
The Path of Truth: The Virgo

"The Sacred Realm. A Universe of Pure Light." Kokoe's brother said. "You should find the Taurus and Virgo here. I shall be at the Temple of Light."

"I'll come with you brother!" Kokoe followed him.

"I feel some powerful Zodiac Energy to the left of us." Kanna said and her Aries Symbol shined brightly.

Yui saw the Libra Symbol shine brightly on her should. I looked at my hand and the Aquarius Symbol shined brightly. I looked to the left of us and felt the Zodiac Energy getting closer. I took a closer look and saw a woman in a beautiful white dress carrying a staff with flowers grown on them. She was followed by a male.

"Heroes of the Zodiac, I am pleased to finally see you've arrived. We have much to speak about." The woman looked at us. "My name is Astraea, The Virgo Goddess."

"There's some amazing Earth Elemental energy coming from her. Not only that she also has-"

"Holy Fire." I said. "Her aura...it's so calm yet so powerful."

"Yeah..." Yui nodded.

"Do you think you'll be able to obtain her blessing?" Kanna asked.

"I-I don't know. I still have much evil in my heart I can't rid of. I don't know if I can meet her requirements on time." I said.

"I know you're on a quest to receive the blessings of the Zodiacs, Yufumi. To receive my blessings all you need to do is relax and purify your heart of all evil. That is also how you can awaken your Angel Form." Astraea smiled at me. "You, Yui, Kanna, Saeris, and Sephora. Please follow me. The rest of you may explored the town as you please. The Church can not harm you there."

I nodded and followed Astraea along with Yui, Kanna, Saeris, and Sephora. The others headed into town to find an inn and relax for the time being. We entered a separate town from the main one Astraea said the others could enter. I looked around and we walked to Astraea's temple and entered. She led us towards a room with nothing but mats for us to sit in. It was full of beautiful plants and a calm white flame in the middle. She sat down on her knees on the biggest mat. We sat down as well.

"Resonate with me..." Astraea smiled and closed her eyes. Her aura calmly filled the room. "Calm your nerves and relax."

"Astraea...I don't think relaxing will help us in this war. If you haven't forgotten, the Church is still gaining more and more allies by the second. We-"

"Relax my child.." Astraea opened her eyes and smiled at me.

I quickly closed my eyes and tried to relax. I placed my hands on my knees. I opened one eye and saw Yui. I saw how relaxed she was and her aura calmly fused with Astraea. To be fair Cosima is a Spiritual Zodiac and does focus on Equality...it was easier for her to relax. I took a look at Sephora who was in her Ophi form and she looked pretty relaxed. Kanna did also, so I wondered what kept me from relaxing.

"Your mind is focused on the next battle you should have it seems. When was the last time you took your mind off your conquest and focused on yourself?" Astraea asked and looked at me.

"I don't really have time to just focus on myself. I have to get stronger as much and fast as possible. I can't afford to lose sight of my mission." I said.

"That's your problem. You focus only on your mission. Look at Yui. She is the embodiment of balance due to her Zodiac. Balancing conquest with personal time. You should do the same. Think about what you wish to do with others. The simple times you could have." Astraea closed her eyes.

"The simple times I could have..." I said and closed my eyes.

I thought about the fun times I could have with my friends...especially Yui. Going to the beach, building sand castles...splashing in the water. I smiled a bit and my aura began to calmly rise. Suddenly Kyria appeared and grabbed Yui and held a blade against her neck. I grunted and scrunched my eyes. Astraea noticed the shift in my aura. She opened one of her eyes and my aura surged wildly and the Holy Flame burned wildly in response.

"I see now. It's not that you can't relax...A Tiger is amongst you." Astraea said.

"That's the one thing that bothers me the most." Leona said. "Wherever Kyria is around, I get all riled up because she's a Tiger...you know we have a long rivalry."

"I see now. You were doing so well too...What can I do to help you relax...Ahh I got it. How about a little walk around the garden. Take your mind off it for a bit. It's not good to constantly think about your next battle. Take a break for a bit. Come and you can bring someone you care about as well." Astraea smiled.

I looked at Yui and she nodded and opened her eyes. I stood up and Yui did also. Astraea stood up and walked out the room then outside and we followed. She walked towards her garden and sighed happily. I looked at the flowers and Yui looked around as well.

"Your affinity with Yui is 41%. Do you wish to grow closer with her?" Astraea asked.

"Affinity?" I asked.

"Your natural understanding amongst you and your special someone. How close you are to a person. Your affinity is higher with Yui on a love perspective. When it comes to family, your highest is with Mikoko, Shizaki, Kufka and Li Mailin. You see them as sisters." Astraea smiled and looked back. "Hinari is your rival and your best friend is Murano."

