
I want to be the villain in this story

Hello ~ This is my 25th draft story/novel that I have wrote few months ago. I am debating whether I will upload this here or not but I will try my luck, maybe you will like my story. Kampaii!

Chaasenpaii_ · Teen
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 1: The current

I sat silently in our SUV, gazing outside. I kept thinking about her. I felt pity for her, but I also pitied myself. Every life has its flaws.

We arrived at the house without me noticing. I saw our maids waiting for me to get out of the car, welcoming my return with smiles on their faces.

I stepped out of the car, and they immediately attended to me. Everyone was focused on me. They treated me like a princess here. I knew it was because of my father's influence, but I didn't like being treated this way, although I couldn't help but enjoy the attention.

I hurried towards the stairs to get away from them. I knew they were following me, so before they could reach my room, I closed and locked the door.

"I'm fine. I just need to rest because I'm tired from school," I said. I heard them bid me goodbye, and after that, there was no sound of the maids trying to enter.

True to my words, I didn't change my clothes. I lay down on my fluffy bed still wearing my school uniform. Just as I was about to drift off to sleep, my phone rang. Annoyingly, I picked it up and saw that it was my dad calling.

"Hi Princess! How was your school?" he greeted me. He called me every day. He was currently in Australia for business, and it had been two weeks since he left the country. He was worried about me, but he left me with bodyguards, so I didn't worry much.

"It was okay, Dad. Just a normal day," I replied. I could hear him chuckle a little at my response.

"The same answers every day, Princess. Is school really that normal for you every day? Do you want to transfer to another school? How about studying abroad?"

"I reject the offer, Dad. My current school is fine for me. It would be troublesome to transfer in the middle of the semester"

Thinking about meeting new faces and adjusting to a new environment is a waste of time.

Our conversation continued for a while. He said so many things as if we hadn't talked yesterday. I loved my dad despite his talkative nature, but sometimes, it was irritating when I wanted peace of mind, and he just pestered me.

I woke up to a knock on my door. I knew it was the maids outside. They were like my alarm clock, waking me up at the right time. I opened the door and prepared for school, just another normal day. Sigh.

It was lunch break, and everyone hurriedly left their seats to go outside and eat. I watched them with a blank expression. I didn't have any friends in my class, and I was fine with that.

This school was prestigious, the number one top school in the country. Rich families sent their kids here to study, and enrolling in this school cost a huge amount of money. Only wealthy families could afford it, but there was an exception for school scholars – commoners with exceptional grades. They could study here, be with the rich kids, and endure the bullying from the spoiled brats. It was a mix of enjoyment and suffering.

I took out my AirPods and played my favorite song. I enjoyed being alone. Literally, I was alone in the classroom now. Everyone had vanished, but I could still hear the noises from outside, even though our classroom was closed and air-conditioned.

I opened my bag and took out my lunch. It was a typical American lunch: two ham and cheese sandwiches, yogurt, and Chukie, a chocolate drink.

I quickly finished my food and cleaned up my area before deciding to head to the bathroom located outside. The hallway was crowded with students, laughing, playing, and minding their own business.

As I approached the toilet area, I noticed two people blocking the entrance. Of all people, why were these two idiots here? And in the ladies' comfort room, no less! Come on, author! Give me a break!

Instead of walking away and finding another restroom, I decided to hide and sneak a peek at them. Well, since I was already there, I might as well be a witness to their love story.

Armund Luwen Santella had the heroine pinned against the wall. Aggressive, huh?

"Let me go, Luwen!" the heroine protested. Wow, they were calling each other by their second names. How unique.

"Xyn, calm down. I just want to talk to you. If you hadn't been avoiding me in the morning, we wouldn't have ended up like this," the male lead frustratedly said. The girl shook her head and tried to move away. Acting all cute ew.

"Are you going crazy? What will people think if they see us? I'm tired of being a target of bullying just because you like me! I want a peaceful life, Luwen! Please," the girl pleaded. I noticed tears streaming down her face. The male lead was taken aback and panicked at the sight.

To my surprise, he hugged the girl. She buried her face in his shoulder. I thought she would resist Armund's embrace, but I was wrong. She hugged him back and cried. I rolled my eyes.

What I was witnessing right now was painful to my eyes. I wanted to tear them apart. Seeing your crush hugging the person he like is no joke. I'll sue you, author! BAKA author!

I walked away. I didn't want to continue watching their love story unfold. Tsk.


I walked confidently down the hallway as if I were the queen of the campus. Being rich, I could be anything I wanted.

Classes had ended, and everyone was rushing to go home, just like me. Except for those who were part of clubs, as they had activities. I didn't join any clubs; it was a waste of time. I wanted to focus on my studies and graduate with flying colors, surpassing the heroine's grades. I was determined to be the top student in this school. I claimed it!

Just as I neared the parking area, I stopped midway. Sigh. I was so tired of this drama. Can't I just go home, author? Are you enjoying annoying me that much? Really?!

I noticed three people standing in front of two expensive cars. The main characters and the second lead. Tsk tsk.

I think they were fighting based on the expressions of the two men, clearly not happy with each other. They were offering her a ride, I suppose. So cringe. Don't you have any originality, author? Come on.

My bodyguard was standing outside our car, waiting for me to approach, seemingly ignoring the cringe scene beside him.

I shouldn't care about their drama. I would go home. Let them handle it.

"Gavin, let go of her!" Armond shouted while trying to pull away, but Gavin was strong, after all, he was a football player and the captain!

"You let go! She doesn't want to go with you! Don't force her!" he angrily retorted, still holding onto the heroine's hand.

And the supposedly innocent heroine was trying to retrieve her hand from their grasp. Go girl.

"Don't meddle in our business, Gavin!"

"Our business? What the fudge! Are you blind? You're hurting her! Everyone is bullying her because of you! I am her friend, and I want to help and protect her from those bullies and from you!" Gavin threw some intense lines, but he was just the second lead. No need to make extra effort, Gavin.

The scene was getting heated. They were about to throw punches at each other. Too bad. This wasn't my business. I should really go home. I walked past them, almost reaching my bodyguard, when the heroine called my name.

"Chesry, help! Stop them! Please!" she pleaded, the most annoying person.

"Why should I? As Armund said, it's not my business," I said with a blank expression on my face.

Her mouth hung open, shocked by what I said. Don't order me around. We're not close for you to give me orders and call me by my name.

Not only was she surprised, but the other two were as well. Now, their attention was focused on me. I could see disbelief on their faces. Whatever.

Armund was about to say something, but I cut him off immediately.

"We're not friends. Stop calling me whenever you want. Know your place, scholar. And don't boss me around, or I'll have you kicked out of this school!" After saying that, I quickly went to our car. We left immediately, leaving them in disbelief.