... Since she represented our school in pageantry." Someone's name popped into my mind. I knew it was her. My mouth didn't want to speak. I didn't know what to say.

"I know she's a year older than us, but I really like her." It was a confession I didn't want to hear. I just looked at him with a blank expression.

"I wanted to tell you this because I feel comfortable sharing my secrets with you. You don't judge me, but you listen and let me express myself." I didn't know if I was happy hearing that. I didn't know.

Now he faced me with a genuine smile on his face.

"Can you please support me with this, just like the old times?" I request that I don't want to say yes.

"O-of course!... I will... support... you." I showed a fake smile. His smile grew wider, and he tapped my head, just like he used to do. He seemed happy with my response to his request.

"Thank you." After that, he left. I stayed behind. I needed some air. I ignored the pizza and my milk tea. I just stared at the field.

I felt sad.

I thought he would be my sidekick until the end. I had forgotten that he could fall in love, just like the other two.

And now, he left me too.

I smiled bitterly, realizing that I was now alone. The last person whom I thought would stay by my side had just left.