
I reincarnated into the Marvel Universe

My life was horrible I had parents who only gave birth to me just to save their marriage they were workaholics who didn’t even care about their own son who suffered extreme depression and child neglect.I was bullied all my life and was ignored by those who I thought loved me I had nothing and I was nothing the only thing I had that kept me from crying myself to sleep was reading comics about heroes who risked their lives to save those who weren’t able to protected themselves.I envied them because at the end of the day they were loved by everyone and looked up to as role models.I dreamed of becoming a hero myself and I would always follow the rule”with great power comes great responsibility’s”.I drowned myself in comics trying to escape the real world and by the time I realized it I had died from extreme stress and exhaustion.I knew no one would care about my death until I heard a familiar voice that said”EXCELSIOR”.And ever since then my life became that of what I dreamed of. Yo it’s your boi sorry if I haven’t been able to upload my mha fan fic I was busy dealing with some tuff things in my life and my dad was hospitalized but he’s better now.Im making this fan fic because of the love I have for Marvel so I hope you all enjoy it and don’t worry I’ll be able to upload for both fan fics.

Mohammed_Jawad · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 5:Institute

I did what the Professor said and started to explore the institute it was better than I expected what got me hyped up was the giant pool it was a hot day today and thought maybe I should take a quick dip.I walked to the backyard of the mansion which was an understatement because it was as big as 2 mall parking lots.I saw Scott and a couple of other mutants heading to the pool and he looked pretty pissed when he saw me because the first thing I got was a hard threading glare.

"H..Hey dude I'm Adrian I see you guys are heading on over to the pool mind if I join you".

Scott was about to say yes.Bobby cut in knowing what Scott was about to say and with a big smile he said"sure dude you need any swim shorts I got an extra on me just in case"."Oh thanks sorry for coming out of no where I'm new here" I said kind of nervous."dude no problem man your kind of a celebrity around here everyone heard about what you did to Magneto the story sounds awesome".

Bobby was nice he reminded me of the Bobby from the animated cartoon X-Men evolution,he handed me blue swimming shorts that matched my eyes.I headed on over to the bathroom to get changed what shocked me was even their bathroom was nice it reminded me of being in a 5 star hotel.I got out of the bathroom and headed to the pool area where my jaw dropped to the ground after seeing the size of the pool up close,it looked like a pool that should be in a resort it even had its own water slide which made me wonder how much money did the Professor have to pay for all of this or did he just brain wash people to make it for him.

While I was walking to a bench to put my stuff down some kid bumped into me and split into 4 and jumped into the pool getting my shirt all wet.I got a lot of stares from the girls because the shirt I was wearing stuck to my abs which were perfectly shown.So I decided to be a player and take my shirt off showing my perfectly chiseled abs and muscles which made blood run down every girls nose there.I jumped in the pool and stared to hang out with the other kids we played volley ball in the water and splashed some of the girls who were trying to get a tan.

While we were playing something caught my eye it was Jean who wore a bikini and sat down on one of the chairs with the other girls, she and the other girls caught me staring and I freaked out and just shoved myself under the water due to the embarrassment.I went back up and saw that someone was sitting right in front of me first I thought it was Jean but was surprised me was it was actually Rogue I smiled at after spooking her and said"Hello There".

She was thrown back a little because of me suddenly appearing she saw my face up close and blushed her pale skin turning red.She didn't say anything and just got up and left,I looked at where Jean was but the only thing I saw was a pair of sunglasses staring back at me it was Scott of course the over obsessive boyfriend that hates everything and everyone that doesn't include Jean.Scott walked up to me while glaring at me and said

"don't get any bright ideas pretty boy Jeans off limits".I was pretty pissed because of the ton he was talking to me with okay Mr hotshot you think your cool just because you shoot lasers out of your eyes.So I replied with "oh yes I forgot the kid who wears shades all the time has a thing for Ms.red head over there just get outta my face and go stalk her or something dipshit".

Some of the kids started gathering around us because of how loud Scott was so I decided to get out of the pool and leave before he starts something what I miscalculated was that Mr hotshot over here thought I was going to fight him and swung at me,my precognition helped me out and I easily dodged his attack and just tripped him and threw him in the pool.

The kids around us started to laugh and that's when laser eyes decided to use his powers he was mad enough to pull his glasses off and sent a beam of red laser almost hitting me.That was it I was pissed so I stopped time and snd rewinded it to the point where me and him where on the side of the pool before he swung at me.Everyone paused wondering what happened because they were in the places they were before going to see what the commotion was about.

I decided to play the nice guy and make sure no one held any grudges I said "Ok I think we got off the wrong start so let's try again,Hi I'm Adrian thank you for saving me before from Magneto nice to meet you Scott I'm new here so I hope we become good friends".

Scott being the asshole he is just hmphed me and said"Just stay away from Jean" and walked away like a little bitch.

Bobby came up from behind me with the others and said"dude how did you do that is that your mutation you can rewind time":

"Not just rewind time But I can pause it and forward it."

"Wow that's soo cool dude can you see the future also like the Professor"

"Sadly no I can't but that would be cool though"

"Hey me and the others are gonna sneak out and head to a party in town you wanna come with us"

I replied with"no I'm good it's been a while since I've talked to my parents so I'm gonna go call them"