
I rise from my Ash

"I Rise from My Ash" *is a story that teaches us faith in* ourselves and our ability to raise above our challenges. Unlike classic tales of revenge where the female lead suffered injustice, then years later she comes back with a strong rich male lead who would take her revenge for her, her obsessive lover and all, this book aims to teach all but especially women that you are capable of doing it. Aria has no prince charming that would sweep her off her feet and burn thr world for her, rather she is the alpha woman, who built herself from her ashes, stands strong's and takes her revenge from her oppressors. Love isn't all for her as she suffered in love, maybe she would fall in love maybe she is enough for herself, maybe her baby papa is her love interest, but no he isn't, because this book challenges the societal norms of baby papa and baby mama romance as well as rising high above obstacles and challenges. Follow this classic tale of revenge unlike non other.

Ashquill · Urban
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80 Chs

Chapter seventy five

Selena's pov

Am sorry mom, am sorry dad, I know am been very disobedient, and I have hurt your feelings alot, am sorry, but right now I have to betray you and go for the party, it's about my reputation and my pride, I can't let that megha win, nothing would go wrong am sure.

I said and stood up from the floor I was sitting earlier, it was 7pm and my stomach was growling from hunger yet I didn't want to go out of my room. I usually kept snacks, biscuits and what not in my room so it came in handy.

After eating my fill I decided to set a timer and sleep to make up for the hours I'd stay late in the party so that in the morning I won't have any bag or black eye. I slept from 7 to 11. After waking up I took my bath and started getting ready.

I stood up and started getting ready for the party, I wore a knee-length emerald green dress with black ballet flats, a delicate silver necklace, and a pair of stud earrings, and finished the look with a simple braided updo and subtle makeup.

This should do I said looking at my reflection in the mirror. I locked the door of my room and used a lot of pillows and covered it with a blanket . I looked down at the height from my windows door to the ground.

Okay matter of fact, I dare not jumpt this high, I would end up a garbage with all the bones in my body brojen to millions of pieces, I need an alternative. My heart smiled when I looked at the pillar next to me, good, I can climb my way down.

Putting one leg over the window I was fearfull at first but I got a hold of myself and hugged the pillar as I slid my way down carefully and not long after I was successfully down. I had left my phone in the room so that if mom decides to phone me she would hear the ringing but no answer and would assume am still angry or sleeping.

Now how do I avoid the security guard, well luck for me he was sleeping on the chair outside and he seem to be in a deep slumber. Good very good, without making any noise I walked out of the room to the main street. I had already told Sarah to come pick me up so she should be waiting for me.

I saw her car parked in the dark by the road side and I rushed towards her, entering the car we soon drove off to Bristol's. Sarah is a couple of months older than me which means she is already 15 years and a few months, so who allows her to drive.

You need to be 18 to be able to drive, so why would her parents trust her with a car of her own, what if she causes an accident. Gosh, I shouldn't be judging others but here I am judging, but then again I can't help. I know I act rebellious with my parents and what not but I also know they aren't that strict, whatever they do is for my well being just that I need to fit in, I can't remain a cuckold forever.

I have a car as well, but I wasn't thought driving nor allowed to drive. I have a personal chauffeur that would take me anywhere and wait for me to return home, so there is no question of me driving.

Arriving at the bustling party Sarah and I went to join our peer. " Oh so you did make it" megha taunted. " It's not like I give a shit about you to keep answering you, mind your business" I warned.

We started talking with the others and danced a bit before we started discussing class politics. I had my points about why I should be the class president, I was well prepared. Megha was also very well prepared and our fight was quite intense, soon it turned into chaos and before I know it turned into a fight scene.

Not necessarily me or megha starting the fight but our teams. The guys on her team started provoking my teammates and they couldn't hold back so they started fighting. Glass were thrown here and there, and before I could realize the gravity of the situation external people had been involved.

Men with knives came in and many students were running here and there frightened. It soon turned into a battle field, God I need to escape, how would I face myself if u get seriously harmed or bleed to death, the price of disobeying once parents is it .

I was looking for a hiding place, but I was soon found and stabbed with a rusted knife in my thigh. Blood, bright red blood gushed down my wound ans covered my leg, I screamed in pain, almost everyone had been seriously wounded, Sarah was stabbed on her shoulders. But as ironic as it may sound, megha and her two lackeys were the only unharmed people in the wall, remembering her threats I was suspicious, could she be behind all this.

She might lie that she was hiding thats why she was unharmed but she was hiding just behind a chair so how can she escape the bloodshed.

As the man who had previously stabbed me lift his dagger to stab me again I held his arm and kicked him in the groin. Even if am gonna die I won't die pitifully without putting on a fight.

I was clearly at a disadvantage since I was already wounded, another man intervened and i cant fight two men at once, injured, just a 14 year old girl.

The man raised his dagger to strike me again but police siren had them running. I was about to fall because of the amount of blood I lost but I felt someone hold me, with dizzy eyes I looked up and it was Joshua, he came to save me, he didn't attend the party because he was busy, but he came after all in time to save me.

I smiled before I lost conscious, but I could hear the voice of Joshua trying to wake me up, but I was gone.