"You know a bit too much about me." I said.

"Not at all, I can sense it within your spirit. Katsuguchi, Miyachi, and Himiya are your closest allies. You care a lot about them and will battle along side them and fight for them no matter what." Astraea said. "But your main focus is Yui. So focus only on her, and she shall focus on you back."

She led us to a table with two chairs and wanted us to sit. I blushed a bit and covered my left eye with my hair. Yui looked at me and smiled then moved my hair from my left eye.

"How's your eye? I heard after the battle with Trickster, your left eye became completely blind. Is it better?" She asked.

"I can kinda see out of it. It's not how it used to be, but it's getting better." I said.

Astraea sat on her throne outside and crossed one leg over the other and picked up a book from the table. She listened to our conversation and smiled.

"Are you nervous?" Yui tilted her head.

"A-A little. The last time I've had one on one time with someone was Murano on that date..." I looked away and blushed. "I spend most of my time beside you and yet we never had one on one time."

"We have it now, so stop being so tense." Yui smiled and placed her hands on her lap.

I relaxed my shoulders and twirled some of my hair around my index finger. Yui began to blush a bit as well and pat her legs. The birds chirped and a gentle breeze hit against our cheeks. Yui looked away a bit and ran her fingers through her hair. It wasn't awkward energy, we were embarrassed to look each other in the eye.

"So uhm.." I started.

"Yeah..?" Yui looked at me a bit, still blushing.

"When this is all over...I want to take you someplace special." I said.

"Like?" She looked at me completely as I got her attention.

"Somewhere like...the beach? Just you and me perhaps?" I looked at her a bit.

She blushed more and her cheeks were very rosey. I looked at her completely and she opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. She just grabbed my hands and nodded quickly. I looked a bit surprised by her sudden action then smiled.

"It's...a date then?" I asked.

"Definitely! Definitely a date!" Yui said happily and smiled.

"Their affinity rose quite a lot and quickly...it's at 64%." Astraea smiled.

Yui sat back down and felt my worries escape me. We talked about all our future plans together and as we talked Astraea kept tabs on our affinity. We did this for 10 days. On the 10th day, Yui stopped me and walked to talk in private. Astraea looked back and saw us. She nodded and walked ahead. I followed Yui to a private area and she blushed a lot and slightly twisted from side to side. She bit her lip a bit and looked at me. She held my hands and I looked at her. We locked eyes and I decided to break the silence.

"Something the matter?" I asked.

"No...Yes." Yui said. "I...I love you."

"I know and I love you too." I smiled.

"No not like that...I've fallen madly in love with you, Yu-chan." Yui said softly.

The silence arrived once more as the gently breeze blew and the birds sang their songs. I began blushing a lot as well. Cosima and Leona watched.

"Huh. Somehow, I'm shocked." Cosima whispered to Leona and crossed her arms.

"Huh? Why are you shocked..? I've seen this coming a long time ago." Leona closed her eyes. "How did you not see it?"

Cosima shrugged and watched. Yui let go of my hands then reached up to placed her hands on my cheeks. I held her hand and she closed her eyes and kissed my lips softly for a second then pulled back.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you...I never want to see you in my arms in pain or near death. I wish to be by your side forever." Yui smiled and looked at me.

"I'll make sure to always remain by your side then.." I said and smiled back.

We closed our eyes and kissed again. My body shined brightly. Cosima and Leona were surprised. My hair turned white and angel wings slowly grew from my back and wrapped around Yui and I. We pulled away from our kiss and looked into each other's eyes. She rubbed my cheeks with her thumb.

"You did it.." She said softly.

"I couldn't have done it without you..." I said and my eyes slowly turned golden.

"I'll always be beside you, through thick and thin...through the dark and light...all the pain and suffering we may experience along the way. I'll always remain loyal to you." Yui said.

"As will I." I smiled and saw blossom petals floating in the wing.

Yui and I watched the blossom petals and smiled. Leona and Cosima watched as well.

"Welp, we might become sisters." Leona said.

"You say it as if it was a bad thing." Cosima smiled.

"It isn't, just I've never had a sister before...that was a Zodiac at the very least. I'm quite happy for Yufumi and Yui. Especially my knight. She awakened all four forms...now the real battle begins." She said.

"That's true. The Hero of Origin rises again and sets foot into existence to create peace once more. This time, we have a chance to make eternal peace." Cosima smiled. "No more hiding in Temples and Shrines...no more being targeted for destruction...no more pain."

"You can say that again." Leona smiled. "Now it's the time for us to make things right. For good."