
I, the Only Superhuman on Earth

Xi Gu discovered he had awakened a superpower. It wasn't particularly impressive; he just became one percent stronger than the day before. Therefore, after ten days, his strength had increased by 0.1 times; after a hundred days, he was 2.7 times stronger, and after a thousand days, he possessed the strength of 20,959 of his former self; and by the time three thousand days had passed... ... If one became the sole superhuman in the world, with an invincible body, power to stir tsunamis, speed surpassing sound, then what would one desire? Status? Power? Wealth? Beauty? However, for Xi Gu — his greatest wish was to make this mundane world perpetually more interesting, continually adding layers of intrigue. **This is a translation** 14-21 chs / week

ADA99 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Nuclear Fusion By Hand

As Yang Luo boarded the train and gradually distanced himself from Qingxia City, hundreds of kilometers away, Xi Gu was deep in thought.

"Spiritual Transformation..."

Xi Gu murmured to himself, echoing the words in his heart.

Before his eyes, a montage of images played out – depicting all that Yang Luo had done and witnessed in recent days. The sabotage of surveillance cameras, the massacre of security personnel in the suburban mansion, and the abduction of Wang Changming, plundering all his assets.

However, those weren't the focus of Xi Gu's attention.

What truly captivated him was the azure flame that had ignited in Yang Luo's hand that fateful night.


"Spontaneous flames..."

"Human extraordinary abilities continue to surprise me. This flame is not a mere physical mutation from the 'Blood of Evolution'. It is a true supernatural power, much like my own 'Growth by One Percent', a force that transcends physical laws and belongs solely to the realm of the spirit," Xi Gu pondered.

Xi Gu reached out, closing his eyes momentarily.

He began to understand the phenomenon.

"... Human souls are complex entities. The word 'spirit' is exclusively attributed to humanity. Perhaps, before my time, humans had always possessed the potential for the extraordinary. The historical pursuit and desire for supernatural powers were not in vain.

"However, until my emergence, no human had truly attained supernatural powers. The potential lay dormant, forever trapped within them.

"— Until I introduced them to the 'Blood of Evolution', a key to unlock those shackled desires, giving birth to a new breed of superhumans, distinct from myself..."

With a gleam in his eyes, Xi Gu mused, "So, if I keep disseminating the 'Blood of Evolution', every human stepping into the extraordinary realm would manifest their unique supernatural abilities. This world would soon be filled with beings of diverse powers, straight out of fantasy tales!"

Xi Gu's eyes shone with anticipation.

Though he had previously introduced the 'Blood of Evolution' to Yang Luo, creating the second superhuman in human history, Yang Luo's abilities were still a derivative of his own. Xi Gu could bestow and retract these powers at will. To him, Yang Luo was merely another puppet, no different from Grey Shadow and Black Moon.

— Yet, when Yang Luo conjured the "Malevolent Flames", turning the mansion into a blazing inferno, the game had changed.

It showcased untapped potential and transformed Xi Gu's mere fantasies of a vibrant era of superhumans into a burgeoning reality.

A reality not exclusively sculpted by his own hands, but a lively, unpredictable tapestry of dreams and powers.

This realization brought a tinge of unease to Xi Gu, who had always been in full control. Yet, it also filled him with intense delight.

"The potential of humanity... truly knows no bounds."

Xi Gu smiled sincerely.

The night Yang Luo went on his killing spree, Xi Gu had sensed his actions. Even though he could understand Yang Luo's reasons, Xi Gu was somewhat discontent with his reckless approach, even considering stripping him of his abilities.

But upon discovering Yang Luo's awakening of the "Malevolent Flames", his views changed.

Time and again, this pioneering superhuman brought Xi Gu unexpected revelations about abilities, exceeding his predictions.

... Even if it was achieved through a blood sacrifice.

But it mattered little.

Every era had its sacrifices.

Moreover, people like Wang Ruo, Huang Cheng, and Wang Changming had always sacrificed others for their own gains. Surely, they would understand when the tables were turned...


Now, Xi Gu was merely curious to see how far Yang Luo could go.

"Of course... To prevent extensive damage, it might be necessary to restrain Yang Luo to some extent. After all, this nation is my homeland too, and causing too much chaos here wouldn't be ideal."

"But for now, Yang Luo has returned to his hometown. And from what I can sense, he doesn't seem to have any plans to continue causing upheaval. I'll consider measures to restrain him later."

"What's most important now... is another matter."

With that in mind, Xi Gu instructed Grey Shadow and Black Moon to keep watch and stepped out of the house.

In the next second, he shot through the air.

Ten minutes later, he arrived at the heart of the Pacific Ocean, standing above a deep expanse.

