
I rise from my Ash

"I Rise from My Ash" *is a story that teaches us faith in* ourselves and our ability to raise above our challenges. Unlike classic tales of revenge where the female lead suffered injustice, then years later she comes back with a strong rich male lead who would take her revenge for her, her obsessive lover and all, this book aims to teach all but especially women that you are capable of doing it. Aria has no prince charming that would sweep her off her feet and burn thr world for her, rather she is the alpha woman, who built herself from her ashes, stands strong's and takes her revenge from her oppressors. Love isn't all for her as she suffered in love, maybe she would fall in love maybe she is enough for herself, maybe her baby papa is her love interest, but no he isn't, because this book challenges the societal norms of baby papa and baby mama romance as well as rising high above obstacles and challenges. Follow this classic tale of revenge unlike non other.

Ashquill · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
80 Chs

Chapter seventy four

Selena's pov

The class went on but my focus was how I would attend the party. I know my parents aren't the type that would simply allow me to go to a party that late. They don't have problem with me partying as long as I don't get drunk or stay out late, but this party starts at 12am so they wouldn't let me go.

My mind was just wandering around that topic till we returned home. I decided to take a shower, call down and then have a word with them and make them see it from my point.

When I came out of my room I saw mom getting lily ready, she was dressed like her favorite Disney princess, Sofia. .

" Hey Mamacita, hey Lil's, why are you so decked up" I asked as I moved closer to them.

" Sister sel look, I look like Sofia right?" She answered my question with a question. " Ofcourse you look adorable as always, you are my sister after all, but you aren't telling me where you are going" I asked again.

Just then dad walked out of his room looking handsome as always. " She is going to a friend's birthday party, am gonna drop her, wanna tag along" he asked me.

" Not really pops, I got some work to do, best of luck with your party Lil's. Uhm, Mamacita, pops, can I ask for permission" I asked nervously pressing my fingers together.

" Ofcourse, what permission do you need" mom said looking at me. " Well Mamacita, there is actually this party at Bristol's house today, we are gonna discuss class politics, so I was wondering if I can go" I asked clenching my hand.

" What time is the party, I can drop you off and pick you up when you are done" pops said.

" It starts at 12am and ends around 2am, can I go" I asked looking at how their facial expressions changed.

" No, you can't go" they said simultaneously. " But why, I told you it has to do with class politics and you know I want to be the class president" I asked back, I mean I know their reason but they should also consider my point right.

" No means no, no further arguing, if you want you can tag along with your sister to her friends birthday party or else you can stay at home and go through your books" pops said.

Anger coursed through my veins and I didn't know when I blurted out what I should have never said, and I didn't even mean it trust me. " Well ofcourse you won't allow me because am just your step daughter, you are all ready to take your real daughter to a birthday party but you won't let me go even thou you know how much I want that position. And mom you would never say anything, infact you support him because after all am not your love child and the circumstances surrounding my conceiving is the worst part of your life" I blurted.

Turning me around mom gave me a tight slap across my face. " How dare you uttter such words Selena, who do you think of yourself, you dare to question our love for you. Look at me, do you know all I did for you, do you remember to which lengths the man you call your step dad and I went for you. I understand you are a teenager and feel the need to express yourself but who the hell gave you the right to utter such nonsense. Had I not loved you or wanted you, I could have simply aborted you when I learned of you, or more, u could have given birth to you and abandoned you at some orphanage, am so disappointed in you" mom said angrily.

Tears flowed my eyes, I know am wrong, and I know that they love me and I should have never said such a thing, but what she said now had also hurt me, I ran to my room crying and closed the door and I don't know what happened after that, weather they went to the party or not, or they sat there ashamed of who they raised.

I was nervous and shaking, I knew about my real dad and how i was conceived years ago when we started living with my dad, that time I didn't understand anything because I was still young. And my biological father was a horrible person, because of him I was even hospitalized. As for Stevie, he had always been there for me, as a father figure and as a friend, how could I possibly question his love.

I was shaking in guilt, I started slapping myself and hitting my head, is proving a point to someone or achieving my goal really more important than my loved ones feelings, I don't know hurt mom must be feeling now.

But when I saw meghas call my anger only rose. This fool is the one who always put words in my mouth, my continuously saying that my parents treat me different from my sister and it's actually my step dad not my real dad, I ended up saying the same to them in a moment of anger.

But should I even blame her, it's all my fault, I let her words get to my head. I didn't pick her call but she was calling nonstop hence I had to pick.

" What the fuck do you want with me that you keep calling me" I shouted immediately the call connected. " Hey why are you so angry, chill, I didn't mean harm by calling. But it seems like you indeed won't be able to come that's why you are this angry, poor thing, don't worry I won't let anyone laugh at you" she said faking innocence.

" Just shut the fuck up, who are you pretending for, we both know that you are not concerned, and who said I won't come, you better watch out because I might end up driving the car right into you" I warned her, but I obviously didn't mean it. I can't bear someones blood on my hand, and my parents would be so disappointed and ashamed in me, I would go to juvenile prison, my whole reputation would be at stake and I can't risk all that for that fool.

" Let's see you make it there first before you go about boasting, and do know that even if you end up coming I would make sure you regret it. You humiliated me today, snatched Joshua from me, and everyone wants you as the class president and not me. I hate you so much and I would surely avenge from you. Yup, that's her hatred for me, because she feels I am better than her, I mean In truth I am but it's no competition she is just insecure, if she wants it she should fight for it and not be so cheap.

" I never stole joshua from you sweetheart, he was never yours. You were simply a bad influence on him and I saved him from your clutches, there is a difference between me and you. You bring about the worst of people while I bring out the best in them nad help them, so obviously they would love me, have you ever seen where a villain is more loved than a hero" i mocked her.

" You, I will make you pay" she simply said and cut her call, sigh!