
I Turned From The Villain To The Main Character

On the planet called Earth, lived an ordinary university student whose grades were a little above average. On one night, as he finished his daily reading session in his dorm, he decided to head out to buy some food. As he made his way to the local market closest to him, a speeding car crashed onto him. Just as the boy thought that he was going to die, he opened his eyes as he appeared in another world. Just as he was wondering where he was, a mechanical voice sounded in his mind as a screen appeared in front of him. [ MAIN QUEST ] [ TARGET : KILL THE MAIN CHARACTER ( HERO OF THE HUMANS ) ] [ DEADLINE : NONE ] [ MISSION REWARDS : CONTINUATION OF LIFE, 10000EXP , [???] ] Wang Qian : "Did I just get a system that threatens my life?“

SORROW · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
241 Chs

Chapter 29 : The Price Of Hurting Bai Lian ( part 2 )

After Wang Qian gave the order to Jian Ze, Jian Ze immediately went to find his old pals and woke them up from their sleep, most of them were single so they didn't have to worry about getting scold by wives. They immediately became serious after hearing the news of their lord's daughter getting kidnapped. They split up and continue to spread the news of Bai Lian being kidnapped and Wang Qian's order of mobilizing all the believers in assisting him to find her back.

On the other side, Wang Qian is still running on top of the roofs, searching for the shadows of the kidnappers.

'She's not here, not here either. This won't work, I'll need to be faster, else she'll get hurt before I can save her!' Wang Qian suddenly thought of Bai Lian crying after being kidnapped, he then immediately ran faster.

Soon, Jian Ze contacted him through the link.

'My lord, we have found the princess' Jian Ze

'Where is she? I'll head over there right now!' he asked

'She is currently in a shabby building near the city's wall at south east. Our people have surrounded the building just in case they have reinforcements' Jian Ze replied.

'Okay, continue to do so. I'll head over there as soon as possible. If the kidnappers are going to make a move to hurt Bai Lian, immediately stop the kidnappers.' 

'Understood, my lord. We will for your arrival.'


In the room, one of the kidnappers took the bag off Bai Lian. What revealed was Bai Lian, who was crying and saying 

"Wang Qian, save me!"

"Stay tight and don't move" the other kidnapper said as he tied her hands and mouth up

"Mhmm, mhmmmm!!" 

"Damn, she's so noisy! Can I slap her to make her shut up?" the kidnapper that took the bag off asked.

Hearing this, the people from the Wang Qian's cult immediately readied themselves to stop the man if his was really going to hurt their princess.

"Don't. You might accidentally destroy her white face. It's better to let her continue to shout, there's nobody nearby to here it anyways." 

The other kidnapper stop him before he can do so. Hearing his words, he stopped his hands as he didn't want to lose money just because of he accidentally lowered the quality of their products.


Back at where Wang Qian is, he met up with Jian Ze as he was running towards the south east part of the city.

"How's the situation there right now?" he asked Jian Ze with a worried tone

"Replying to my lord, the kidnappers only tied her up and just let her stayed in the corner. One of them was about to hit her to make her stop crying, but the other stopped him before he can do so. They are just standing there right now, as if waiting for someone." Jian Ze replied.

"Ask the others to report immediately if the kidnappers are going to make a move." Wang Qian said to Jian Ze

"Understood" Jian Ze said as he used the link between some of the people to relay the order of his lord.


The kidnappers stood there, sometimes walked around before standing back at their original place. The people outside were racking their brains, trying to understand what was the two waiting for. Just then, the kidnapper that took off the bag finally couldn't hold it as he started walking towards Bai Lian.

"Ooi, what are you doing?" the other one asked as he held him back.

"I can't stand it anymore, this girl has been screaming non-stop since just now" he said as he tried to move forward

"Didn't the other kids also screamed non-stop when we kidnapped them? Why didn't you slapped them?" the other one then asked as he tried to reason with him.

"It's different, the other kids doesn't make that loud of a noise, but this one can scream as if she having no problem doing so. If this goes on, some people that happen to pass by here might hear her voice" 

Hearing his friend's words, he finally let him go. but he still told him

"Try not to hurt her face too much."