Ten minutes for a thousand kilometers.

This was still Xi Gu holding back his speed.

At his full strength, he could cover thousands of kilometers in a second, causing sonic booms and shockwaves that would pulverize anything within hundreds of meters.

However, doing so would be too conspicuous, and he'd have to account for the gravitational pull – a miscalculation could send him into space.

Standing on the Pacific's surface, Xi Gu's leg muscles vibrated at high frequencies, allowing him to tread on the water without sinking. For him, with his current power, this was effortless, requiring no conscious control.

He stood on the water, deep in thought.

Through the "Blood of Evolution", Xi Gu sensed everything within Yang Luo's body, from afar.

The rhythm of his blood, the heartbeat, the vibrations of brain neurons, the movement of bones, the frequency of his breath...

And most crucially, the burning "potential" within him.

At this moment, the "Blood of Evolution" became Xi Gu's eyes, covertly transmitting all information from Yang Luo's body into Xi Gu's heart.

A peculiar resonance.

Sensing it.

Xi Gu immersed himself completely, with his mind endlessly simulating Yang Luo's neural activity. His body adapted to Yang Luo's rhythm, and his spirit was deeply engaged.

— He was attempting to acquire the power that Yang Luo had awakened, which was Xi Gu's current objective.

Xi Gu smiled deeply from within.

In his speculation, since the "Blood of Evolution" served as the key for Yang Luo to obtain the "Malevolent Flames", Xi Gu, who could sense everything Yang Luo felt, should be able to do the same.

After all, he too held the same key, so why shouldn't he be able to unlock the same door?!

Xi Gu closed his eyes, immersing himself in the simulated world.




The oscillations of the "Malevolent Flames", reflected in Xi Gu's mind through the connection of the "Blood of Evolution", resembled a lantern slowly illuminating.


After what seemed like eternity, Xi Gu opened his eyes.

Almost simultaneously, a spark appeared before him.

Three seconds later, the orange-red spark expanded, surrounding him in a fiery wave, indicating temperatures below 3000 degrees.

Ten seconds later, the orange-red waves turned blue, transforming into an indigo sea of flames, eerily burning atop the Pacific's surface. This flame reached temperatures equivalent to the surface of the sun.

Twenty seconds later, the indigo sea turned purple. The water around Xi Gu boiled and evaporated rapidly, and a thick mist enveloped hundreds of meters around him. The flame had become invisible ultraviolet light due to its high temperature.

One minute later, the anomaly in the heart of the Pacific was detected by meteorological satellites of various countries, triggering alarms in their respective meteorological centers.

And around Xi Gu, with temperatures reaching one billion degrees, nuclear fusion began.

Even the sun's core temperature is only 15 million degrees. On Earth, in such a low-pressure environment, one billion degrees is the precondition for nuclear fusion!

The atoms around Xi Gu initiated a chain reaction of fusion. Large amounts of gamma radiation were about to be emitted. If left unchecked, within ten minutes, the entire Pacific would evaporate. In thirty minutes, global temperatures would rise above 100 degrees. And in an hour, the Earth's surface would become a miniature sun — a hellish landscape.

But in a fraction of a second, the reaction stopped.

By the time the world's command centers were anxiously monitoring the anomaly in the Pacific, Xi Gu had already dived underwater and swiftly made his way back to land.

Looking up at the nearby sky, Xi Gu noticed the climatic anomalies he had inadvertently caused.

Clouds were uneven, creating a surreal scene where it rained on one side and was clear on the other.

Regarding how much of the Pacific's water was evaporated and how many aquatic creatures perished, that was easy to imagine.

Xi Gu wore a wry smile.

"I didn't expect that becoming too engrossed in the 'new power' I gained from Yang Luo would inadvertently have such a significant impact on the real world."

"But what I obtained... truly took me by surprise."

Xi Gu stood by the shore, looking at the small spark floating on his palm.

"Merely by will, I can heat the environment, create flames, without relying on speed, friction, molecular movement, or any physical laws."

"Moreover, I feel that this power seems bound to the user's body strength. Yang Luo's current evolution level, having completed 'Physical Change', is around 60. Including the enhancements from 'Spiritual Change', he's probably at a 63. His flames can only reach temperatures up to 6000 degrees, turning them a pale blue."

"But my current evolution level exceeds 380. I can produce 'flames' with temperatures exceeding a billion degrees — and temperatures above a billion degrees are the conditions for nuclear fusion on Earth!"

"So... perhaps... maybe... I can now create controllable nuclear fusion with just my hands?"

Xi Gu mused and chuckled.

"It seems... with my abilities, I can not only usher in a superhuman era but also an era of advanced technologies."