
I reincarnated into the Marvel Universe

My life was horrible I had parents who only gave birth to me just to save their marriage they were workaholics who didn’t even care about their own son who suffered extreme depression and child neglect.I was bullied all my life and was ignored by those who I thought loved me I had nothing and I was nothing the only thing I had that kept me from crying myself to sleep was reading comics about heroes who risked their lives to save those who weren’t able to protected themselves.I envied them because at the end of the day they were loved by everyone and looked up to as role models.I dreamed of becoming a hero myself and I would always follow the rule”with great power comes great responsibility’s”.I drowned myself in comics trying to escape the real world and by the time I realized it I had died from extreme stress and exhaustion.I knew no one would care about my death until I heard a familiar voice that said”EXCELSIOR”.And ever since then my life became that of what I dreamed of. Yo it’s your boi sorry if I haven’t been able to upload my mha fan fic I was busy dealing with some tuff things in my life and my dad was hospitalized but he’s better now.Im making this fan fic because of the love I have for Marvel so I hope you all enjoy it and don’t worry I’ll be able to upload for both fan fics.

Mohammed_Jawad · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 4:Hunted

I was scared,worried,sad I didn't know what to do I never really planned on how to tell my parents about my powers but when I saw my dad freak out due to the mention of mutants it got me scared thinking he wouldn't accept me.All I did was run not looking back I ran all the way to the warehouse I would always train in I say down in a corner and just started to blast music on my phone listening with my earbuds.

Apparently they had Three Days Grace and Linkin Park which was good because there music calmed me down,the music really helped me it calmed my home down and let me think.

🎶 Memories consume like opening the wound I'm picking me apart again you all assume I'm safe here in my room Unless I try to start again 🎶 (Song is Breaking The Habit by Linkin Park one of my favorite songs)

My mind was become more clear and I was finally able to calm down I was thinking about going back to the house but before I noticed there was a purple light and Magno Hitler came out of a portal with Sabertooth and Mystique in her naked blue form.

"Hello Adrian I'm sorry I didn't get to properly introduce myself my name is Max Eisenhardt and I'm the leader of the brotherhood,I came here to recruit you to our cause as fellow mutants we should stick together and protect one another".but before he was able to finish i interrupted saying

"I'm not interested in your little cult old man just leave me alone that goes for the bald guy also I don't wanna join your so called cause".

"You should reconsider kid we don't want anything to happen to your sweet old parents because many accidents could happen and your parents could get hurt or worse killed"Sabertooth cut in with a sadistic smile.I was pissed royally pissed I froze time and ran to the asshole and just started punching the crap out of him I even got in some nut shots I knew this wouldn't hurt him but still no one says anything like that about my parents.

After 20 minutes in beating his ass while frozen I ran out of the warehouse as fast as I could before time unpaused and I didn't want to be there when he felt all the things I did to him.Time finally unpaused and in the distance I heard a roar I laughed while running because I knew I did some good damage with those nut shots but before I was able to get in a good distance away from the warehouse.

But than I felt a tug on my leg and tripped I looked back and saw Magno Hitler with his hand out I looked down and saw that a rusty chain was wrapped around my leg.

"Fuck" was the only word I was able to get out of my mouth before being tugged up in the air by Magneto the chains were getting tighter and tighter around my body like a snake.

"ARGHHHH"I cried out in pain and cursed in my head for being too weak the only emotions I felt were anger and fear I was mad at myself were being caught up in this situation and I was scared that I might die."Its a shame you should really reconsider coming with us Adrian think hard about this because I don't want to do something you'll regret in the future" Magneto said with a frown on his face.

GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU NAZI BASTARD!!! I said while still in pain.The rusty chains got tighter and i looked up to see Magneto his eyes glaring me he was mad looks like I hit a sensitive spot but before I was able to get a laugh in the chains got tighter and tighter and I could've sworn I heard a crack from my arm.

