
I want to be the villain in this story

Hello ~ This is my 25th draft story/novel that I have wrote few months ago. I am debating whether I will upload this here or not but I will try my luck, maybe you will like my story. Kampaii!

Chaasenpaii_ · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 0: Prologue

Since I was a kid, I dreamed of being the problem in a romantic story. I wanted to be the person who made the main characters cry and run away from their boring love story. Love stories, hmmp!

Falling in love is an option, whether you take it or not. And if you do take it, you'll either regret it or, if not, then you'll have the best life. But that was just a childhood dream that would never happen because now, in the present, I am one of those characters who fell in love with the main character.

Sadly, I am not the main character of this story. I am a side character to the heroine. I want to replace her, though. I believe I am more suited to be the heroine than her. I have everything—beauty, wealth, and brains—but I don't have her cringe-worthy personality. I think the reason why the author made her the heroine is that she's a damsel in distress with a commoner background. She needs a savior, huh? Curse you, author. Die.

Now, annoyingly, I am watching her being bullied by an entitled group of mean girls in this school. Of all places, why here on the grass field where they make a scene? Why near me, author? Are you really making me her sidekick for real? Curse you! I will never be her helper!! Ignorant author!

I close my eyes and pretend I didn't hear or see them in front of me.

"You're just a commoner. A scholar leeching off the school, yet you act like you're so rich!"

"You may be beautiful, but you're just a commoner! A peasant! Poor!"

"You'd be better off leaving this school and transferring to a public school where you belong!"

Mean girls. I don't like them. We are not friends either. I choose my friends, and they will never meet my standards. But hearing them make those remarks bothers me. Is this part of my role as the heroine's sidekick? Why am I bothered? No, no, noooo! I will not interfere. I will not be part of her journey. I am my own character!

"Please, leave me alone... I haven't done anything wrong to you... Please... I just want to study and graduate." Even if I don't open my eyes, I know that voice. Darn author, showing favoritism, huh? Why did you make your heroine poor in the first place? Frustrating role! Ugh.

I slowly open my eyes and look at them.

"It's lunch break, and you're here disturbing someone's peace. Do you have a death wish?" I say as I stand up and walk towards them. They are shocked. One of them even takes a step back as I approach.

"C-hesry... You're here, huh?" It's Matilda, the mayor's daughter in this city. A politician with many scandals, tsk tsk. Matilda is the leader of these entitled mean girls. Yes, she is rich, but I am far wealthier. Her family is not even on the list of the richest families in the country, duhh. Her father's salary is only my father's weekly profit. See the difference? She should be grateful that my father pays such high taxes.

"Ms. Aguanta, you're the daughter of a respected politician in this city, and yet, you're here bullying someone who has no power to fight back. Tsk tsk. Disappointing." I shake my head while looking at her. I have much more power.

"W-we're just... uhmm... helping her!" she defends

"Helping her with what? Putting her in her rightful place? Hmmm."

"N-o... Well, it's just that... She's so arrogant! Just because Armond pays attention to her, she thinks she can walk around with a proud face in school! She knows she's just a scholarship student!" See, author? You made her a scholarship student, and now even ordinary characters are complaining about the attention given by the male lead to the heroine. Tsk tsk.

I turn to the heroine. The only thing I can say is HELPLESS! She's poor and can't even fight back. My goodness! She should have joined the Taekwondo or Karate club!

"You... Stop whining there. They're bullying you. You should fight back! Don't let them bully you just because they're rich and you're poor!" She seems surprised by what I said. Like an idiot.

Matilda and her minions are silent. I know they fear me. And they should because I can take away their money with just one call to my father. I am my father's precious princess. He would do anything for me. And they know it.

"I know I'm poor. But I also know that I can't win against them if I fight back. My scholarship here is at stake. I choose not to fight for my scholarship." The heroine of this story replies with a sigh.

I understand her perspective, but I can't just be on her side. I want to be a villain in her eyes. I don't want to associate myself with her. She's the heroine. No matter what she does, she'll have a happy ending in the end. Her life is already determined. Meanwhile, I'm trying to change my role here. I don't have a happy ending like her. And I hate that.

"Matilda and your friends, leave now. Get out of my sight before you lose your status in society the next day." They apologize to me before walking away, leaving me and the heroine alone in the scene.

I sigh. This is frustrating. I can't stand being with her. I don't want to be her sidekick helper all the time!

I turn my back and start walking. I don't want to talk to her anymore. I hear her saying something, but I ignore it.