"I know, I know." 

He stopped in front of Bai Lian, who screamed even louder after seeing the man stopping in front of him. Becoming increasingly irritated, he said

"Just shut up will you!"

He then raise he hand up before swinging it down towards Bai Lian's cheeks. Just before it managed to hit her face, a hand stopped him.

"I thought we agreed..." his words stopped halfway as he realized that it was not the face of his friend

"You were going to hit her just now, right?" Wang Qian, who just arrived, asked coldly

"Who... who are you? How did you get in here?" the man who got his hand stopped by Wang Qian asked as he tried to shake off Wang Qian's

"I asked, were you going to hit her." Wang Qian said as he applied force on the man's wrist, twisting the man's arm in the process

"Ouch! It hurts!" the man shouted in pain

"Hey let him go" the other kidnapper said

Just as he took a step, Jian Ze, who came a step behind Wang Qian, appeared and pinned him down onto the floor.

"Stay here and don't move" Jian Ze said

"I won't asked for the fourth time, were you going to hit her?" Wang Qian said as his tone got colder every second, and he applied more strength in twisting the man's arm

"AHHH! STOP IT! IT HURTS!" the man continued to scream

"Looks like you're not answering, then I won't give you any mercy." 

Wang Qian then used strength to tear the man's arm. Feeling the intense pain, he screamed out loud as the blood spurted out. Not wanting the blood to stain Bai Lian, Wang Qian appeared in front of her as he untied Bai Lian.

"Papa!" Bai Lian said as she hugged him tightly, changing from calling his name into calling him papa

Seeing this, Wang Qian's heart softened a little as he comforted her.

"You don't need to be scared anymore, papa's here." he said

"One of you, take Bai Lian away from here" he the ordered his believers

A woman then appeared as he bowed towards Wang Qian, before extending her hand towards Bai Lian.

"Go with this big sister first, papa will look for you soon"

"mhmm." she said as she nodded. She then extended her hand towards the woman and hold her hand. The woman then carried Bai Lian in her arms and jumped out of the window and landed safely to the ground.

Wang Qian then turned his head back to the man who was screaming non-stop with a pair of cold eyes.

"I remember that you were saying that you wanted to slap Bai Lian for being noisy, I feel that you're a nuisance to me right now, so let's start slapping you shall we?" he said as he used [ Dark Curse ] on the man.

The man then felt his body becoming increasingly weak as every second past, this instilled more fear in him as he screamed even louder

"Shut up!" Wang Qian said. He then slapped the man's face, tearing the man's skin off in the process. 

"Don't think that you'll be able to get off this easily after hurting Bai Lian" he said.

Wang Qian continued to torture him as the man screamed louder every time, before all sounds disappeared. 


After making sure he was dead, Wang Qian took a deep breath to calm his feeling. Jian Ze then asked

"How should I deal with this man, my lord?" 

Wang Qian then looked at the man who was pinned down on the ground the whole time. Seeing his cold eyes, the man started to freak out as he screamed

"Please.. please let me off! I'll do anything you say, just don't kill me!" 

"Do you think that's gonna happen? You never thought that you'll have this kind of ending after kidnapping all those kids right?" Wang Qian said

"Since you dare to kidnap all those kids, you should have already been ready to be killed anytime" 

Wang Qian then left the building as the sound of slicing was made behind him..

When he got out, he looked for Bai Lian and saw that she was with the woman earlier at the building opposite to the one he came down from.

"Bai Lian!" he shouted as he ran towards her

"Papa!" Bai Lian let go of the woman's hand as she ran towards Wang Qian too.

He then hugged her as he said

"Let's go home."

"mhmm" she replied

Wang Qian then carried her in his arms as he walked slowly back home.....

Well this will be the last chapter for today.

Since tmr is a public holiday for me, i'll be probably posting 4 chaps. But the update time will be different from the normal days

Thanks again for reading this story, it helps a lot in motivating me to continue improving my writting skils.

SORROWcreators' thoughts