"HOW DARE YOU I AM NOT A NAZI YOU INSOLENT CHILD IF YOU WONT JOIN ME THAN YOU DIE!!!".I really did hit a sensitive spot because he was mad I was scared because I was losing the feeling in my arm and legs it felt like I was being crushed by a giant hand that kept on squeezing and squeezing.

"ARGHHHH LET ME GO YOU CRAZY BASTARD" I tried to freeze time but I was still in that position I tried the only thing I could I put all my energy into trying to forward time on the chains to try and break out of them I started to feel my energy draining but I was able to do it I forward the chains in time to the point where even a toddler would be able to break them.

I pushed my arms with all my strength and broke the chains I fell down to the ground I had about 3 minutes before time unpaused I knew I wouldn't be able to get far with a broken leg but i knew I had to run as fast as I could to get away from them.

I ran while dragging my leg which hurt like hell I was able to get a petty good distance away due to the adrenaline rush that eased the pain on my leg.I stopped when time unpaused and I heard a loud roar and this time it wasn't from Sabertooth I really did get Magneto mad to the point he yelled like a child who's toy was taken away from him.

I looked in the distance and saw some cars that were floating in the air some were thrown and headed for me how the hell does this guy keep on finding me I was able to dodge one car but I was too exhausted to dodge the other due to my instincts I covered my face with my arms but before it squashed me a red laser hit the car and through it to the side.

I was than floating in the air and put to the side I saw one of my childhood crushes from my other life it was Jean Grey with her beautiful face and nice red hair and next to her was Scott Summers aka Cyclops and they were young about my age which gave me some hopes but Scott glared at me knowing what I was doing.

All I did was smile at him nervously than the rest of the X-Men came out of the blackbird which was one of my childhood dream vehicle Wolverine then growled at Sabertooth who started to glare at him.It was like seeing two animals trying to fight over territory Wolverine than pulled out his claws and started to fight Sabertooth,a portal than opened up and Magneto along with some other Brotherhood mutants came out I recognized them it was the blob and Avalanche,damn this will be some fight and I had front row seats to it.

"Enough stop this senseless violence Eric the boy doesn't want to go with you leave you say you want to protect mutants but your trying to kill this boy,what happened to my friend all those years ago who wanted nothing but peace between mutants and humans"The Professor said as he was going down the ramp of the blackbird in his wheelchair.

"I was foolish than now I realized the capabilities and hate that humans have towards mutants,I'm doing this to protect our kind why can't you see that Charles we could be Gods and take over these pathetic humans I'm going to finish what we started.I will unite all mutants under me and the Brotherhood and take over this pathetic world and rule over these humans like a God".

"I'm pretty sure those are the same ideals as Hitler you wannabe"I said this with a smirk on my face.I made sure to antagonize Magneto as much as I could to distract him so I can replenish my energy so I can give him a piece of my mind.

"I'VE ENOUGH OF YOU,YOU PATHETIC CHILD NOW PREPARE TO DIE".Now I was ready I used some energy on my leg and rewinded time on it for me to able to walk a little bit,it was still broken though but I was able to freeze time and pick up a metal rod I found on the ground,I was going to beat the shit out of this wannabe Nazi asshole.I made my way to Magneto as fast as I could I didn't have enough energy and had about 1 minute to give him a punch if two.

I was now in front of him and started hitting him as hard as I could with the metal rod but instead of it making contact on him I was flung away instead.It seems like there was a magnetic field around him and the metal rod wouldn't be able to do anything since it repelled away instead.I had about 30 seconds left and made my way to him and just started punching him in the face as hard as I could while taking off his helmet.

Time now unpaused and Magneto was pushed back with a bloody nose,swollen eye and a missing tooth.I speed walked away from him but was kicked in the stomach by the blue naked goddess herself.I was on my knees and looked and saw her in front of me I smiled pervertedly at her and with a disgusted look she kicked me across the face and took Magnetos helmet back.

