
I want to be the villain in this story

Hello ~ This is my 25th draft story/novel that I have wrote few months ago. I am debating whether I will upload this here or not but I will try my luck, maybe you will like my story. Kampaii!

Chaasenpaii_ · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter 2: Hmmm

It's Saturday, which means no class, obviously. I'm having my breakfast quietly while the maids are on the side waiting for me to finish.

My dad just called a while ago and informed me that he will be busy for the whole day, which is why he called early.

The maids asked me if I want to go out, like shopping or something, but I replied to them with a no. I want to lock myself in the house and do anything but sleep and eat.

The scenes from yesterday are still fresh in my memory. The way he hugged her. Ugh. Of all people in this world, why did I have to fall for someone who's destined to be with another girl!

I finished my meal and headed to my room. My comfort world. I sat on my couch and surfed social media.

I don't like Facebook, but I have an account for school purposes. I prefer using Instagram instead. And I'm not a fan of using Twitter to express my feelings. I don't want millions of people feasting on my life.

I was scrolling on my Instagram when I saw a post. Armand Luwen Santella's post, to be exact, with his cousins. I know they're his cousins because we live in a small society of golden spoons, so basically I know each of them. Spoiled brats.

They're having their breakfast too, based on the food displayed. I can see hotdogs, bacon, sunny-side-up eggs, and more. Someone took the photo while they were eating. I guess it's one of their moms.

Armund happened to look at the camera while holding a glass of water. He looks good, of course. He's just wearing a plain white shirt.

The post has 2,388 hearts and 566 comments as of now, and it was posted 30 minutes ago. Wow, very popular.

I went to the comment section. Everyone is asking the names of his cousins, and others are praising his good looks. I can see most users mentioning him to get his attention. Probably want a reply from him?

I know he's very popular, not only in our school but in other schools too. I can't blame them because I used to be one of them. Tsk tsk.

Good looking, an average student with average grades, the captain of the basketball team, and the youngest son of the wealthiest businessman, Mr. Keiro Ludwig Santella. The man himself, and happens to be my dad's best friend since college and my one and only godfather. Both of them are business tycoons. Very, very rich. And we are golden spoon children, fed by our hardworking dads. Happy life indeed.

It was Monday, back to my normal day. I was heading to the campus Supreme Student Government office. My advisor had told me to visit their office after lunch because they had something to ask from me.

I arrived and knocked on the door before entering. I was expecting to see the President welcoming me, but instead, I saw the heroine's face. She looked shocked to see me. Long time no see, girl. Sigh.

"You're here, Ches! Thank you for coming!" Vice President Vxinne cheerfully greeted me. She pointed to the vacant seat next to the heroine. Tsk tsk...

I quietly took a seat, and I could feel the gaze from the person beside me. Don't talk to me, commoner.

They offered us a snack while waiting for the VIP President. I was confused to see that it was only the two of us here, aside from the officers. I thought there would be other students too.

Vxinne entertained us with her stories, but I wasn't interested. Just killing time. She got more excited when the heroine commented on the stories she shared. They were both noisy.

Twenty minutes passed, and finally, the VIP President arrived. The meeting started immediately.

"I asked you here because we need your help and assistance for our upcoming foundation day. We are planning to make it a five-day celebration!" That's too long. The President was excited, but I wasn't.

The meeting continued and then ended. We bid our goodbyes to them before heading back to our classroom.

I walked as fast as I could, but the girl was doing the same. What's with this competition? We walked briskly until I stopped. I let her win the walking competition. She noticed that I wasn't walking anymore and stopped too. She turned back and faced me.

"What's the matter?" I started. I was getting annoyed by her actions today. She was just staring at me like I was a puzzle in her world that she couldn't understand.

I approached her, closing our distance.

"Is this about last Friday? Are you hurt because I didn't help you?" I sarcastically asked.

"Yes..." she softly replied while still staring at me.

"Look, we're not friends. I have the right to offer you help or not, and that day I chose not to help you, and it will remain that way. You are not some gold or loyalty that I will offer help when you ask me. I am above you. Again, know your place, Scholar." After that, I passed by her.

"You really have a bad attitude," someone said. It was Gavin. He was leaning against the wall with a dark expression. He had been hiding from us, typically listening to our conversation earlier. I turned around to check if the heroine was still there, but she wasn't. I sighed and went to face Gavin. He was glaring at me for hurting the love of his life. Ew.

"So what?" I said, sounding annoyed.

"Just because you're richer doesn't mean you have the right to humiliate someone," he said, rolling his eyes at me.

"Oh, please. Don't make me laugh. I'm not humiliating her. And you know we're not friends. I hate it when people call me recklessly, Gavin."

"You really think you're a princess, huh? You don't like people calling your name. Well, you're not some royalty to be treated like that either. You're just an ordinary girl with lots of money."

That was a blow.

"Why do you even care if I want to live like a princess? It's not your life, it's mine. I can do anything with my life. I don't interfere in your life, so spare mine too." I wanted to burst out. Just because of a stupid girl, he was treating me like this!

"You're a spoiled brat, indeed. Tito Henrick spoiled you so much. Tsk. You grew up with a bad attitude. So different from Xyn, who grew up in poverty but is kind and doesn't hurt people. Unlike you, born with a silver spoon but with a bad attitude. Is that how Tito raised you?"

My body moved on its own, and before I knew it, I slapped him hard. We were both taken aback by what I did. Tears dropped from my face. It was another blow. It hurt.

I was shaking. He looked terrified seeing my crying face. The dark expression on his face softened. I rarely cry. He knew that.

"I know we are different. She's kind, and I'm the villain. But it doesn't mean you have the right to criticize how my dad raised me!" I spat angrily. Betraying tears suddenly flowed. I never saw this coming, especially from Gavin. Gavin, who promised to protect me and never let anyone hurt me. Look at this scene now. Eating your words, Gav.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean... to say that," he panicked now. But it was too late; the pain had already settled in.

"It's better that you never promised me anything from the start, Gav. You broke your promise. Thank you for hurting me." A faint smile appeared on my lips, and I walked away.


I stared into his brown eyes and saw a goofy smile on his face. He offered me his hand, as he always did when we played in the playground, holding hands while enjoying the simple pleasures of childhood.

Kids our age were there too, playing around as if their lives revolved around it.

A small hand pulled me towards a swing. He smiled at me before tapping the empty swing. I smiled back and sat down. He pushed me gently, singing a familiar children's song. I joined in, singing along with a wide smile.

We eventually grew tired of playing and sat on the ground, still holding hands. The boy faced me with a grin on his face.

"Chesry, do you want to grow up fast?" he asked innocently.

"Yes, yes!" I cheekily replied.

"When we grow up, I will protect you and never let anyone hurt you, because I'll grow big, just like Mommy said." I laughed at his remark. He scoffed and pouted.

"Don't you believe me?" he asked, still pouting and making a sad face. It was adorable.

"Of course! I believe you, Gavin..." After saying that, I hugged him tightly.

I slowly opened my eyes.

What a flashback. I got up and stretched. It was another normal day for me. My door was noisy now with knocking. I should get ready.