It's time to retreat they have the advantage and a purple portal opened and all of the Brotherhood mutants vanished.I than smiled and said "yeah you better run"and I than knocked out on the floor.

(MINI TIME SKIP NO JUTSU 7 hours later)

I woke up in a place that looked like a hospital but everything was silver I looked around and saw Hank Mcoy aka Beast looking at a body scan of what I presume is me.Excuse me where am I Hank than turned around and said with a big comforting smile"oh good your awake,Hi there Adrian I'm Hank it's okay your safe now your in the Institute that the Professor talked about with your parents right now your in the infirmary".

"Sorry to interrupt but how long was I out for my head hurts like hell also how did I get here".Hank than responded by saying"you were asleep for 7 hours the Professor and the others brought you here because you were pretty banged up after the fight with Magneto ,the Professor told me to tell you when you woke up to meet him in his office Kitty here will take you there".

Out of nowhere a girl around my age with brown hair in a ponytail came out of the wall and looked me up and down and smiled with a small blush on her face."Follow me I'll make sure to get you to the Professor"I was confused on why she blushed but than I realized it soon after.Hank threw me a T-shirt I than looked down and saw I didn't have a shirt on and the whole time she was staring at my body like a pervert.

She smiled at me again and walked me out of the infirmary to an elevator taking it to the first floor,we than stepped out and walked in the hallway and I must say the place was nice it looked exactly like the movies a giant mansion with a huge pool and a basketball court.There were many students there and I got lots of glances from girls including rouge who I recognized straight away because of the white spot of hair she had many students stared at me for some reason including Logan who gave me a smile and said"hey bub I saw what you did to Sabertooth and Magneto how about we spar some time in the danger room"

I didn't know what to say I just nodded my head and said "sure it sounds like fun"but in my head I knew it wouldn't be fun at all.We finally got to the Professors office I thanked Kitty for bringing me there but right when I was about to walk in she tugged my shirt and with a shy smile and a red face she asked for my number which surprised me because I thought she was with Bobby.I smiled at her and decided to give her it ,I finally walked into the office and the Professor signaled me to take a seat.

"Hello Mr.Jacobs I apologize for not introducing myself at your home I'm Professor Charles Xavier and I want to give you a scholarship here at my Institute you'll get the same education like a regular school,but you'll also be taught how to control your powers and to use them for good and to possibly help others the choice is up to you Mr.Jacobs do you want to come live here and learn in my institute.Trust me there is no consequence because unlike Magneto I respect the choices you will make and I won't pester you to reconsider,just know that if you do say no the doors here will always be open to you and any other mutant in need".

"I'll need to think about it can you give me a day or 2 because i really need to contact my parents to make sure there okay".

"No problem Mr.Jacobs but for now explore the school see what you like and make some friend a while your at it.Come see me when you make up your mind"

And like that my good Readers Adrian is given a choice to work with the X-Men and learn in their institute I hope he makes a good decision.YOO WHATS UP LOGANG it's ur boi the Author make sure to comment what I should fix because I realized I make some grammatical errors and stuff.Also make sure to rate the novel and comment what your favorite part is.And If we reach 30 power stones and 10 comments on this chapter I'll upload 2 extra chapters.Now that's a good deal.IMMA GO TO SLEEP SO PEACE HOMIES.

Oh I forgot I just realized how much time I have and guess what you guessed it I'll be able to upload 2 chapters a day from now on.

And like that my good Readers Adrian is given a choice to work with the X-Men and learn in their institute I hope he makes a good decision.YOO WHATS UP LOGANG it’s ur boi the Author make sure to comment what I should fix because I realized I make some grammatical errors and stuff.Also make sure to rate the novel and comment what your favorite part is.And If we reach 30 power stones and 10 comments on this chapter I’ll upload 2 extra chapters.Now that’s a good deal.IMMA GO TO SLEEP SO PEACE

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